Braggadar: I would also be wary of using wikipedia for official confirmation of a term's definition. Although even with the best intentions, often those adding information are simply mistaken or reference sources poorly.
I'm not saying wikipedia is not a good source of information, just be cautious that's all.
Which is why I referenced more than one source, and asked for a source that has a definition of DRM being only an online server-based system. So far, no one has posted any, so it seems that Wikipedia is correct in this case.
clarry: "The user has to enter secret code" means the software acts as the server, and you are the client. How is that any different?
toxicTom: It lacks both the digital and the management component... it's PRC - physical rights check ;-)
I really would love to see that computer game or software which isn't digital!
toxicTom: PS: When you need a physical key to start your car - is your car DRM'd?
You need a physical keycard to enter, let's say, a hotel room. Yet that keycard can be made invalid by someone in the reception simply by pushing a single button. When you check out, the system does that automatically.
Same can be done with car keys, obviously, as can be done with any key system that has any IT behind it.