koima57: Edit : Sure, animals have no self awareness of who they are though, with most if not all of animals homosexual behaviors observed being mere beastly pulsions, not a clear homosexual orientation.
Fenixp: I know this is your belief and everything, but I always feel an urge to take a humongous club so I can beat someone to death when a person says this, because that's simply not true. Animals with sufficient intelligence actually are very much self-aware and saying they're not would be degrading them. (Want examples? Dolphins or wolves are not only self-aware as far as human limited knowledge of a brain goes, they're even capable of 'higher' emotions. It amuses me how much are people capable of underestimating animals even when faced with clear evidence.)
Sorry, it just really irks me when someone suggests in any way that animals are any less than human - I know that Christian teaching very much lead to this (and it's something that I'll never forgive them,) but this very much leads to people reducing something as amazing as living being to mere objects with no feelings or real ability. Going offtopic here, sorry for that.
Aaaanyway, to the other points: Yes, homosexuality is not that common in nature. But it is there, and that's the important bit. Even if one animal, on one small island in the most remote location of the earth would go with homosexual practices, that alone would make it natural.
I LOVE animals, sorry if I expressed myself the wrong way, I am French and my English lacks vocabulary sometimes.. I meant as Human people we are obviously "evolved animals" from primates and mammals, what makes us Humans is our UNIQUE ability to look back on ourselves and our actions (and other people's..) on a moral level, upbringing self-improvement, among other traits.. Self awareness was not the correct word you are right, as many animals, take example of certain dogs can be trained to do so much good and save lives from drowning and the likes.. Apologies to our pets friends!
As for your last sentence, no single, isolated animal could practice homosexual activity without other animals of the same race and gender around, also it would prove nothing as they are not subjected to morals and ethics unlike us, anyway.. Because we need to "feel" worthy of existing and living, that animals do not care about and all lives are not equals between species.. Yes, we are so much more than animals for so many reasons, like it or not! The most for Humankind being the image of God in the sense of being capable of the same Love, Justice, Wisdom than God to a certain extent, the image not being the original nonetheless..
Edit : Sorry for the off topic, keep on discussing the Witcher 2.. :)
New Edit : As i do not wish to bump this thread, I edit my last post, just to mention to @DarkZephyr stating it is "none of my business" to can tell word, if you do not believe in God and the Bible teachings then fine, have it your way if you are not Christian or any religious in any way I indeed have nothing to say! But you, yourself are just one person. When you are promoting, defending, legitimating your homosexuality on public forums it eventually become my business, sorry to say.. Even more so my right and eventually MY DUTY to speak out if you are engaged in a homosexual relationship with a person that might be a Christian.. If YOU do not believe our human bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit, well I do and defend them as a whole, even yours. Quoting Paul, "You are not your own".. How any less one another could be yours, outside of the covenant of Biblical Marriage.. Playing the devil's advocate only get you so far, and mind you it is not fun and games. It makes you enemy of God no less!
How do you think we were born, if not by the grace of the union of our respective parents, and our bodies holding their combined genes are Holy for that natural reason alone if you do not believe in God, just consider the sacrifices they made for us to come to existence, and raise us as a son or a daugther..
Whatever you claim as an argument, the Scriptures are speaking few but clearly about the homosexual behavior being identified and defined as a sin and that is it, God judged about it already and have set the matter at rest for believers.. I consider it to be the perversion of same-sex relations and friendship to a deviant form of the real conjugal relationship, confusing and inverting our different genders roles as male and female, denying and defying their purposes as being meant for each other by God, THIS is the "abomination".. Period.
I make it clear for no confusion, homosexual love and feelings can be genuine, admirable and valuable in tenderness and care just as much as any heterosexual relationship could be, and not any more perverted or despicable than heterosexual love and feelings could be! Love as the Bible teaches is compassion, charity, care, respect and I know it can be found in both our lives and our relationships to others just the same, as we are not so different as human beings, if not at all at least biologically. I don't reduce Love to sexual acts at all, yet homosexual acts are the sins I call for what they are, sexual immorality. You can indeed love without sexual acts and this is what is being expected of you actually, if you are going through homosexual tendencies!
