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tinyE: Have you noticed that all of the OP's bullshit are truths and all of our truths are bullshit? :P
It's the quintessential ideological extremist. Whether Islamist, Christian fundamentalist, far-left, far-right - they all follow the encapsulated rationalisation of dismissing any proof of the falsehood of their theories (or the complete lack of any evidence other than a vague impression of "making sense") as a "conspiracy" or "ignorance".

Of course, it helps when the delusional worldview offers them effortless comfort of knowing that they are inherently superior and don't have to work for their right to be proud - the fact that he has achieved fuck-all in life (the fact that he spends so long scouring Infowars and Breitbart for this rubbish really shows that he has nothing better to do with his life) fades into irrelevance when the mere state of being white, Judeo-Christian-Atheist, American and probably male gives him automatic admission to the Master Race.

That's what extremist recruiters prey upon - those who have failed in life due to a combination of rampant social discrimination, narcissism, and shifting the blame for one's own failures onto others, wishing to feel superior at no expense. That's why Trump supporters tend to be overwhelmingly low- or no-income, low-education racist twits, that's why Daesh recruits tend to be overwhelmingly the corresponding anti-social failures among Muslims. Of course, you do get people from well-off or educated backgrounds, but that's usually just an expression of unhealthy narcissism.

These sentiments make them easy targets for political and religious radicalisation, because the promised reward is a self-realising illusion (entry into paradise, preferential treatment in the "glorious new political order", the right to do what you want, etc.)
low rated
Today: 26 Oct 2016 - 12 days
First hour - Tampa speech most powerful yet, Alex believes Trump has won the 2016 Election; see why, Danney Williams (bait & switch for press conference), In Colorado voters voting twice (<i>for Hillary</i>), $675,000 donation to FBI investigator's wife, Michelle and Barack Obama have openly <i><span class="bold">promoted</span></i> rap artists who glorify misogyny, Computer outage raises fear of cyber attacks, Satan 2 missile which could take out France or Texas, globe example how close we are to Russia, Chinese and Nordic bloodlines, Hillary would start WW3, Syrian refugee with 4 wives 23 kids gets $400,000/yr in benefits, Norway reactor leaking iodine, common sense are making people jump the fence and voting for Trump, protestors Washington bridge, spike of illegals, Gruber on Obamacare: Working as designed, Illegals surging border, promised citizenship by Hillary, 'They want to kill the golden goose because they can't compete with it'.

Second hour - Mafias and organized crime to scam everyone and consolidate power. Obama lied about knowing about the private server 'we need to clean this up', Early voting interviews in TX 'Hillary's bad qualities/actions are connected to good policies'??, Michael Snyder: The oversampled polls make it hard to see how this will play out, Trump would win by 5million votes in some states and still lose election so individual states, rigged for democrats, Trump needs to carry all states Romney won in 2012, Needs NC AZ FL OH NV and/or WS PA MI UT, Trump interview, Hillary would lead us into WW3, Big picture, if Trump wins it will be the biggest miracle, David vs Goliath, vote switching in Texas and vote switching in 2012, Texas switching to paper ballots, Dead voters for decades, voting multiple times, Democrats pledge to take Texas, Veritas videos, Anti-Trump Violence, How can/do they survive Wikileaks?, Norway host Marines on Russian Border, Russia unveils defensive nuke, Russia '<i>puzzled</i>' by decision from Norway in violation of decades old commitment, Russia survey Obama at %1.

Third Hour - Michael Snyder: WW3, Biden openly threatened Russia, if Russians wanted to attack us they could but aren't, defensive missile Satan2, Russia has nuclear superiority, 'nuclear war is a suicide mission'. day of and day after 48 hour constant coverage, Texas moves to paper ballots (<i>vote flipping and glitches</i>), Project Veritas and overseas accounts/money. Roger Stone: There's confusion between poll watching and exit polling, Stop The, The press is suppressing information rather than providing it, 'Over? Nothing's over til we say it is', 'This will be the biggest organizing against fraud', Bill met on bus tour by rape whistlers, Trump's getting back to his core messages, Hillary had closed-door meeting with board/supervisor (Brenda Snipes) of elections in Florida (and mysteriously marijuana won't be an option for voting), some hacking/attacks. Shattering lies. Project Veritas 4th video, Russ Verney: 'The effort to circumvent finance laws is just despicable', 'This makes Watergate pale in comparison', 'Sooner or later congress will have to look into all of these things', proven pay-for-play, 'We're going to keep exposing the nefarious acts and voter fraud'.

