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rtcvb32: I've never voted before. But that changed this year, because something is different.
Are they seriously going to let you out of your padded room long enough to do that? Far out.
rtcvb32: Possible. I know the sheer amounts of safety checks they have to do for planes though is absurd. My dad owned a plane and you have to do something like a 30 point check sheet every time you are about to fly. So simply failing to notice something important seems unlikely. Although not impossible. As for getting someone else's guess? Possible. As i said we need more information.
Precisely, so why would a sabotage attempt be any more likely to have gotten through?

And just as important, why is it that given both an innocuous explanation and a conspiracy, you immediately gravitate to the latter?
rtcvb32: As for WW3, if the government says we are going to war and we all say no, then we don't go to war.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. That is NOT how war works!
First of all, there's this little thing called "the draft" that can be used to FORCE you into war whether you like it or not.
Second of all, "all of us" will NOT say no. I'm not sure how you even think that's feasible. Ask yourself just how much good the protests for the Vietnam War did.
Third of all, if we got attacked, you'd want us to...just sit there and all get killed?
rtcvb32: Being aware of the problems is the first step to solving it. And when there's enough people aware and seeing the problems we can push to fix the problems. Individually we probably can't do anything. But as a larger group/movement/community, it can be fixed.
And so you're making "enough" people aware by...posting on a forum where there's around 100 or so active readers, max? 90% of whom have already marked you as a nutcase?

How in the world is that supposed to be even REMOTELY effective?
If you really wanted people to listen, you'd be on a place where there's more people, such as Reddit or Twitter or something...or are you afraid there's going to be more people to push back there?

Oh, and I don't care how many people you get behind a movement, NOTHING can be fixed unless there's a plan in place.
I know history, as you've said, is a subject that you're weak on. Do me a favor and look up information about the events which led up to and ended the French Revolution. Perhaps you can learn something about how poorly getting behind an idea that had no substance to it went for France (and other countries as well, but France is the most prominent example).
Post edited October 30, 2016 by zeogold
rtcvb32: As for WW3, if the government says we are going to war and we all say no, then we don't go to war.
zeogold: Ask yourself just how much good the protests for the Vietnam War did.
I don't know. It did wonders for the Tye-Dye industry, it brought to our attention the fact that the Indiana State National Guard can't shoot for shit, and it reaffirmed our right to protest. :D
low rated
tinyE: Can you imagine what it was like to be married to this asshole!?

His poor wife didn't need a divorce lawyer, she needed an exorcist!
I can see why you are single.
tinyE: I don't know. It did wonders for the Tye-Dye industry
I think you're confusing protest with drugs.
I mean, I know the things were pretty closely related in the 60s, but still.
tinyE: I don't know. It did wonders for the Tye-Dye industry
zeogold: I think you're confusing protest with drugs.
I mean, I know the things were pretty closely related in the 60s, but still.
I'm pretty sure those Indiana Guardsmen were stone sober when they opened fire.
low rated
rtcvb32: Individually we probably can't do anything. But as a larger group/movement/community, it can be fixed.
I want to march and protest with you and engage in civil disobedience.
low rated
rtcvb32: As for WW3, if the government says we are going to war and we all say no, then we don't go to war.
zeogold: Whoa, whoa, whoa. That is NOT how war works!
First of all, there's this little thing called "the draft" that can be used to FORCE you into war whether you like it or not.
Any law that breaks the constitution is not lawful. As such we outnumber the government at least 10,000 to 1. Sorry, but if we all disagree, then we simply override it. The nation cannot exist without it's people.

zeogold: Second of all, "all of us" will NOT say no. I'm not sure how you even think that's feasible. Ask yourself just how much good the protests for the Vietnam War did.
Third of all, if we got attacked, you'd want us to...just sit there and all get killed?
The largest majority of us don't want to go to war. That will be enough.

As for if we get attacked, we deal with it if/when it happens. But there's many cases where the US has faked being attacked in order to justify war. So i think simply saying 'our plane was attacked' or 'we lost xxx ship at sea' might not be enough to justify it.

So i ask in return then, what about Biden/Clinton poking Russia trying to get them to attack? Are they suppose to not react? They are being very reasonable so far as i can tell.

zeogold: And so you're making "enough" people aware by...posting on a forum where there's around 100 or so active readers, max? 90% of whom have already marked you as a nutcase?

How in the world is that supposed to be even REMOTELY effective?
In Quantum leap this was explained, that if i affect a person, they will probably affect others around them, who affect others around them, etc. It's fractal and branches out to potentially affect millions of people.

I don't use Twitter, or facebook, nor do I have the followers to get said attention, nor would I want to. I don't have a blog outside of here, so probably I'd reach far fewer going somewhere else.

zeogold: Do me a favor and look up information about the events which led up to and ended the French Revolution. Perhaps you can learn something about how poorly getting behind an idea that had no substance to it went for France (and other countries as well, but France is the most prominent example).
I'll try. While reading technical information on computers and programming is fun for me, not so sure about history.
rtcvb32: I don't use Twitter, or facebook, nor do I have the followers to get said attention, nor would I want to. I don't have a blog outside of here, so probably I'd reach far fewer going somewhere else.
Name to me even 5 people you've reached so far by staying here.
Trust me, you'd actually reach far more going somewhere else.
low rated
rtcvb32: I don't use Twitter
love.jpg (30 Kb)
rtcvb32: In Quantum leap this was explained, that if i affect a person, they will probably affect others around them, who affect others around them, etc. It's fractal and branches out to potentially affect millions of people.
Quantum Leap is a science fiction television show that has lots of scientific errors which I won't delve into at the moment.

Let's assume this is true for a moment. It works the opposite way as well, though. You're doing such a poor job at being convincing with your arguments that you're actually doing more harm to your own ideas. A majority are thinking that you're crazy, and consequently that your ideas are crazy. You're actually helping to spread the notion that Infowars and other such sources are completely unreliable. I can say this is personally true for me, as I haven't ever heard of Infowars before, and, based on how you've presented it, the place seems like utter crap.
So I believe it's crap, and others will believe it's crap, and me and them will affect others around us, and it's fractal and branches out to potentially affect millions of people with the concept that Infowars and sources like it are crap.

Is this what you wanted to accomplish?
low rated
rtcvb32: I don't use Twitter
Kleetus: Bullshit:
hehe, cute.

I'd probably use a different name and a different picture. Probably my favorite picture from Blood++.
rtcvb32: The largest majority of us don't want to go to war. That will be enough.
Not really, no. I can tell you're EXTREMELY weak in history to believe a statement like this.
I'm not really sure what else to tell you besides this simply isn't how reality works. Ideally, yes, we could all have peace because none of us want to go to war. Realistically, however, this never happens. Not to mention the psychological/sociological thing where people WANT to go to war due to patriotism or whatever, but I won't get into that.
All I can really do without giving you the history of practically every war ever is to tell you that what you're suggesting is impossible.
zeogold: Name to me even 5 people you've reached so far by staying here.
He's reached A LOT OF PEOPLE in here.

Just not the way he intended, and I'm not being silly here.

Any other place and in any other fashion, some of his arguments might have been, at the very least, taken into consideration by some of us, but when you throw them out there the way he does it automatically causes most folks to reject them regardless of their veracity. If he was to come in here with that fucking attitude of his and tell everyone the world was round, there would be no doubt some people here tempted to join The Flat Earth Society.