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tinyE: I can understand why the Trump supporters feel Hillary would need to steal the election to win it,

Seriously, this is akin to me walking up to someone on the street, pulling down my pants, pissing on them, and then laying in the hospital after he kicks the shit out of me telling everyone "Someone must have paid him to beat me up."
Yeah. And Jesus was a guy that flipped tables, disrupted services, incited riots, was completely condescending to everyone that disagreed with him, and eventually got what he deserved. I can't understand why he has so many supporters when he spent his life being such an asshole.
low rated
rtcvb32: I don't know what would qualify as 'best of'.
Kleetus: I understand, all my posts are quality, it would be difficult choosing which ones.
hehe, now THIS is a quality post :)
quality.png (17 Kb)
low rated
rtcvb32: .
I'm thinking of making you my political editor on Kleetus News.

Kleetus News, the knew news.

If it works out, I can envisage a Meet The Press show hosted by you and AJ.
low rated
Today: 28 Oct 2016 - 10 days out
Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - FBI reopening investigation in connection to Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin (although very vague) Jason Chaffetz tweeted the news (normally Friday releases are mostly unnoticed but not this time), Clinton campaign calling the young people '<i>F**king dumb</i>' using celebrities to attract and get follows (Don't forget Jay Z's concert), Female draft and backlash and #DRAFTOURDAUGHTERS, Back in 2006 Hillary proposed rigging Palestine election (audio), In Maryland '<i>they switched my vote to Hillary</i>', Ballots for sale!, Bundy Brothers acquitted 'it's the government that picks and chooses the rules it's going to comply with' and such an overreach. Bundy brothers remain jailed following attorney tackled by US Marshals and private property rights overreach and lies (2014-2015 related videos [url=]2 Stand at Maleur). Reverend Horton Heat: Regan polls vs landslide, Brexit vote, Hillary as president; we'll lose more of our freedoms, financial/debt of US, freedom of information and thought, 6 corporations control the media. FBI why would they notice new emails 10 days before election?? Either smoke screen, discredit wikileaks, or Comey is scared and needs to be active to keep his job or have a job once Trump is president, possibly a ploy to keep Obama in power. 'There is a larger plot-line', another sex/sexting scandal for democrats, no coverage to/from Project Veritas or FBI investigating corruption.
Post edited October 29, 2016 by rtcvb32
high rated
Part 49.4

Today: 29 Oct 2016 – always a day ahead of rtcvb32

First blargh: Syrian reefugeeees have stolen letter e from both Amrica and Urop, Donald to demand reparations, secret compound made of natural hydrogen and oxygen found to relieve thirst, Donald: Julian Assange is “loser holding back the real real good stuff about those Clinton emails”, Alex Jones is pregnant/ husband Charlie Thompson confirms, sources reveal Clinton totally lost secret WW3 last year, Putin: “We didn’t hack anything. The internet is virgin soil for all of us”, paragraph found in bible says that Donald can’t lose election by decree of our Lord God, your wife secretly digs Syrian men, it’s true and you have to do something about it, Donald repeats plans to extort protecti… I mean to ask a reasonable amount of money from Urop allies for fixing the problems Urop likely wouldn’t have without the Amrican wars for oil, Donald promises: “We will have the best healthcare in Amrica that only a whole lot of money can buy. A ridiculous amount of money, I tell you, it’ll be that good”, Syrian reefugeeee kids in strange terrifying garb will ring your doorbell on Monday and beg for candy chanting pagan songs, threaten violence, it’s their foreign religion and somesuch, there’s nothing like that in our great Amrican culture, absurd SJWs claim reefugeeees don’t have enough e letters yet, Amrican splling bs thratnd, Clinton will start WW4, we haven’t told you that already right, Obama’s FBI won’t continue Clinton email investigations.

