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low rated
I was about to search for a topic like this.
"Dear", Gog, sure there is a good discount on Styx - Master Of Shadows, and then there is an ok discount for Shadow Warrior. But, let me tell you, "dear" Gog, I will not buy them again. I am waiting for the Gog Connect. Period. The only time these two will appear in my Gog library will be via Gog Connect, or it will not happen at all. Due to your recent actions, probably it will never happen. Thanks for your understanding, "dear" Gog.
Timboli: GOG rightly see GOG Connect as a promotional tool, and in that regard, any monetary loss is no different to losses on advertising, except they have the added bonus of making their customer base happier with them, so actually it is better than regular advertising.

It is a false dichotomy to see it as giving a free game for nothing.
Right on!

Having GOG Connect as an active feature would make me much more interested to spend money on GOG than sending some "personal" discount codes in emails that have some annoying emojis in the subject line.

There have been cases where I have received a game through GOG Connect, and then made actual purchases after that. There hasn't been a single case where I have ended up spending money after receiving some emoji attack on the email.

Gearmos: There was a statement some time ago explaining that EPIC's low revenue cut had affected GOG, and that they had been forced to cut theirs as well to remain competitive:

"In the past, we were able to cover these extra costs from our cut and still turn a small profit. Unfortunately, this is not the case anymore." "With an increasing share paid to developers, our cut gets smaller. However, we look at it, at the end of the day we are a store and need to make sure we sell games without a loss."

That ended the Fair Price Package and has ended up also affecting free games during sales and GOG Connect.
Yes, that is what happened and Epic managed to mess the entire scene somewhat.

But GOG's response to that is unbelievable. They discontinue GOG Connect which could in theory draw Steam customers to GOG, and end up selling Epic games, which can lead to customers jumping from GOG to Epic!

And as Epic has been giving free games every throughout their existence, GOG's response to that has been to discontinue GOG Connect and terminate the Fair Price Package.

Can someone tell me how GOG is thinking here?
They are fighting Epic by starting to sell Epic games, and when Epic is giving more freebies and discounts to customers, GOG responds by giving less.

I honestly can't see how they thought this whole thing through, but then again that sister company also thought releasing Cyberpunk 2077 in its current state was a good idea...
low rated
Was GOG Connect ever really alive?

IMHO it was / is an interesting idea for a positive PR campaign that has since -- over time -- ended up confusing and misleading many; I still come across people from time-to-time on Steam who think that they can come to GOG and activate their Steam catalogue here. Oops.

IMO a better idea for GOG would have been to use Galaxy to find games owned on other platforms and give discounts to "re-buy" those games via GOG -- much like targeted sales. But...?

GOG Connect is just a link on the bottom of the home page that seemingly never leads to anything
Every once in a while I test out GoG Connect and it never has anything new :/
I don't really wanna buy games twice, but sometimes games don't appear on GoG until a little time after on Steam. Such was the case for Hyperdimension Neptunia; I'd love to own drm free versions but also its hard to bring myself to buy something twice.
high rated
battlechili1: Every once in a while I test out GoG Connect and it never has anything new :/
I don't really wanna buy games twice, but sometimes games don't appear on GoG until a little time after on Steam. Such was the case for Hyperdimension Neptunia; I'd love to own drm free versions but also its hard to bring myself to buy something twice.
If it's really important to you that a game is DRM-free, simply don't buy it on Steam, instead contact the developer/publisher and ask them to release it on GOG. It's obvious that if they sell well on Steam anyway, they will never worry about releasing games on other platforms. And yes, GOG Connect is officially discontinued.

And yes, GOG Connect is officially discontinued.
Source, please?
I've come across other threads here and elsewhere, where people say it was discontinued and that turned out not to be true.

If it were officially discontinued, then isn't there an official announcement?
petregeus: Source, please?
I've come across other threads here and elsewhere, where people say it was discontinued and that turned out not to be true.

If it were officially discontinued, then isn't there an official announcement?
Thanks. I love how the feature is still available on the site and in the knowledgebase.

Come on, GOG, if it's gone, then please remove references to it!
Post edited January 01, 2022 by petregeus
low rated
FrodoBaggins: Um... it is not wrong, and it does work.
What if I bought some bread this morning, so now I expect you to give me some bread.

If you buy a product... ANY product... from Shop A - you cannot expect another shop to give it to you for nothing.
go lick some boots
petregeus: Source, please?
I've come across other threads here and elsewhere, where people say it was discontinued and that turned out not to be true.

If it were officially discontinued, then isn't there an official announcement?
You all are misinterpreting it in such a manner that is tragically funny. That is not an official confirmation about gog connect no longer being supported that is just an official confirmation regarding that the games offered are time limited which we are already aware. You want proof? Check whether a game was given in gog connect in april 29, 2020.
high rated
Please, stop necroing this stuff. GOG connect is over, it has been stated officially. Stop poking the corpse.
Enebias: Please, stop necroing this stuff. GOG connect is over, it has been stated officially. Stop poking the corpse.
sure mate