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according your experience, is GOG support active or is it simply a bot?
I've a ticket open since 23rd of December and, after a couiple of automatic answers received in following two days ("we are overloaded, please wait etc..."), no more signs of life from their side despite a couple of reminders from me.
Is this normal? Do I have to consider my request lost in the void?

Thanks for your suggestions and advices :-)

The automatic acknowledgement you're e-mailed has a link to your ticket on the site. Use that to check on the status of the ticket. You also normally get this link when first opening the ticket. I don't know if this still the case after the chatbot was introduced.

My support response delay has been 5 weeks for the most part. So yes, the amount of time you waited is unfortunately normal.
Many thanks for your help.
Yes, I've received the link to my ticket and the status is still "open".
Considering that you had to wait 5 week, I'd tell that I'm still in that range and so now I feel a bit more relieved.
Thanks again.
Yeah, they're operative. I had an issue where I couldn't get Cyberpunk 2077 to launch anymore, despite working before. It was a particularly tricky issue to figure out but together, we found a solution. It was probably the best experience I've had with their support, honestly. Also, this was back during the Christmas sale so response times were a bit slower than usual but it wasn't unreasonable.

If you're encountering long wait times, it wouldn't hurt to submit a new reply to the ticket. It seems tickets sometimes get buried. If that doesn't work, PMing a blue sometimes helps.
Post edited January 27, 2022 by JakobFel
do they still write they are overloaded ?
this is for more than a year now , clearly bad management
patmansecondo: according your experience, is GOG support active or is it simply a bot?
They are active, and actually quite good once you manage to get hold of some human.

But they are badly understaffed and GOG does not want to fix that, so you can expect several weeks of waiting time before you get an acknowledgement by a human. Despite what GOG claims in its marketing, weeks-long waiting time is the norm even outside of sale events.
Many thanks to everybody for the feedbacks.
I'll be patient :-)
Orkhepaj: do they still write they are overloaded ?
this is for more than a year now , clearly bad management
Yes, it still says that. And it's been going on for 2 years and counting.
Ice_Mage: Hello,

The automatic acknowledgement you're e-mailed has a link to your ticket on the site. Use that to check on the status of the ticket. You also normally get this link when first opening the ticket. I don't know if this still the case after the chatbot was introduced.

My support response delay has been 5 weeks for the most part. So yes, the amount of time you waited is unfortunately normal.
I was just about to create a thread to ask this, Thanks!

I submitted a ticket to GOG mid December over a minor issue (The Road 96 soundtrack is missing track 11 in both flac and mp3 archives) and so far I've only received the initial message and another one about them being "overwhelmed".

The last time I had to use GOG Support was several years back and I recall they got back to me reasonably quick, though they weren't able to do anything about the issue I was having.
patmansecondo: according your experience, is GOG support active or is it simply a bot?
I have talked to various GOG support staff and I'm happy to say they've all passed the Turing test :P. That being said wait times are still far from ideal on support tickets so you may hear from them several weeks later.
patmansecondo: according your experience, is GOG support active or is it simply a bot?
WinterSnowfall: I have talked to various GOG support staff and I'm happy to say they've all passed the Turing test :P. That being said wait times are still far from ideal on support tickets so you may hear from them several weeks later.
Most of them are nice, especially the dude named Poncho. That guy is ok, for the most part.
MJVandershonk: I submitted a ticket to GOG mid December over a minor issue (The Road 96 soundtrack is missing track 11 in both flac and mp3 archives) and so far I've only received the initial message and another one about them being "overwhelmed".
If you haven't already, please try contacting the publisher directly:
Jon_Irenicus_PL: Most of them are nice, especially the dude named Poncho.
All staff I've dealt with have been courteous and apologetic for the long response delay.

(And I think you might mean ponczo_)
My last ticket had a 6 weeks delay until I had a reply
patmansecondo: Hello,

according your experience, is GOG support active or is it simply a bot?
I've a ticket open since 23rd of December and, after a couiple of automatic answers received in following two days ("we are overloaded, please wait etc..."), no more signs of life from their side despite a couple of reminders from me.
Is this normal? Do I have to consider my request lost in the void?

Thanks for your suggestions and advices :-)
Rest assured, your ticket isn't lost in the void! As the automatic reply stated, our support is doing their best to answer each request in due time. However, waiting times are to be expected. Thanks for your patience.
Thanks again to everybody :-)
This discussion brought me luck, today my issue was solved by Ponczo