TentacleMayor: Actually I'm broke, my entertainment budget this year has been something like 70 euros and I'm hoping for a chance to buy something on GOG instead of Steam in retaliation for Steam snubbing people who don't have smartphones for Steam trading. But if there's no GOG sale, there's no other option than Steam or some site that sells Steam keys, unfortunately. I don't want to feed Gabe but it looks like I might have to again if I want to enjoy a new game around Christmas.
TentacleMayor: Strategy and RPG, but don't you dare buy me anything. I already have a long backlog thanks to Russian/Brazilian crossregion trading before they cracked down on that, and there's actually only a handful of games I'm even interested in right now. Nearly all them Steam exclusives, sadly.
Wait, you have a huge backlog, but you're considering breaking your retaliation method to buy a new game within the next 2-3 weeks? o.O