tinyE: Anything left wing (however mild or in this case extreme) at Fox News is an artificial cardboard cutout they throw up to add legitimacy. They a very right wing biased organization, which I have no problem with just so long as they would admit it, which they refuse to do, and they keep pulling shit like this to try to convince the public they aren't just out to cater and appease to one specific demographic.
Anyway, they throw up someone they label a "liberal", or invite someone on they see as the antithesis of the perception of FoxNews, to try to convince the public they are reaching out to all sides and all avenues of the political spectrum. It usually either blows up in their face or people just see right through it.
Don't forget not too long ago Bill O'Reilly was their reach out to the left wing. They tried to convince us was a completely non partisan and embraced all sides. That charade didn't last long so they gave it up.
They tried something similar a few years back to appease people who insisted that the network was all about rich white men, so they brought in a black woman. Turns out she was a total fucking nut and ruined their credibility as a legit news source even more. :P
There is nothing wrong with bias on these networks especially in the circus that news journalism has become. I have dozens of left wing biased news sources I go to every day, and I fully admit they are such, and they fully admit they are such. I wish Fox would just admit they are doing the same thing and that whatever happens they are going spin it to make conservatives look good.
I have a special corner in my bowels for Bill O'Reilly. I loved it when Colbert, Stewart and Manson tore his prejudices apart like string cheese.