Second blargh: Amrica’s FBI will continue Clinton email investigations, “wage gap” myth destroyed: it’s just because lazy women get preggo and then skip work and it’s not as if Amrica needed all those damn kids, let’s not give a flying shit about children starting from the very moment they leave the womb all right, but until then, OMFG fetuses are the best fucking thing in all of Amrica, Clinton will REALLY start WW4 all sources agree, Jatravartids from Viltvodle VI would also vote for Donald if they were Amrican citizens, Disney refutes claim that Uropen Drumpf family had changed name from original “Duck” to “Drumpf”, your 42yo Amrican daughter will lose her virginity to two well endowed Syrian reefugeeees tonight, better lock her up and smear Alex™ Jones™ instant reefugeeee repellant gel (IRRG™) on all door handles and female repro parts (buy now in our shop, 12 oz. $350.00 +tax +p&p or two years in a FEMA reeducation camp), paragraph in Amrican Constitution found stating that Donald must be president, Donald: “I will work with our allies in Urop, I don’t know where they are, they showed me a map, still don’t know, it’s not that insane Merkel for sure”, Clinton will REALLY REALLY start WW4, believe me already, Syrian reefugeeees have dug up your great-grandmother “just to snuggle”.

Third blargh: Alex Jones found Bill Clinton’s illegitimate black son, true story, Clinton will REALLY REALLY REALLY start WW4, for fuck’s sake why don’t you get that in your head, I’ve said it so many times now, secret google search algorithms heavily biased against pro-Donald articles, crazy German chancellor Merkel wants google search algorithm transparency, “Amrican government must abide by German law on German soil”, endangers Amrican right to world surveillance, free speech endangered by crazy SJWs who vow to speak up when they hear racist and sexist comments, Donald: “I never asked about nuclear missiles. Don’t know what they are. Just don’t know. What are they? …REALLY? Say… can we use them? Why not? Why not? Why not? Why not?”, politics are rigged, the media is rigged, the internet is rigged, the science is rigged, all the independent polls are rigged, the election is rigged, the GOG forum is rigged, the voters are all rigged, Amrica is rigged, Urop is rigged, common sense is rigged and I Alex Jones alone am sane enough to scream into a microphone for hours a day until the world ends which is soon because FYI, in case you didn’t know, Clinton will start WW4.
low rated
Vainamoinen: .
I want to hire you as my European correspondent on Kleetus News.
I got $50 bucks says numb nuts is going to take the following link seriously and use it as further evidence. XD

Water Fluoridation
low rated
tinyE: I got $50 bucks says numb nuts is going to take the following link seriously and use it as further evidence. XD

Water Fluoridation
I'd prefer these two
tinyE: I got $50 bucks says numb nuts is going to take the following link seriously and use it as further evidence. XD

Water Fluoridation
rtcvb32: I'd prefer these two
Would it be safe to assume you believe the moon landing and the Holocaust were both faked?
low rated
tinyE: Would it be safe to assume you believe the moon landing and the Holocaust were both faked?
No it would be unsafe to assume such a thing; I'm pretty sure both happened, although my knowledge with both are limited since history is my worst subject.
tinyE: Would it be safe to assume you believe the moon landing and the Holocaust were both faked?
rtcvb32: history is my worst subject.
It's pretty obvious you have A LOT of "worst" subjects.
Post edited October 29, 2016 by tinyE
tinyE: Would it be safe to assume you believe the moon landing and the Holocaust were both faked?
rtcvb32: No it would be unsafe to assume such a thing; I'm pretty sure both happened, although my knowledge with both are limited since history is my worst subject.
I'm sure Alex Jones can illuminate you on the subject.
rtcvb32: No it would be unsafe to assume such a thing; I'm pretty sure both happened, although my knowledge with both are limited since history is my worst subject.
Pangaea666: I'm sure Alex Jones can illuminate you on the subject.
Indeed he can (at least on the moon landing, haven't searched for the holocaust):

This is unbelievable...
Pangaea666: I'm sure Alex Jones can illuminate you on the subject.
PaterAlf: Indeed he can (at least on the moon landing, haven't searched for the holocaust):

This is unbelievable...
At this point I'm tempted to ask you to stop.

This is seriously scaring the ever loving shit out of me!
tinyE: At this point I'm tempted to ask you to stop.

This is seriously scaring the ever loving shit out of me!
Don't worry, I'm not going to continue. I was just amazed that the guy believes in every nutjob conspiracy theory that exists. Amazed, not surprised.