Fourth Hour - We're not in a simulation, Texas vote flipping, Friday internet outage likely not from Russia probably pissed off American hackers, 'it's like fight club', Australian Anti-vax nurses attacked, live cancer viruses in vaccines giving 100-million Americans cancer, Gruber on Obamacare: Working as designed, Voter fraud in Texas and dropping audit trails, 'movement needs to take back control of elections and make them fair again', AT&T & Time Warner deal, 'Trump knows and understands these techniques for years', Voting officials insist no-fraud (newspaper), Keith Ingram and shutting down auditing voting machine. Mixed laws on proof of ballot vote/fraud/audit trails a felony? , [url=]no way of monitoring/auditing voting machines inviting errors and fraud, [url=]Election pact.
Post edited October 27, 2016 by rtcvb32
tinyE: How exactly are you supposed to have a debate/conversation with someone like that? NO MATTER what you say it's a crock of shit, and no matter what he says it's God's word.
“A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.” - Winston Churchill
low rated
Today: 26 Oct 2016 - 12 days
Full Audio Podcast (<i>3 hours</i>)
Full (<i>3 hours</i>)
Daily Headlines

Nightly News - Bank merger, communication mergers, voting machine companies 50% of voting machines, bipartisan scam to run/control election, Keith Ingram shutting down audit trail, Texas returned to paper ballots after '<i>glitches</i>', reform election process, Trump rips into AT&amp;T / Time Warner deal, warning '<i>deals like this destroy democracy</i>' Project Veritas Video #4, TPP/Trade agreements to use Copyright to shutdown/censor anyone. More tech mergers/privacy concerns, geospacial intelligence gathering, Protestors shut down NY Bridge, Syrian refugee with 4 wives 23 kids gets $400,000/yr in benefits, Danney William's (<i>Clinton's son</i>) Youtube channel banned! <i><span class="bold"><span class="podkreslenie">FOREVER</span></span></i>!! ( [url=]tw ), [url=]Border crossing 600-800 per day, lawlessness 'treated like traffic tickets', Illegals going door to door pushing Hillary, at least 95,000 illegal immigrant children flooding US schools, 275,000 illegals birthed, Illegals getting more rights than US Citizens, 'catch and release', double standards, COG/Black Budget, California National Guard members ordered to repay bonuses 10 years <span class="bold">AFTER</span> they fought in wars (<i>about $30Mil</i>) yet [url=]Gives $419 million in aid to Syrian Refugees.
Post edited October 27, 2016 by rtcvb32
low rated
jamyskis: That's why Trump supporters tend to be overwhelmingly low- or no-income, low-education racist twits...
Actually, the largest majority of Trump supporters are lower to middle class, business owners, as well as those getting screwed by the current system.

Trump seems to routinely draw crowds of 20,000 filling the area up, and then having to turn 20,000 away because they simply don't have room for them, so they mingle outside and might even hear the speech from speakers while hanging out.
high rated
Part 48.2

