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low rated
Will this increase their sales?

The intensity of their 'in your face' international no men allowed day banner on the home page packs a punch. got 98 comments on their post banning sales in Russia and Belarus. I then reposted their topic and got 117 comments that was closed off with the following:

"Since this is a duplicate and against our Code of Conduct, I will be closing the thread."

Freedom of speech platforms don't exist in places that take hardline political stances.

low rated
"Becoming" is the wrong word. CDPR and GOG have been woke since at least the Witcher 2, and they are always becoming regressively more woke as time goes on.
What GOG wants to allow or not on their own forum has absolutely nothing to do with your "freedom of speech".
what does it mean to become 'politically woke' exactly?
low rated
Whenever you see a forum rule which says: "It is forbidden to talk about religion and politics", it is the left wing political policy and left wing political stance. And since they are the hypocrites, obviously they allow political discussion which belongs to the left wing overton window from the leftist point of view. They could use my comment now as an excuse to issue a ban.
low rated
GOG went down that route a long time ago. Yes, the whole Women's Month thing is pretty cringe.
low rated
darthspudius: GOG went down that route a long time ago. Yes, the whole Women's Month thing is pretty cringe.
Just another words on a keyboard; cheap cash in from their marketing department, notice they arn't raising money for domestic abuse charities or a charity that helps women in danger and distress, no why do that when you can virtue signal GRRRRLLL POWER! for free.
Wishmaster777: Whenever you see a forum rule which says: "It is forbidden to talk about religion and politics", it is the left wing political policy and left wing political stance. And since they are the hypocrites, obviously they allow political discussion which belongs to the left wing overton window from the leftist point of view. They could use my comment now as an excuse to issue a ban.
Religious and political discussion are often banned on forums not specifically devoted to that. Many people are simply too entrenched in their views of these topics to maintain civil discussion with those that feel differently. I expect forum owners feel allowing it wouldn't be worth the moderation bother that would inevitably follow.
high rated
I woke about 7 o'clock this morning, with the aid of my alarm clock. But there was nothing political about that time of the morning, or the alarm clock that woke me...
Mega Man X: Will this increase their sales?

The intensity of their 'in your face' international no men allowed day banner on the home page packs a punch. got 98 comments on their post banning sales in Russia and Belarus. I then reposted their topic and got 117 comments that was closed off with the following:

"Since this is a duplicate and against our Code of Conduct, I will be closing the thread."

Freedom of speech platforms don't exist in places that take hardline political stances.

There are no privately owned platforms of free speech. Being able to control what is expressed on the platform is one of the main points if not the primary one for having your own forum. Whether it involves political stances is totally incidental to that main purpose of control.
As long as we can still play games, esp our fave, "pocket pool", we're chill w/ La Dolce Vita.;-))
Pheace: what does it mean to become 'politically woke' exactly?
not being a complete gobshite, avoiding being a racist or otherwise bigoted prick, considering others.

basic humanity in other words.
low rated
Sachys: not being a complete gobshite, avoiding being a racist or otherwise bigoted prick, considering others.

basic humanity in other words.
Banning Russian is racist.
Sachys: not being a complete gobshite, avoiding being a racist or otherwise bigoted prick, considering others.

basic humanity in other words.
kbnrylaec: Banning Russian is racist.
1: Russians arent a "race" unless you are a racist.
2: That has absolutely nothing to do with my post.
3: Go GOGbear yourself in a dark corner please.
low rated
TakesReign: Religious and political discussion are often banned on forums not specifically devoted to that. Many people are simply too entrenched in their views of these topics to maintain civil discussion with those that feel differently. I expect forum owners feel allowing it wouldn't be worth the moderation bother that would inevitably follow.
Most forums are about the entertainment or socialising, and people who run and moderate most forums tend to have the left wing views. Moderators usually tend to present themselves as pacifists, atheistic, "neutral and objective" while sitting on the left side of the political spectrum, they find topics about the so-called "people of colour"(what a racist term by the way) too sensitive and stand for those people, while religions and religious views that are not Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant tend to get the special treatment, because they deem them to be "oppressed", which is a result of their cultural Marxist stance.