Posted December 10, 2015
low rated
So why do we ask for all this superficial entertainment? B/c we feel lonely and bored within our little box. Yea sure, we got a couple of friends. We might know the person next door, but the people on the next block are almost complete strangers. We are strangers and we act like strangers and this is our curse.
You know there was a time not long ago, when young, educated people became sick of the establishment. They wanted to quit the ways of possession, of war, money and egoism. They fled from the big city into the wilderness and founded communities, where they lived and worked together like a human family.
I know that America is known for being the capitalist badass. But isn't it ironic that at a time when the political elite tried so hard to fight the communists in other countries, this peace movement emerged on their very own territory and made love and community their passion. Everytime I think of it, I'm puzzled. But what puzzles me even more is that today nobody seems to give a damn about it anymore.
Where did the Hippies go wrong? Wasn't that essentially a good idea, a great vision for a better world, a real alternative to the materialistic world, that seems like a prison facility, with all its walls, fences and restrictions?
Lets just for once imagine how different it could be. The whole financial system going down and nobody cares b/c we don't need it anymore. B/c we are organized in communities that share and gift each other. No more money, no more trading, instead a society of free contribution. Utopia? I don't think so.
When I go out on the street in my district, first thing I see is cars. About 50% of all the living space in our cities is occupied by the auto industry. There is cars everywhere, cars dominate. And there is many people who seem to like it. But really? For me the car is pretty much a symbol of an anti-social society, it's an egoistic fetish that drains the quality of life.
Where do the children play? Beween the cars, between the skyscrapers? You probably think that the skyline of New York is pretty amazing. I hate it, I'd like to demolish it. Our cities are materialistic bunkers. They are monuments of ignorance, a mockery of life and love. But all the fools sit in their cars, one lane after another. And they think they are hip b/c ad industry tells them.
You know why our life is stressful and miserable? B/c we make it miserable with our ignorance, we are playing dumb and avoid to seek a better life, a fullfilling existence. Instead we sit in our cars, ignore each other and play stupid games. What kind of humans are we? Isn't it true to compare ourselves to the walking dead? Yea, you wonder who the zombies are. It is us, we are the no-lifers, the merely vegetating ones. Just look at this whole generation of zombies.
You know there was a time not long ago, when young, educated people became sick of the establishment. They wanted to quit the ways of possession, of war, money and egoism. They fled from the big city into the wilderness and founded communities, where they lived and worked together like a human family.
I know that America is known for being the capitalist badass. But isn't it ironic that at a time when the political elite tried so hard to fight the communists in other countries, this peace movement emerged on their very own territory and made love and community their passion. Everytime I think of it, I'm puzzled. But what puzzles me even more is that today nobody seems to give a damn about it anymore.
Where did the Hippies go wrong? Wasn't that essentially a good idea, a great vision for a better world, a real alternative to the materialistic world, that seems like a prison facility, with all its walls, fences and restrictions?
Lets just for once imagine how different it could be. The whole financial system going down and nobody cares b/c we don't need it anymore. B/c we are organized in communities that share and gift each other. No more money, no more trading, instead a society of free contribution. Utopia? I don't think so.
When I go out on the street in my district, first thing I see is cars. About 50% of all the living space in our cities is occupied by the auto industry. There is cars everywhere, cars dominate. And there is many people who seem to like it. But really? For me the car is pretty much a symbol of an anti-social society, it's an egoistic fetish that drains the quality of life.
Where do the children play? Beween the cars, between the skyscrapers? You probably think that the skyline of New York is pretty amazing. I hate it, I'd like to demolish it. Our cities are materialistic bunkers. They are monuments of ignorance, a mockery of life and love. But all the fools sit in their cars, one lane after another. And they think they are hip b/c ad industry tells them.
You know why our life is stressful and miserable? B/c we make it miserable with our ignorance, we are playing dumb and avoid to seek a better life, a fullfilling existence. Instead we sit in our cars, ignore each other and play stupid games. What kind of humans are we? Isn't it true to compare ourselves to the walking dead? Yea, you wonder who the zombies are. It is us, we are the no-lifers, the merely vegetating ones. Just look at this whole generation of zombies.