jonwil: Give me a new C&C game with a campaign that is as fun to play as the campaigns of the previous C&C games (the abomination that was C&C4 excepted of course) and I will buy it.
Even a remaster of Tiberian Sun or Red Alert 2 (as long as they didn't screw it up the way Blizzard did with Warcraft 3) would be something I would pre-order the moment it became possible to do so.
yea agreed, i passed for the first remaster but if they do a tib sun remaster that will be an insta buy
the originals are btw pretty much enjoyable, together with the community patches that add a couple of more resolutions and your good to go .... ( or stick with cnc 3 and red alert 3 )
Command & Conquer 1:
Nyerguds' C&C95 v1.06c revision 3 patch -
(which also adds bonus missions originally exclusive to the Playstation and Nintendo 64 versions of the game)
Note that this patch fixes two quite common and completely fatal game crashes (top-of-map reconnaissance crash, stealth crash), so installing it is strongly advised.
Red Alert 1:
Funkyfr3sh's automatic Red Alert 1 patcher/installer -
(The thread also has briefing videos for the expansion missions, converted from the Playstation version of the game)
Nyerguds' main.mix cleanup for TFD/TUC - (Not really needed, but cleans up about a gigabyte of unnecessary files in the RA1 folder. Unpack in the game folder, run "patch_main.bat", let it finish, and then delete the files you extracted.)
Tiberian Sun:
Funkyfr3sh's Tiberian Sun patch -
Red Alert 2:
The graphics system patch DDWrapper is known to solve a multitude of graphics problems, including the "black screen" issue.
Download the zip file and extract "ddraw.dll" and "aqrit.cfg" into your game folder. Then, open the configuration file "aqrit.cfg" in Notepad, change the "ForceDirectDrawEmulation" option to 1, save the file, and try running the game again.
If you still have problems with RA2 even after this, I advise installing the CnCNet online play installer for RA2/YR. Even if you're not interested in online play, it comes with a bunch of automatic fixes, and has a configuration tool which offers more choices in graphics fixes than just DDWrapper, so if one doesn't work you can just try if some of the other options do the trick.