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low rated
kbnrylaec: Banning Russian is racist.
Sachys: 1: Russians arent a "race" unless you are a racist.
2: That has absolutely nothing to do with my post.
3: Go GOGbear yourself in a dark corner please.
Another sanctimonious hyper sensitive from the U.K. who would of thought.

Go GOGbear yourself in a dark corner please.
There's no need to be so rude yourself.
Every company is getting in on pretending to be the friendly neighborhood multimillion dollar corporation that's ''in'' with the global issues and the cool kids discussing them; consider the wokeness as a symptom of that.

From their POV, appealing to flavor of the month tragedies / celebrations to get good PR from people who care about them (but are ignorant of other issues because their concern is solely based on what's trending / popular) is a no-loss move. Don't criticize GOG for it, or at least, just GOG for it, because its just good PR and you'd do it too if you were in the business.

The main problem with it is not that corporate advertising is this way but that people's heartstrings are so easily tugged by social media advertising about some issue when everyone lives in a sea of issues themselves and fail to notice it.
This place in fact says you aren't free to discuss certain topics. So this isn't a platform which has a strong stance for freedom of speech *shrug*. It is what it is.

There's also no rule anywhere saying GOG itself can't push a political agenda of their own. We can of course disagree with terrible decisions, but we also are to abide by the rules of whatever place we decide to place our soapboxes, talk of crates of hippos or address the elephant in the room. It is also totally up to GOG when and if they chose to apply their rules. Is it consistent? No. Is it fair? No. Is it biased? Maybe.

There are indeed other places we could go to discuss current events, and discuss them properly. GOG says for political things that place is not here. They can do it themselves because it's their place. They can be as hypocritical as they like. I simply don't understand why that's so hard to understand. House rules, yeah?
Post edited March 09, 2022 by Braggadar
low rated
Pheace: what does it mean to become 'politically woke' exactly?
Sachys: not being a complete gobshite, avoiding being a racist or otherwise bigoted prick, considering others.

basic humanity in other words.
kbnrylaec: Banning Russian is racist.
Sachys: 1: Russians arent a "race" unless you are a racist.
2: That has absolutely nothing to do with my post.
3: Go GOGbear yourself in a dark corner please.
"basic humanity in other words" yea, like you. Someone that get's so violently mad online that you tell people to kill themselves for having different opinions.
Post edited March 09, 2022 by Swissy88
CD Projekt, as a corporate family, appears to be centrist. Believe it or not, there's not "woke vs non-woke", there are other positions people stand in.

Also, I don't know GOG's EXACT reasons for prohibiting political discussions but I, for one, am happy they do. I do think it is occasionally unfairly enforced but I come here for games and discussions about games. I get enough politics everywhere else. There's a time and place for everything and a forum about games is not one of them.

As a man who has run his fair share of large forums and online communities (and also has worked with a popular free forum hosting service), I've experienced plenty of times where political discussions not only get out of hand, but they sometimes ruin the experience for people. Sometimes, people like to get away from real world drama and just talk about things they enjoy in life. That, I suspect, is why GOG prohibits such discussions here.
Post edited March 09, 2022 by JakobFel
JakobFel: CD Projekt, as a corporate family, appears to be centrist. Believe it or not, there's not "woke vs non-woke", there are other positions people stand in.
This. Personally, I'm tired of the word already. I tend to avoid it. Whether its used with pride or disgust, it makes me roll my eyes now.

Without wanting to curate history, science or all corners of popular culture to be politically correct, I hear some of their complaints. It's possible to do both.

You don't have to be for or against it. You just look at each issue individually and make up your own mind about it.
JakobFel: CD Projekt, as a corporate family, appears to be centrist. Believe it or not, there's not "woke vs non-woke", there are other positions people stand in.
Wow, thanks for being one of the few people of reason here. This is the truth.

I cringe so hard at these loudmouthed alt-right guys blasting away with words you never hear IRL against some imaginary crusade against woke, SJWs, censorship, women's equality rights, LGBTQ+ and what have you. Guys, you've been stewing in your own juices and echo chambers too long. Go out and take a walk and maybe you'll stop being so angry all the time.
Post edited March 09, 2022 by UnashamedWeeb
low rated
Mega Man X: Will this increase their sales?

The intensity of their 'in your face' international no men allowed day banner on the home page packs a punch. got 98 comments on their post banning sales in Russia and Belarus. I then reposted their topic and got 117 comments that was closed off with the following:

"Since this is a duplicate and against our Code of Conduct, I will be closing the thread."

Freedom of speech platforms don't exist in places that take hardline political stances.

