Namur: What it seems to me is that you're looking for preferential treatment in the way gay individuals, gay men to be more precise, are portrayed in art or entertainment. I still didn't ear you complain that the scene depicting two lesbians in the game revolves around a bit of S&M or that in practical terms Cynthia is as muh a servant to Phillipa as the guy in Dethmold's room. Isn't any of that demeaning to lesbians in your opinion or it doesn't matter because they're gay women? Are you anti-gay_gender_equality ? :P
There are despicable gay individuals just like there are despicable straight individuals portrayed in the game. Why is it ok to show reality as it is for one but, apparently mandatory for you, to guild the pill for the other ?
I tried to search the characters to remind me if I ever got this Cynthia / Philippa scene, and at least I do not recall it, so cannot really comment.
This is BTW stated about Philppa:
"She led the Thanedd coup against the Brotherhood of Sorcerers, intending to neutralise suspected traitors allied with Nilfgaard. "
And this is stated about Cynthia:
"As it turned out, Cynthia was also a spy for the Nilfgaardian Empire. However, those who could have stopped her saw through her games too late. "
Now, this puts your servant theory at odds, and if the women like SM sex, then that is fine, and if Cynthia put up with it to use Philippa in her schemes - quite succesfully it seems - this is within her boundaries as well.
The fact that Dethmold is a whimp - ok, you find him very powerful - and he is the only evil persona getting quite a demaning end is what is to my distaste, which is far removed from a demand that he should not be evil or not be killed "because he is gay."
Hanselt got a civilized stab I think (I objected to his lynching and raping on equal measure so I set political niceties aside), and that assassin fellow a duel or release.
If in fact someone finds Dethmold an über-character, then the balance of the writing would not seem off I agree - but to assume that this is the token way he comes across would not be correct.
I find your view totally reasonabale if you are able to see Dethmold as you state - but to find it foolish that someone should find him a sad whimp is bit defensive.
And likewise to take such offense on view that the genitalia cutting and sex slavery was not such a great plot idea in view of what the other characters got; and quasi-absence of postively written homosexual characters in any game (arguably on impartial sample); and the activism against persons of homosexual persuation east of ex Iron Curtain.
To assume that I want to find offense is untrue as well, as I found TW quite a nice effort, and I would prefer to like it.
But thanks for reminding of of the Philippa / Cynthia plot - Cynthia was indeed a carfty character, even if ambiguous due to her using the former.