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rtcvb32: If protesting isn't enough, then I suppose the best we can do is get a change of power. Or outright riot (which I don't think would work well).
Again I request you check on the history of the French Revolution. A change of power (and an outright riot) did NOT go over very well for them.
The system we have may not be necessarily great, but it's the best we can hope for at the moment.
rtcvb32: Although very curious all the big banks and big corporations are backing Hillary and not backing Trump, and the media demonizes him without looking at Hillary's problems (unless forced to).
I'll confess that you do have a point with this, but that's not really a very convincing reason to vote for Trump, either. I hate "the system" as much as the next guy, but that doesn't make him any better. I understand people want to vote him just because the government, etc. hate him, which is a decent reason, but to me, he seems like too much of a brash and unpredictable wild card to be trustworthy.
Post edited October 31, 2016 by zeogold
low rated
Vladimir Putin said that both hillary and trump are made of the same cloth. i think the only reason there's 2 competitors is to give the impression that there's always a choice when there's none at all. i remember when there was bush and gore - it was the same thing except they were both more normal than current candidates
low rated
zeogold: but that doesn't make him any better. I understand people want to vote him just because the government, etc. hate him, which is a decent reason, but to me, he seems like too much of a brash and unpredictable wild card to be trustworthy.
ciomalau: Vladimir Putin said that both hillary and trump are made of the same cloth. i think the only reason there's 2 competitors is to give the impression that there's always a choice when there's none at all.
Whatever happens, it's going to be a rough decade coming up from this point on.
low rated
zeogold: I'll confess that you do have a point with this
No he doesn't; the simple explanation, which is usually the correct one, is that the banks and other corporations don't want to risk their business to an unpredictable and incompetent buffoon like Trump, so they support the other candidate.

Anyone in business would do the same, it's safer with what you know than a total idiot like Trump.

It doesn't make a conspiracy though.
rtcvb32: If protesting isn't enough, then I suppose the best we can do is get a change of power. Or outright riot (which I don't think would work well).
zeogold: Again I request you check on the history of the French Revolution. A change of power (and an outright riot) did NOT go over very well for them.
You do know that the system YOU are referring too was made on the same basis? (more or less ;) )

So 50 - 50? ;)
zeogold: Again I request you check on the history of the French Revolution. A change of power (and an outright riot) did NOT go over very well for them.
Goodaltgamer: hm.....
You do know that the system YOU are referring too was made on the same basis? (more or less ;) )

So 50 - 50? ;)
Could you clarify what you mean? I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at with the portion you quoted.
rtcvb32: Although very curious all the big banks and big corporations are backing Hillary and not backing Trump
How is that curious? The only economic plans he's put forth was making new trade deals using "negotiators whose goal will be to win for America", and imposing tariffs of 35% and 45% on Mexican and Chinese goods respectively, two of America's largest trading partners.

Leaving aside the merits of this plan, just knowing that the economy and stock markets abhor big changes to the status quo is enough to know they are going to take a hit in, at least, the short to medium term if he ever does try to implement these things, and wasn't just running his mouth when he said it.

So how is it at all curious that the banks would support the candidate that would best ensure their economic stability in the immediate future?
Kleetus: No he doesn't; the simple explanation, which is usually the correct one, is that the banks and other corporations don't want to risk their business to an unpredictable and incompetent buffoon like Trump, so they support the other candidate.

Anyone in business would do the same, it's safer with what you know than a total idiot like Trump.
Well, I'm not really talking about banks and business, though. I'm more talking about the higher-ups, government-level stuff.
As far as companies go, I really doubt they care all that much and just want to support whatever will make them seem the best in the eyes of the public. If there's a push for LGBT rights, post on the company's Facebook page that the company likes LGBT groups. If there's a push to cure breast cancer, announce that every purchase of the product will be a 10-cent donation to the Susan G. Komen foundation (up to, of course, a max of about $10,000 or so, which is only listed in the fine print). If there's a push for Hillary Clinton and whatever social movements she seems to stand for while Trump is being mass-demonized...well, there you go.
Post edited October 31, 2016 by zeogold
zeogold: Could you clarify what you mean? I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at with the portion you quoted.
He means the US independence.
So glad GOG refused to close this thread! :P

Smell that? It's sarcasm. :D
zeogold: Could you clarify what you mean? I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at with the portion you quoted.
French revolution: based on revolution and change of power, out right riot

American revolution:based on revolution and change of power, out right riot.

Both were revolutions, based on necessitate, difference, leadership in the aftermath. The French were getting torn apart from the inside, America was lucky enough to have a better leadership.

I think this was what you tried to point out with the French revolution, that the leadership afterwards was being torn apart from the inside, or?
zeogold: Could you clarify what you mean? I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at with the portion you quoted.
DaCostaBR: He means the US independence.
Oh, I get it now.
DaCostaBR: He means the US independence.
zeogold: Oh, I get it now.
Yeah, sometimes you are a wee bit slow :P
zeogold: Could you clarify what you mean? I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at with the portion you quoted.
Goodaltgamer: French revolution: based on revolution and change of power, out right riot

American revolution:based on revolution and change of power, out right riot.

Both were revolutions, based on necessitate, difference, leadership in the aftermath. The French were getting torn apart from the inside, America was lucky enough to have a better leadership.

I think this was what you tried to point out with the French revolution, that the leadership afterwards was being torn apart from the inside, or?
Whoop, there we are. Should've refreshed.

It's a little bit different, though. The French attempted to rehaul the government of their entire country, while the Americans simply split off and formed their own government since their rights were being infringed upon, AND had a well-laid-out plan for doing so.
The point I was trying to make to rt is that yelling "THE GOVERNMENT IS CORRUPT! BURN IT DOWN! Is utterly pointless and leads to ruin, which is what happened with the French.
tinyE: So glad GOG refused to close this thread! :P

Smell that? It's sarcasm. :D
I can't say I necessarily want the thread to be closed. What I DO want is for OP to understand that spamming is useless, cease doing it, and turn to actual rational debate instead.
I mean, I have learned some valuable information from this thread, though not necessarily from OP.
...and I've admittedly had some good laughs, too.
Post edited October 31, 2016 by zeogold
BTW, regarding the French Revolution, NEITHER of you bozos knows your history!

Both of you failed to mention the attempt to save the King by replacing him with The Royal Piss boy.