micktiegs_8: Do what Blakstar said and clear the cookies. I've had previous issues with PayPal not working and clearing cookies did the trick.
Also, using card details works fine for me so again, try the method above.
Please don't make multiple threads of the same problem.
Actually I only made one - and replied to a couple of others on the same subject. It's not exactly a spam-flood. It won't derail the entire forum. Calm down!
Blakstar was quoting a solution to a different problem to mine. Cookies have nothing to do with PayPal for me, I can't even get an account due to no access to a mobile phone (well not right now anyway) - I'll be changing banks anyway within the next few weeks - so may as well leave any PayPal account creations until then. I've tried several cards, so it's not "the bank" blocking GoG, it *IS* GoG, other users are reporting it, but GoG don't seem to be fessing up / sorting it out. Their loss. Just tried my card directly on GoG just 30 mins ago - but still no go here.