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it sucks that it isn't a thing anymore.
Timboli: Totally uncalled for and illogical.

No-one gets a game at Steam expecting to be able to get it free at GOG. So they get it at Steam because that's most likely where they want it.
actually yes, Steam keys can cost a few cents, games are bundled up for nothing and the GOG version keep costing full price. When Connect was operating at full capacity, it would have been a reasonable gamble to buy in bundles or for cents something that stays expensive on GOG.
The fairness thing makes no sense, because Connect wasn't given with games at lauch at GOG.
How many times I have seen games given with connect that I didn't buy on Steam but I could have had for a few cents. It's just better to gift the game to everyone. That's fair.
Post edited February 06, 2021 by Dogmaus
low rated
darthspudius: I did that plenty of times. It was awesome.
Johnathanamz: And people like you are the problem taking advantage of things being free
Well duuuuuuuh! It's free, why wouldn't I? If it's free, I'm taking it. I couldn't give a toss what folks like you think.
Johnathanamz: And people like you are the problem taking advantage of things being free, your a free loader.

I seriously hope has stopped GOG Connect permantly.

This is absolutely not fair at all to the PC gamers who only purchase their video games from exclusively only to see PC gamers purchase their video games from Steam to claim the video games for free through GOG Connect.
Timboli: Totally uncalled for and illogical.

No-one gets a game at Steam expecting to be able to get it free at GOG. So they get it at Steam because that's most likely where they want it.

If it does appear at GOG later, then why should they buy it twice?

You talk about those using GOG Connect as doing the wrong thing when really the blame lies elsewhere.
First and foremost there is the issue of DRM.
Secondly there is the greed of DEVs/PUBs taking advantage of those who want DRM-Free, to sell their game twice to the same people. Instead of rewarding you for having bought their game, they penalize you.

What GOG Connect does is act as a fairness tool. To see it as otherwise is to be naive, foolish or selfish.
Reread darthspudius comment who I was responding to who said he was doing exactly that taking of GOG Connects advantage to get the video games for free.

He is a pro-Steam supporter on these forums if you have read his comments in the last eight years.
One would be right but i was under the impression that GoG Connect was only good if you already OWNED said game on Steam, there fore having your steam account linked would be the only way to get it as well on GoG).
There are other platforms but alas it only allow linking to Steam, so technically nothing here is really Free, its just having another way of playing a game from another platform.

Quotefrom GoG when they started this service - We feel it is unfair to ask gamers to purchase games multiple times on differant platforms so we are bringing the GoG Connect - If you own a game on steam and have linked your account with Connect then participating developers games can be added.

Just that in over a year there has been absolutly nothing at all (and yes i have checked everyday) with available games empty, unavailable games empty (this is where games may appear but you do not own on steam).

Still if it is defunt, they should at least let people know.
Dogmaus: actually yes, Steam keys can cost a few cents, games are bundled up for nothing and the GOG version keep costing full price. When Connect was operating at full capacity, it would have been a reasonable gamble to buy in bundles or for cents something that stays expensive on GOG.
The fairness thing makes no sense, because Connect wasn't given with games at lauch at GOG.
How many times I have seen games given with connect that I didn't buy on Steam but I could have had for a few cents. It's just better to gift the game to everyone. That's fair.
None of that alters the specifics of what I said.

You cannot blame a customer for what Steam/DEV/PUB decide to do.
Look at it from the other perspective .... if they sell for cents at Steam, then they (DEV/PUB) are ripping us off at GOG if we pay a lot more than that here.

GOG Connect is a fairness and balancing tool ... not that it has ever delivered much in the years I have been a member here. No-one has made a killing in that time with it, and if that's the case, no-one has really been impacted in the grand scheme of things. In fact many more have been impacted by paying twice because they want the DRM-Free version. DEVs and PUBs know that and milk it for all its worth ... they are the wrong doers, not some customer trying to get a fair deal. At the end of the day it is all about the choices the DEVs/PUBs make and the customer can only react to that.

If Steam was DRM-Free like GOG, there would be no need to get the game twice. Same for other related issues of compatibility.
Timboli: If Steam was DRM-Free like GOG, there would be no need to get the game twice.
Well, GOG is not as DRM-free as it used to be either ;)
Post edited February 08, 2021 by anzial
Timboli: None of that alters the specifics of what I said.

