It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

Xhamster, Xvideos, and chaturbate, are all safe and high quality sites (wink). Visit without fear, just don't click of ads or pop-ups and be patient (retry clicking sometimes), because sometime the link conjures up irrelevant sites/urls.

You should get a STRONG antivirus though, preferably one of the newer ones with integrated antispyware and antimalware mixed in!

This way, even if warning had been valid, you have nothing to fear! For your gentleman desires, though, you can always use WIRESHARE (p2p) too, which is the direct descendant of Limewire Pro Pirated Edition (that's right, limewire NEVER closed down ye pussies, yarr!)!
Sniper91: snip
MaximumBunny: Nice necro. Also, if you're getting infected and others are not then YOU'RE the one doing something wrong. One does not simply get their email spammed by visiting a website and playing a video file. :P
Yeah, before I noticed it was a necro I was thinking "Oh so THIS is where Shane-O and GameRager have been hiding - only post in threads about pr0n these days then?" - ghosts of threads past!
Download sandboxie and browser those sites with this.
gabo.jpg (32 Kb)
honestly what in the fuck

May I also suggest gianttube?
Original post is really old..

But I liked the way he phrased stuff. Quite amusing, now hand me my paper towel.
I really thought you were trolling me.
So I googled.
Who on earth creates a porn site with the word 'Hamster' in it???
The internet is full of strange things.
Depends on whether or not you are offended or aroused by watching videos of midgets makes sweet martian love in the back of their dune buggies.
jdsgn: Who on earth creates a porn site with the word 'Hamster' in it???
Richard Gere?
Emob78: Depends on whether or not you are offended or aroused by watching videos of midgets makes sweet martian love in the back of their dune buggies.
"Come with me for fun in my buggy
Come along, let's go for the hell of it
See the faces 'round, they're all looking
Wonder if they'd like to come for a ride"
The weirdest name for a porn site I ever saw was "Porn Sharia".
Cheater87: Download sandboxie and browser those sites with this.
This is the only really safe way. Antivirus can not catch everything. I recommend this unless you want to start a new thread each time you want to try visiting a new site.
At least use noscript, although many sites won't work properly
low rated
johnnygoging: honestly what in the fuck

Dude i was wondering the same thing. like why is this a topic on GOG. And then i scrolled to your comment and i just busted out laughing.