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low rated
PaterAlf: Indeed he can (at least on the moon landing, haven't searched for the holocaust):

This is unbelievable...
Fascinating, although I'd like to see the Chinese images vs the original and then them explaining it rather than just saying it. I remember back in 2012-2014 or so that Mythbusters did a segment to show if/how it was a conspiracy or not.
Can you imagine what it was like to be married to this asshole!?

His poor wife didn't need a divorce lawyer, she needed an exorcist!
low rated
tinyE: Can you imagine what it was like to be married to this asshole!?
Imagine having a threesome with him and AJ?
low rated
The Federal Aviation Administration initially said the pilot aborted takeoff after reporting a blown-out tire. But city fire spokesman Larry Langford said he saw no blown tires at the scene.
There seems to be a lot of conflicting (and illogical) reports when something else is going on. I almost have to wonder if this was an assassination attempt, if so I wonder who of the 200 something passengers was the target.

As a reminder an ex-Putin adviser died in a Washington DC hotel due to an 'accident' which somehow included blunt force trauma.

Supposedly there's also suicides where it's totally normal to cut off your arms legs and then head as well. If I find the report I'll post it.
rtcvb32: .
I want to visit your world and enjoy your magical rides.
rtcvb32: Interesting...

The Federal Aviation Administration initially said the pilot aborted takeoff after reporting a blown-out tire. But city fire spokesman Larry Langford said he saw no blown tires at the scene.
rtcvb32: There seems to be a lot of conflicting (and illogical) reports when something else is going on. I almost have to wonder if this was an assassination attempt, if so I wonder who of the 200 something passengers was the target.

As a reminder an ex-Putin adviser died in a Washington DC hotel due to an 'accident' which somehow included blunt force trauma.

Supposedly there's also suicides where it's totally normal to cut off your arms legs and then head as well. If I find the report I'll post it.
low rated
Because it's totally impossible that someone with a lot of money could rig a plane to leak and/or blowup just after takeoff. It's also unbelievable that we got news that Building #7 fell an hour BEFORE IT FELL (stupid timezones).

totally unbelievable.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by rtcvb32
Hey, at least he's presenting an actual argument this time instead of spamming links.
You could at least have the courtesy to tell him WHY what he's talking about is crap rather than automatically assuming it's crap just because he posts it.
Not saying that he's necessarily right, but don't just blindly make assumptions about the information. Otherwise, you're no better than he is, or even worse.
rtcvb32: Because it's totally impossible that someone with a lot of money could rig a plane to leak and/or blowup just after takeoff. It's also unbelievable that we got news that Building #7 fell an hour BEFORE IT FELL (stupid timezones).

totally unbelievable.
What do you think Draco?
zeogold: You could at least have the courtesy to tell him WHY what he's talking about is crap rather than automatically assuming it's crap just because he posts it.
I tried that and you tried that....countless times.

Did it ever get us anywhere?

I'm not going to bust my ass debunking his crap word for word just so he can ignore me, and you know damn well THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WOULD HAPPEN.

He doesn't want to hear why he is full of. He doesn't want an debate, he doesn't want disagreement, and he sure as hell doesn't want anything even remotely resembling reality.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by tinyE
high rated
rtcvb32: Interesting... There seems to be a lot of conflicting (and illogical) reports when something else is going on. I almost have to wonder if this was an assassination attempt, if so I wonder who of the 200 something passengers was the target.
Or, and pardon my tinfoil here, but what if...someone made a mistake? Unthinkable, I know, that someone in the rush of the moment after such a big event, might get something wrong.

But just imagine for a single moment that in the middle of many conflicting reports, as is often the case in stressful times like these, someone at the FAA mistakenly took someone's guess of what happened, the very likely and banal blown tire, as an informed opinion. Then later when American Airlines gave their more informed report, backed by the fire marshalls and GE investigators, the FAA, acting like professionals, acknowledged their mistake by retracting the incorrect statement and amending their report.

Nah, on second thought, they probably wanted to quietly assassinate someone and decided to do it in the most public and collateral damage filled way.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by DaCostaBR
tinyE: I'm not going to bust my ass debunking his crap word for word just so he can ignore me, and you know damn well THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WOULD HAPPEN.
Don't do it for him. Do it for people who may open this thread and wonder exactly what's going on.
In his mind, people like you, Breja and others are biased and fighting against the "truth", so he continues doing it in the hopes that some stray wanderer may see what he posts and listen to him.
You want to defeat his purpose? Undermine his arguments. Do exactly what OneFiercePuppy and others have. Then you're doing the most good.
low rated
zeogold: Hey, at least he's presenting an actual argument this time instead of spamming links.
You could at least have the courtesy to tell him WHY what he's talking about is crap rather than automatically assuming it's crap just because he posts it.
Saturdays are quiet so this one just jumped out at me otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up.

Besides it's a theory of what and why, we will have to see if it's brought up or analyzed or we get more information. Until we have more information it's just a theory, nothing more.

To note though assassinations are done in all different kinds of ways, including guns/snipers, poison, plane crashes, car crashes, suffocation/drowning among other things.

It's also said assassination could be done by a fast acting disease/virus, or forcing a heart attack. Stanley Meyer died before signing a big deal, he claimed he was poisoned and then died shortly after.

DaCostaBR: But just imagine for a single moment that in the middle of many conflicting reports, as is often the case in stressful times like these, someone at the FAA mistakenly took someone's guess of what happened, the very likely and banal blown tire, as an informed opinion. Then later when American Airlines gave their more informed report,
Possible. I know the sheer amounts of safety checks they have to do for planes though is absurd. My dad owned a plane and you have to do something like a 30 point check sheet every time you are about to fly. So simply failing to notice something important seems unlikely. Although not impossible. As for getting someone else's guess? Possible. As i said we need more information.
Post edited October 30, 2016 by rtcvb32
rtcvb32: Saturdays are quiet so this one just jumped out at me otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up.
Here's a question for you:
What exactly is it you intend for people to DO with all this information?
Maybe WW3 is coming. Maybe Clinton's rigged the election. Maybe the American government's made a pact with the devil.
So what? You want us to...riot? Picket over in Washington D.C.? Send glitter bombs to our local politicians? What's the point of informing us if there's nothing we can do about it?
Post edited October 30, 2016 by zeogold
rtcvb32: Saturdays are quiet so this one just jumped out at me otherwise I wouldn't have brought it up.
zeogold: Here's a question for you:
What exactly is it you intend for people to DO with all this information?
Maybe WW3 is coming. Maybe Clinton's rigged the election. Maybe the American government's made a pact with the devil.
So what? What are we supposed to do with it? What's the point of informing us if there's nothing we can do about it?
You can vote just like.....oh wait....he doesn't vote.
low rated
zeogold: Here's a question for you:
What exactly is it you intend for people to DO with all this information?
What's the point of informing us if there's nothing we can do about it?
Being aware of the problems is the first step to solving it. And when there's enough people aware and seeing the problems we can push to fix the problems. Individually we probably can't do anything. But as a larger group/movement/community, it can be fixed.

As for WW3, if the government says we are going to war and we all say no, then we don't go to war.

tinyE: You can vote just like.....oh wait....he doesn't vote.
I've never voted before. But that changed this year, because something is different.

Didn't I say that? Didn't I imply that in my opening post?
Post edited October 30, 2016 by rtcvb32