Sexual acts are meant exclusively for the spouses within the Biblical Marriage, as a mirror of the relationship of God with us, His people and symbol of the sacrifice of Christ for us, His Church.. Monogamous, because such Love is exclusive and undivided, personal and intimate, jealous and protective. Heterosexual, because it is impartial against any discrimination, just and fair to both genders equally as the answer to our complementary spiritual, affective, sexual needs providing well being and growth for both genders and persons united together as one flesh, one Humanity.. Blessed, because our traditional family cell is the basis and model for our societies, also eventually blessed with children to be born as offsprings of their union.
Any sexual activity deviant from that law I explained above is breaking God's wishes for us, and is a sin.. Fornication, adultery, prostitution, exhibitionism, pornography, lustful masturbation, homosexuality, incest, bestiality, pedophilia.. Sexual immorality as it is, and I surely don't know or forget some.. Because we are living beings of separate genders with each their own natural ways and graces for a complementarity reason, homosexuality is a sin. Because we are human beings able to judge actions and situations from morals and ethics, homosexuality is Wrong.
As for Christians to step on people's "rights" for Marriage and adoptions, ask yourself THIS first and foremost : Are my claims legitimate from an ethical, moral standpoint..? The Bible values are the proven highest standard for any moral or ethical judgment and decision to take, Marriage is originally by no means a civil or social right but a religious institution, you are stepping on it yourself by chosing a same-sex partner. As for adopting children it is a social right but more so an ethical question and moral issue, the balance of traditional family cell being the norm for raising kids you are again stepping on your legitimate rights by yourself chosing a same-sex partner, the impossibility of having children being a logical consequence for same-sex "couples", unable of genuine sexual union indeed!
I don't pretend to know more or to be better, I sin in my own ways too, unfortunately.. I do not like it either when another person, more so a complete stranger jump in my boat to tell me how to live and to lead my life..! Though, more often than not we are being "corrected" for good reasons by people caring for us and our well being, and this is the point I am trying to make here.. As I am not doing my preach to put the blame on you and homosexual people but to try and "save" you with them, along with me, from homosexuality if there are suffered tendencies, as I really care! Morals and ethics are not for us to set and mess with according to our liking just to clean up our conscience from the guilt of our sins, and shall I remind you it is the Original Sin to try and tell the Right from the Wrong, stealing that role from God and being punished for it, not by God but our own defiance leading to Death.. His Word reveals the Good and the Evil as absolutes, and so does His Church in our lives for our guidance, today. Believe it or not, like it or not, they are the norms before, now and later, forever.
If you think the Author of Life has no Authority over you, then you are digging your own grave. Knowing that, if you STILL decide to practice your homosexuality with a defiant "pride", since it is proven not to be a compulsive disease either mental or congenital, you are being held accountable for your actions as an adult. Pushing on social conventions for civil solidarity pact for homosexual "pairs" (which is legitimate as a matter of financial protection) is one thing, pushing on morals and ethics for Marriage, adoptions and our purposes as men and women is a different story and where I stand against you, because you reject what is designed by God as naturally fitting and cover up the Truth which brought us all to LIFE, purposely or indirectly, the outcome is such..
We are all sinners and homosexual acts are a sin, one is only "doomed" by rejecting God's GRACE to SAVE.. Everyone is at the exact same number of steps away from salvation, that is owning up to our mistakes and begging God for forgiveness in the name of Jesus Christ, receiving His Holy Spirit to support us along the way at all time, helping us to live a life that glorifies God and not anymore selfish ones rebel to His Word and Ways.. Amen.
That said, bless you!
Last Edit : Sorry for the off topic AGAIN, please keep on discussing the Witcher 2!!