You cannot blame a customer for what Steam/DEV/PUB decide to do.
Look at it from the other perspective .... if they sell for cents at Steam, then they (DEV/PUB) are ripping us off at GOG if we pay a lot more than that here.
Not really on Steam, but in bundles like Fanatical and Humble, that only sell Steam keys and not GOG keys. Not counting the many resellers. Yes, buying on GOG is being ripped off in many cases. I haven't blamed customers. I am saying that who has decided to spend their money on GOG only is paying a lot more for less, while Connect was rewarding those hoarding Steam keys with the GOG version of the game. A giveaway for everyone is more fair to GOG only customers - like Brigador.
I don't know why people keep expecting free stuff.
GOG is a business, once they gained enough popularity there was no reason anymore to hand over free copies of products, Connect being "dead" doesn't surprise me in the least. At this point, going on with it is just a waste of money, no company would do that -for good or bad, after The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk GOG gained all the popularity (and infamy) it could get, I doubt there are still many PC gamers who still haven't heard of it.
Enebias: I don't know why people keep expecting free stuff.
GOG is a business, once they gained enough popularity there was no reason anymore to hand over free copies of products, Connect being "dead" doesn't surprise me in the least. At this point, going on with it is just a waste of money, no company would do that -for good or bad, after The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk GOG gained all the popularity (and infamy) it could get, I doubt there are still many PC gamers who still haven't heard of it.
Well, no, not free at all. I already paid for my games on Steam.

Let's play the "you wouldn't download a car" game backwards.

Let's say I live in Steamcity and I have a nice bike there, but I move to GOGcity. Since I already have a bike there, I would like to put it on my car and bring it here to GOGcity, but no: you're saying that I should buy another bike here in GOGcity and not bring here my own, already paid and fully functional bike.

GOG has no advantages to push gog connect anymore, I agree, but I do not want anything free. I would like to bring my already paid game here.
Post edited February 10, 2021 by Qoelet
Dogmaus: Not really on Steam, but in bundles like Fanatical and Humble, that only sell Steam keys and not GOG keys.
There was a Fanatical bundle with GOG keys last year.
Qoelet: Let's say I live in Steamcity and I have a nice bike there, but I move to GOGcity. Since I already have a bike there, I would like to put it on my car and bring it here to GOGcity, but no: you're saying that I should buy another bike here in GOGcity and not bring here my own, already paid and fully functional bike.
No, it's like you pay taxes in Steamcity but live in GOGcity and want GOGcity to pay your rent, transportation, healthcare, funemployment and eventually retirement.
Qoelet: Let's say I live in Steamcity and I have a nice bike there, but I move to GOGcity. Since I already have a bike there, I would like to put it on my car and bring it here to GOGcity, but no: you're saying that I should buy another bike here in GOGcity and not bring here my own, already paid and fully functional bike.
Starmaker: No, it's like you pay taxes in Steamcity but live in GOGcity and want GOGcity to pay your rent, transportation, healthcare, funemployment and eventually retirement.
No, you're talking about services that you pay every year. A bike (and a game) is paid only once. I do not pay a yearly fee for steam or GOG.
Post edited February 11, 2021 by Qoelet
Starmaker: No, it's like you pay taxes in Steamcity but live in GOGcity and want GOGcity to pay your rent, transportation, healthcare, funemployment and eventually retirement.
Qoelet: No, you're talking about services that you pay every year. A bike (and a game) is paid only once. I do not pay a yearly fee for steam or GOG.
Playing along with analogies, when you bought the bike on Steamcity you knew that it contains a killswitch that renders it unusable whenever you try to use it outside of Steamcity, if the city grid goes down, or if the mayor decides to revoke your access to it.

GOGcity bikes are a lot better, once you buy them you can use them forever! But GOGcity can't afford to buy new bikes for everybody who wants to move out of Steamcity. ;)
Qoelet: No, you're talking about services that you pay every year. A bike (and a game) is paid only once. I do not pay a yearly fee for steam or GOG.
ConsulCaesar: Playing along with analogies, when you bought the bike on Steamcity you knew that it contains a killswitch that renders it unusable whenever you try to use it outside of Steamcity, if the city grid goes down, or if the mayor decides to revoke your access to it.

GOGcity bikes are a lot better, once you buy them you can use them forever! But GOGcity can't afford to buy new bikes for everybody who wants to move out of Steamcity. ;)
I totally agree with the considerations about GOG Vs Steam, that's why I want to relocate here ;) . However, when I bought my bike in Steamcity part of what I paid went to the bike maker, part to the city government, in VAT. Now, I cannot fathom why someone has to buy again the friggin' bike: sure the bike maker has to shut up, because they already sold me the bike; do I have to pay GOG again VAT? Import taxes? Well, ask me: maybe I will decide to pay them, but ask me.

Let's be clear: the issue here is not that I want free games or that a game publisher does not want their products to be transferable through marketplaces, because they do exactly what they want until a law is put in place in order to regulate them. The issue is that WE, as gamers and users of multiple marketplaces, see everything the pull on us as normal, as due. Well, it is not; that's why I explained my position through bikes: the law about object possession is old and often well understood, while laws about software seem to be from a different timespace. They're not. THey should not be. But if we, the end users and buyers, are not aware and do not agree that a bike and a piece of software should abide to the same law, we will never pressure the legislators and the game industry will keep going on with their predatory policies.

Just to be clear, I buy here from 2011 and my game collection here has a frankly embarassing extension. My steam account is not even a sixth of what I have here. I am not here for free gifts. I simply would like to be able to have here what I have elsewhere without paying full price two times, because the "GOG benefits" are not worth double the price of a game.