Posted November 30, 2019
low rated
HeresMyAccount: Well the heater broke again and was fixed again, I put up the TV and had a bunch of problems but fixed them, and I put up a Christmas tree. So at least I'm finally being productive.
My family had a water heater issue many years broke and flooded our basement at our old place long ago....I am glad to hear you got it fixed. :) (Also while yer at it, could you come over and repaint my house? If yer cheap i'll gladly toss ya a few bucks ;D)
HeresMyAccount: You mean they didn't even use Flash? You should see Watership Down if you haven't already.
What(as J Jonah Jameson said)'re serious? That was over 6 decades back. Also as for Watership Down: I have heard of it...will watch it maybe someday(watched skyscraper today with the family).
HeresMyAccount: Children don't typically have money, so I don't see how they'd get money from them. And I don't see how they could be fined, considering that first of all, I don't see how it's illegal to advertise, and second of all, they have no way of knowing whether their viewers are children (and even then it's still legal to advertise to them). I also don't see why they would want to not allow any free videos, because it's not like it costs them anything, except a bit of bandwidth perhaps, but then it brings in more people to the website who are likely to also see advertisements and possibly subscribe to some videos.
YT was using kid's account data and other info they entered plus other data(Like videos watched/etc) to profile them for targeted in the US that's a no no in the eyes of the powers that be(or they want to use it enact other laws or make money from fines, maybe)...basically YT would track kid's viewing habits and data and use it to sell ads to kids who likely then pestered their parents or used their parents CC details(some parents give it to them for any reason, oddly enough, due to laziness or not being smart with such data) online. As a result, the FTC fined YT big time(170 Million) and as a result YT has now clamped down on content of creators due to a problem it created/bad things it did & is preparing to implement the new FTC guidelines in a haphazard manner that only allows one to set their videos to kids only or adults only, even though the new FTC guidelines allow for a mixed audience category. Many suspect that it along with other prior measures is a push to push small time and non corporate channels off of YT with the "threat" of FTC fines or YT bans.
As for why, YT is losing money hand over bought YT hoping to turn a profit and make it too large to fail/profitable and now they seem to want to "trim the fat" as it were, and also get more dependable/"safe" commercial content here which is easier to advertise on/etc.
HeresMyAccount: A fine for what exactly? I still don't understand what law they've broken. And how would refusing to upload anything protest against the FTC? If anything, it would protest against YouTube, but I don't think it would affect the FTC, and if I understand all of this correctly, they're the ones to blame, and YouTube is just going along with whatever restrictions they're imposing.
A fine would come from the FTC if a creator labelled their content the wrong way(for kids or for adults) and broke one of the new FTC guidelines...they are sort of similar to the laws for what words/etc can be said/shown on some tv stations in the US. Also people want to do that movement to get YT(not the FTC) to change it's rules(which are seemingly implementing the FTC guidelines improperly so as to cause confusion in labeling videos and could likely cause people to label improperly) to allow for mixed audience content/etc so that said creators can label their content properly and avoid FTC fines.
Basically YT did bad and got fined, and passed the responsibility to creators with sloppily implemented changes that are likely made in such a manner to force people off of YT in various ways, and creators want YT to implement the guidelines in a more correct/fair/clear manner.