Posted October 02, 2016

Say a kid is born in 1998 aka the same year freespace 2 is released. In 2016 that kid is now 18, do you think that kid can have a valid opinion on many aspects of freespace 2 when the kid was just a baby? AKA the kid has no memory of that gaming era and wasn't a part of it so can't comment with intelligence on that aspect of gaming history.
Many comments on message board stem from the generation rift of people being 38+ vs kids, teens to mid 20's. There's decade or more gap between them. I was in my 20's in 1998, I had lived through gaming from the NES onwards and have accurate perspective on PC gaming. A place like reddit for instance is filled with young teens and 20 somethings who never played PC games during the 90's and have only ever owned a console, that means there view of gaming history is massively distorted by sheer ignorance of never having experienced that part of gaming history. They will simply make shit up and distort the truth simply because very few of them are actually interested and intelligent enough to go and find accurate information from people that actually gamed during that era.
Consider the idea that "it's all nostalgia, old games have nothing of value in them", it's a very common view on gaming boards and that is simply an ignorant comment by gamers who have no serious interest in gaming or game design, to design fun games you really need to study game history and go out of your way to play games of the past otherwise you will think games from your generation "did something first" when they didn't. I've seen people who think First person shooters BEGIN with halo. It's fucking sad. There is an entire generation of gamers who've never played Doom 1/2 or Duke nukem 3d, or descent 1/2. Games I consider key points in gaming history, since doom was really the birth of first person shooters. Decent because it had probably the most unique and amazing multiplayer experience of 3D ship combat ever made till this day, there's nothing quite like multiplayer descent 2 over the net if you can find a group of people and get over the bad graphics.
There are plenty of games that are key stones in gaming history that have never been played by newer generations of gamers who really aren't "gamers" in my estimation, since they don't pro-actively seek or play games before modern console/PC era in which they were born. Say you are in your teens during the 2000's, say 2005-2016, if you think it is the best time in gaming history you are living in a fantasy world - you have no context to understand why older gamers generally despise mmo's, steam, online drm, etc. Online DRM, the lack of mod tools and dedicated servers for things we had in the 90's have been massively curtailed, most AAA games come with corporate malware and are consumer hostile to an extreme degree.
Post edited October 02, 2016 by supp99