generalripper: DarkZephyr: Your use of the phrase 'thematically consistent with medieval European civilization' strongly suggests that the argument sailed way over your head, since thematic consistency with European anything was never suggested anywhere in the post. You can save yourself further embarassment by learning to read before throwing fits about what you erroneously believe others have written.
Allow me to simplify things for you. 1: The MEs had prejudices and fears people today consider unpleasant and backwards. 2: TW takes a lot of cues from ME, quite including then-popular prejudices and fears. 3: TW tends to amplify ME unpleasantness and backwardsness. 4: The question. Raymond. Is whether a 'nice' homosexual, especially of the male persuasion, would last long in TW. I suggest not. And thus: 5: If nice male homosexuals are unlikely to survive in TW, whatever male homosexuals do survive will likely be not-nice. 6: Art should have internal consistency. 7: Dethmold's character, offensive to modern sensibilities though he may be, respects that consistency, in a way it could not had he been a hero.
But hey, if it makes you feel better to imagine anyone who's okay with gays not being portrayed as studmuffin universe-saving heroes in absolutely everything as ipso facto a disciple of Fred Phelps, by all means, have fun. I'll be over here, appreciating TW2 as one of the most artistically thoughtful games ever made, an uncompromising look at our own world through a lens of fantasy.
The discourteous and rude personal attacks (not to mention drug pushing) make me fairly disinterested in responding to you, so please stop doing that. It makes no logical sense for you to make your words a complete displeasure to read if you really are hoping to make a point with the people you are discoursing with. I think that instead you just want to insult and ridicule people that you disagree with and take great pleasure in doing so.
That being said, I will briefly respond to what you have said so far, but if you continue to resort to personal attacks, I am through discoursing with you. I have a question that I would like to ask you, but at this time, adding anything else to a dialogue with you is rather an unpleasant prospect, as things stand.
Anyway, as htown has already pointed out, there are numerous ways that they could implement some balance that would make sense in The Witcher game world. They simply have chosen not to. Until her end, Margot survived just fine without having vast magical powers at her fingertips. Some have said that Triss once engaged in lesbian affairs (that Geralt seems perfectly fine with), yet she seems to have done fairly well for quite a long time. They could quite easily include a male sorcerer who is gay who isn't a douche.
As for your comment about me wanting every gay person portrayed in every single video game to be a universe saving stud muffin, I never expressed any such desire and you know that.
And that stuff about me thinking you are a "disciple of Fred Phelps" is nonsense. I have no idea what your religious beliefs are or what your personal opinion is of gay people, nor do I really care.
DarkZephyr: and now some of us would like to see some balance.
scampywiak: And this is where we start dabbling in entitlement.
It is?
scampywiak: It's not your story. It's not your game. They don't need to balance anything, unless they want be insipid little sycophants like the folks at Bioware.
You aren't the first person to ever accuse a gay person of having a false sense of "entitlement" whenever they have expressed displeasure over something like this. You won't be the last. Its simply untrue however, and rather unkind of you to say.
I never said it was "my story", nor did I say that they "need" to balance anything or that I felt "entitled" to anything. I have only expressed what I would
like to see in the game series and what my opinions were about some of the content that does appear in the series. Am I the only one of their customers to have ever done that?
By your strong words about BioWare, it really seems as though positive portrayals of male homosexuality in video games bothers you quite a lot. I don't see why this means you have to be hostile to those who have opinions that are not in line with your own, however (I find unkind, false accusations to be acts of hostility).