temps: Seems like Linux is kinda popular on GOG and I've been thinking about moving to Linux at some point in the future, so I'm just wondering what you guys think of Linux. Is it just as good as Windows? If yes, why is Linux adoption so low despite Linux being free?
Can you guys still play most of your games made-for-windows on Linux without issue?
_Auster_: I would advise against moving completely to Linux. I think it would be best to have dual boot with one OS being Windows 10 and another OS being the Linux distro of your choice (it seems the most popular one is Ubuntu, btw).
Each OS has positive and negative points. Some I can remember are:
- Windows has more native programs (games included), and compability with Linux through Wine (or Valve's Proton) isn't perfect.
- You have far more control over the system files on Linux than on Windows.
- If you like using Github programs often, from my tests, it seems it's easier on Linux to build the ones that don't come ready to be used.
- If you find hard to use commands, using Windows tends to be easier, since it doesn't require the cmd or PowerShell as much as Linux requires the command terminal (the equivalent of the cmd).
- Starting programs seems to be faster on Ubuntu 20.04 (the distro I use), but not by much.
nice list
Im against dual boot, I just can't see why would you want to do that
If you want to play a game you restart pc and play on windows? then when you want to do anything else you restart again to boot up linux?
Sounds like a lot of hassle for minimal gain
and if you use both fully that is even worse , then you have to sync your stuff somehow, get and learn different apps if they are not available on both , just way too much extra work for what exactly?
So if you need apps that doesnt run on linux just win10 only.
If you dont have any of those app you could go for linux only.
gogtrial34987: Where I've seen it, it's under System Requirements, not in the side panel:
Sunless Skies: Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04 or later
Parkitect: Ubuntu 16.04+
Transport Fever 2: Ubuntu 18.04 or later
Wasteland 3: Ubuntu 18.04+
vv221: The issue I see here is that the side panel list a more restricted list of supported distributions for each of these games. Never including the current 20.04 Ubuntu LTS.
I do not know how GOG support would react in such cases.
timppu: Not quite sure about that. Sometimes release upgrades to a newer release seem to be quite problematic (just like in Windows), and I considered doing a release upgrade for my Linux Mint 19.3 (to upgrade it to 20/20.1), but the whole process seemed quite complicated, more complicated than what I've seen e.g. in Ubuntu and the process itself warned about the perils of the release upgrade, and suggested doing a clean installation instead.
vv221: I had no idea the upgrade process on Linux Mint was broken.
It’s really surprising, as it is based on Ubuntu, and Ubuntu can be upgraded really easily.
I would recommend
not using a distribution that has some crucial parts broken, the upgrade process being one of these.
Here I use mostly Debian. The system initial setup on most of my machines has been done more than 10 years ago, and they have been upgraded since then with no issue at all. Both for servers using Debian stable and for "daily use" computers using Debian Sid.
yeah i tried out Mint years ago , and just went with clean install after it is way too complicated to do a manual update.