eisberg77: They haven't gone back on their principles at all. because their principals have always been providing DRM free games, and that is what they are still doing with no indication of that ever changing.
227: Just because DRM-free is the only principle left (and with a giant asterisk and
"only applies to offline games; please don't pay attention to Gremlins, Inc in the corner over there" disclaimer written in small print) doesn't mean there weren't others in the past.
yes, I forgot about the regional pricing. So you would rather miss out on all kinds of DRM frre games that you get an installer for, perhaps GoG eventually have to shut down because they couldn't get more games in their catalog to keep their business going and profitable, just so you can keep a regional pricing (which by the way they make up for it by giving you store credits)?
The regional pricing is being forced on them, and if they want to stay in business it is what they have to do.
So it was either you only see a very small catalog of games, GoG does not make a profit, they go out of buisness and you lose access to your games and just hope that none of your back ups go kaput for some reason
They do what they have to do to stay in business, do the regional pricing in order to gain more titles in their catalog, and thus making sure you have continued access for your games through their service.
Which would you prefer.
Cause them going out of business would also be going against their principles in providing an everlasting service for their customers.
So what are they supposed to do when they are forced to choose between 2 of their principles and neither can co-exist?
227: [url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110414150425/http://www.gog.com:80/en/about/]https://web.archive.org/web/20110414150425/http://www.gog.com:80/en/about/[/url]
zeogold: THIS is what it looked like? Holy moly, even the way they talk is mad different.
I can understand some of the viewpoints of the old-timers who say the place isn't what it used to be a lot better now.
Other than the regional price, in which they give in store credit to cover the difference, nothing else has changed. And they were stuck between 2 principles that could not co -exist. Staying in business and giving in store credit was the better option to go.