Holy F***ing Sh!t Where the hell have you been?
Ancient-Red-Dragon: "Becoming" is the wrong word. CDPR and GOG have been woke since at least the Witcher 2, and they are always becoming regressively more woke as time goes on.
They were already woke when they released witcher 1 FFS G@y relationships in W1 even though they are optional I really do not wanna see two dudes F***ing each other I am NOT really into that being straight and all.
darthspudius: GOG went down that route a long time ago. Yes, the whole Women's Month thing is pretty cringe.
Cringe - It's way way off the wall cringe, Women are NOT cyborgs with uteruses stop denigrating them towards that.
Pheace: what does it mean to become 'politically woke' exactly?
Sachys: not being a complete gobshite, (Like I am) avoiding being a racist or otherwise bigoted prick (Just like me), considering others. (that I don't do)
Yeah you'd know a lot about being a bigoted Prick now wouldn't you, Sachys?
Sachys: Verbal Vomit by Sachys.
kbnrylaec: Banning Russian is racist.
I agree!
kbnrylaec: Banning Russian is racist.
Sachys: 1: Russians arent a "race" unless you are a racist. (Holy F***king sh!t, Last time I looked they live in Russia)
2: That has absolutely nothing to do with my post. (Bullsh!t)
3: Go GOGbear yourself in a dark corner please. (Charming!)
Oh YOU JUST PROVED my EARLIER POINT! Wow Sachys for bending your brain backwards you win another star.
Post edited March 09, 2022 by fr33kSh0w2012
low rated
JakobFel: CD Projekt, as a corporate family, appears to be centrist. Believe it or not, there's not "woke vs non-woke", there are other positions people stand in.

Also, I don't know GOG's EXACT reasons for prohibiting political discussions but I, for one, am happy they do. I do think it is occasionally unfairly enforced but I come here for games and discussions about games. I get enough politics everywhere else. There's a time and place for everything and a forum about games is not one of them.

As a man who has run his fair share of large forums and online communities (and also has worked with a popular free forum hosting service), I've experienced plenty of times where political discussions not only get out of hand, but they sometimes ruin the experience for people. Sometimes, people like to get away from real world drama and just talk about things they enjoy in life. That, I suspect, is why GOG prohibits such discussions here.
Was Wifey looking over your shoulder when you typed that?
JakobFel: CD Projekt, as a corporate family, appears to be centrist. Believe it or not, there's not "woke vs non-woke", there are other positions people stand in.
UnashamedWeeb: Wow, thanks for being one of the few people of reason here. This is the truth.

I cringe so hard at these loudmouthed alt-right guys blasting away with words you never hear IRL against some imaginary crusade against woke, SJWs, censorship, women's equality rights, LGBTQ+ and what have you. Guys, you've been stewing in your own juices and echo chambers too long. Go out and take a walk and maybe you'll stop being so angry all the time.
You can't hear it in real life, because, due to your intolerance towards anyone who things at least a bit different than you, you surrounded yourself with the same types of people such as yourself, who do not dare to challenge and question the active social and media trends.
low rated
JakobFel: CD Projekt, as a corporate family, appears to be centrist. Believe it or not, there's not "woke vs non-woke", there are other positions people stand in.
UnashamedWeeb: Wow, thanks for being one of the few people of reason here. This is the truth.

I cringe so hard at these loudmouthed alt-right guys blasting away with words you never hear IRL against some imaginary crusade against woke, SJWs, censorship, women's equality rights, LGBTQ+ and what have you. Guys, you've been stewing in your own juices and echo chambers too long. Go out and take a walk and maybe you'll stop being so angry all the time.
Stop projecting because it is backwards of that.

CD Projekt, as a corporate family, appears to be leftist.

I cringe so hard at these loudmouthed alt-left gurls blasting away with words you never hear IRL for some fabricated crusade for "woke", SJWs, Censorship, women's equity rights, LGBTQ+ and what have you. Gurls, you've been stewing in your own juices and echo chambers too long. Go out and have a BBQ and maybe you'll stop being so psycho.
No more games for you, Sasha, get over it
What do you mean going woke? They've been this way for years, the first truly prominent sign of this was the unjust firing of Linko over an innocuous tweet.
Post edited March 09, 2022 by ReynardFox
low rated
ReynardFox: What do you mean going woke? They've been this way for years, the first truly prominent sign of this was the unjust firing of Linko over an innocuous tweet.
Even before that, THINK witcher 1 and G@y relationships that was a MASSIVE RED FLAG for me.
Post edited March 09, 2022 by fr33kSh0w2012
ReynardFox: What do you mean going woke? They've been this way for years, the first truly prominent sign of this was the unjust firing of Linko over an innocuous tweet.
fr33kSh0w2012: Even before that, THINK witcher 1 and G@y relationships that was a MASSIVE RED FLAG for me.
You can have progressive elements without being 'woke', (For example, compare classic Star Trek to the insufferable, woke trash it's become today) so I'm not ready to call some optional gay content in a game that old part of the same forced, preachy cultural marxism going on nowadays. Plus CDPR even today has no issue with making their men and women traditionally masculine or feminine and both being fit and attractive. Aside from some dumb censorship moves like no cards in Witcher 2, for me I think, the jury is still out on them.

GOG as an entity in and of itself though? They've been infiltrated by this full-blown regressive clown shoes shit properly for a long time.