Today: 27 Oct 2016 - 11 days till madness subsides

Nightly News - Donald Trump not racist 100% of polled white supremacists agree, Trump: Putin (10/10)’s annexation of Crimea and invasion of Ukraine “just an accident” and “could happen to everyone, even myself, wink wink”, Clinton (2/10) proven to already have used nuclear weapons (on email server), schizophrenic SJWs (3/10) think you can “be critical of the media you love”, Hillary (2/10) will literally take your guns away: come to your house in person and search your makeup table, will likely also bring husband to molest your wife (4/10) and children (8/10, would totally date), great website now advising its readers (9/10) to beat themselves with sticks to metamorphose into alpha males, GOG user noncompliantgame (3/10) and his 100+ alternative downvote accounts will receive grand trolling prize from platform owners, including several years of mandatory vacation, SJWs (3/10) to take Christmas away starting at Starbucks, Alex™ Jones™ (10/10) 12-layer tinfoil full body armour against Hillary (2/10) Clinton’s mind and body control rays (Hillarays™) now available in our shop $499.99 +tax +p&p or one year in a FEMA reeducation camp, new Hillary (2/10) plan to kill white girls (9/10) uncovered/pumpkin spice actually toxic (contains fluoride), striking new Trump defense against accusers: “Pics or it didn’t happen”, Obama (1/10) approved fascist FEMA reeducation camps to teach you America's values aren't violence and guns, double standard unveiled: additional "i" found in European version of TTP, immigration scandal: parental generation of 300+ million American citizens have come into the country illegally, raped, mutilated, abused, killed original citizens.
Post edited October 27, 2016 by Vainamoinen
low rated
Vainamoinen: Nightly News - Donald Trump not racist 100% of polled white <snip>
Where's the link(s)/article(s) for said news?
1st hour: Alex screams a lot.
2nd hour: More screaming.
3rd hour: He's got quite the voice, I'll give him that.
4th hour: Lots of screaming, but yet to say anything remotely sensible. Achievement Unlocked: Raving Madman.
rtcvb32: Where's the link(s)/article(s) for said news?
You want to buy that Alex Jones brand tin foil full body armour, don't you.
rtcvb32: Where's the link(s)/article(s) for said news?
Vainamoinen: You want to buy that Alex Jones brand tin foil full body armour, don't you.
I'm sorry, but he didn't take your post seriously, did he?
No, no way, that would be impossible.
He'd have to be a drooling idiot to do that!
Vainamoinen: Nightly News - Donald Trump not racist 100% of polled white <snip>
rtcvb32: Where's the link(s)/article(s) for said news?
Ok I'm voting for this as "most hilarious moment yet" in this thread. I haven't been in here in a while, glad I picked today for a stop-by :). Btw I think I'm finally starting to understand how it's possible for somebody to take Alex Jones seriously now, thanks for the insight on that. :D

Vainamoinen: Hillary (2/10) will literally take your guns away: come to your house in person
Aww but where's the link for this one??? I was just reading about her plans to do this earlier today on Breitbart, but was hoping for more details, so I could figure out which day she's planning to come to my house! Yeah I guess for each gun they confiscate they're going to charge you a $500 handling fee too. Bastards!! And then Crooked Hillary plans to personally laugh in your face as well as the final insult! Can you believe that? What a nasty woman! See what Trump was trying to save us from? :P

You know what would be really funny though, is if we could secretly replace one of the conspiracy nutter websites with our own "conspiracies" for a few days, similar to what you wrote here or others have in similar posts, and see how many tin foilers we could get all worked up about those. Hah, now that would be an interesting social expirement! :)
Sorry sorry here are links.

Vainamoinen: great website now advising its readers (9/10) to beat themselves with sticks to metamorphose into alpha males

Vainamoinen: ridiculous SJWs outraged over treatment of Chelsea Manning

Vainamoinen: schizophrenic SJWs (3/10) think you can “be critical of the media you love”

Vainamoinen: Deutche Bank not really called Deutche Bank maybe

Vainamoinen: SJWs (3/10) to take Christmas away starting at Starbucks

Vainamoinen: double standard unveiled: additional "i" found in European version of TTP

This is all totally legit info, folks, I swear

Ariod: You know what would be really funny though, is if we could secretly replace one of the conspiracy nutter websites with our own "conspiracies" for a few days
What do you mean? I have 224 of those websites as of today's count. Had most of them for a while too. It's good money. rtcvb32 has linked to some of them in here several times.
Post edited October 27, 2016 by Vainamoinen
Aha! So that's where I remember Vainamoinen from. You must have been on that Top 100 Internet Millionaires list I read about on some Wall Street Journal kind-of-outlet a while back. Congratulations. Well done.
Ariod: You know what would be really funny though, is if we could secretly replace one of the conspiracy nutter websites with our own "conspiracies" for a few days
Vainamoinen: What do you mean? I have 224 of those websites as of today's count. Had most of them for a while too. It's good money. rtcvb32 has linked to some of them in here several times.
Nice! Smart move! You know I've been thinking of getting into the conspiracy game myself - that's what I've heard, good money to be made and easy work! Yeah I guess Business Insider lists it as one of the top 5 growth industries for the decade. ;)

Eh sounds like you beat me to it though, damn... Wow and good timing, you got some big pay-days coming up here in the next couple weeks, what with the election rigging stories and all! Boom time for the conspiracy biz!!! Where fortunes are made, and minds are polluted!, I mean "enlightened"!
Vainamoinen: What do you mean? I have 224 of those websites as of today's count. Had most of them for a while too. It's good money. rtcvb32 has linked to some of them in here several times.
Websites. Bah!
Print, man! The websites are just fronts for the government to track those who might be onto them, and to divert attention! Print is where you get the real news!
Post edited October 27, 2016 by Breja