kohlrak: 4. Sexual scenes are not necessarily a pleasurable experience if potential is unannounced prior to purchase, often particularly unpleasurable when rejected.
5. A forced sex scene (or optional sex scene minigame for some kind of exclusive reward of equipment, companion, etc) is reasonable for condemnation and expectation of non-entertainment.
6. Such is not entertainment, which is crucial for good game design.
kamauria: Prude, sex sells. Sex sells so much that they're putting sex scenes into children's movies. If you have a problem with sex, then you're the problem.
Yeah, they're even having sex with the children in the moves off camera. Eventually they'll just leave those scenes in, so we have that to look forward to.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's just fine, but people should know what they're getting into.
kohlrak: 6. Such is not entertainment, which is crucial for good game design.
dtgreene: Not every game is designed to be fun.
I could, for example, cite Desert Bus, which is designed to be boring, but also designed so that you can't AFK clear it (the bus constantly drifts, and you have to correct for that). Worth noting that Desert Bus is, itself, a minigame.
Takeshi no Chōsenjō contains intentionally unfun minigames, since the game was intentionally designed to not be fun.
I don't know about desert bus, but mention of "たけし" immediately triggers obvious red flags for me. For those who want to know more,
click here.
And if you needed a nice visual representation 'cause reading is no fun,
click here! Now we all know that the english version wasn't his work, but keep in mind
here's the original Japanese so you can get a decent visual comparison. Skip to about 26:46 to see a good representation of the show.
Keeping that in mind, i don't believe he would've considered that game good game design. Intead, that seems to be precisely the point of the game, and I'm not familiar with the precise context, but I imagine it was created in response to something...
The game's basis of being able to exert violence on all characters is similar to that of the Grand Theft Auto series. However, many of Kitano's ideas were rejected either because of the limitations of the Famicom game system, or because the content was not suitable for young children.
I wonder if this had something to do with it. If you really want to understand, just google translate the Japanese wikipeda article on the game, beacuse the article's much better. Obviously, the developers of the game really, really didn't think the game's design was good game design, either. Clearly, Takeshi wasnted the game to be bad, although not quite as bad as it became. Still not sure what actually motivated this desire instead of actually making a game that was meant to simply be funny with good game design.
However, this game is a classic example of a game designed to be fun by being unfun. While I would like to imagine this came in response to someone saying "games should be more lifelike" or "video games don't teach people life skills" or other comments along those lines, there isn't actually any evidence to support that that i can find. However, it still certainly looks that way given the themes of the game.
real.geizterfahr: I LOVED Blitzball. Until my free time for gaming became less and less. Having to play Blitzball A LOT to get all of Wakka's Reels and his fully unlocked best weapon... I just don't have the patience for that anymore.
Luckily I know a way to break the AI of the computer controlled players. There's a place in the stadium where you can swim back and forth for the whole game, without ever getting attacked by one of the other players. You can see their triangle markers on the mini map rotating, but they never leave their position. The only difficulty: Enemy players can't be too close to your player who's going to swim on that spot. So your midfield player has to go towards the enemy's goal and then throw a loooooong pass back to one of your defenders. This'll give them enough time to reach that spot.
Half a minute before the game is over, you make one run on the goal (two quick passes to reach Tidus), get the two defending players infront of you (I always wait for them right at their goal) and win the match with a "Jecht Shot". This saves a lot of time for animations and thinking about where to throw that pass and how to get through two defendng players and all that stuff.
Your players won't advance in their levels, because all they get to do is to rotate on their starting position and throw two passes xP You can basically keep the original Auroch players (which you shouldn't when you want to play Blitzball) and still win every match 2:0. I always beat the Luca Goers in the finals on the first try with this trick.
Got more information on this? 'Cause i absolutely hated blitzball. I used to hate the spheregrid more, but it's kinda warmed up on me lately., so at this point i think blitzball is the worst part of FFX. I'd rather listen to Tidus' laugh for that duration.