rjbuffchix: offline multiplayer
clarry: You mean shared/split screen or hotseat? Meh, does not make up for multiplayer.
I go by the standard on GOG's sister site, FCKDRM.com, which last I checked reads "100% DRM-free." That is what I advocate for, without accepting less. Offline multiplayer includes LAN, splitscreen, hotseat. Fact is that ANY game that includes traditional online multiplayer can include traditional LAN multiplayer, at minimum.
The importance of offline multiplayer, beyond being DRM-free, is that it is preservable in a way that even private servers cannot guarantee. See, for offline multiplayer, the preservation of the multiplayer mode is baked into the game itself instead of having to rely on others or even an online connection itself.
I am not saying "get rid of online multiplayer." It's great and welcome as an option, albeit should
not require ANY client (including Galaxy) to access. What I am saying is that it is amixed message to customers whether games are 100% DRM-free or not, and often not articulated well (imo) on the gamepages as to what offline options exist.