Niggles: devs are putting more of their effort into mobile, co op and multiplayer games. Pretty sad really.
I play both single-player and multi-player, and on the surface I would consider myself sort of equally split between the two however in practice I spend 99.5% of my gaming time playing single-player. At the current moment in time I strongly feel that this is the best time in history to be a gamer, and the best time to be a PC gamer specifically as well because there are literally more games available on the market right now than ever before in history, and more new games coming out every single day than ever before in history as well.
Not only that, but the average price of a game over time has dropped also. Not so much the cost of new releases, as they've even increased a bit over time - but the prices of most games drop faster over time and drop much lower as well, making games more affordable to the average gamer than ever before.
So the way I see it, is that your first statement is true however only because it is a subset of the following statement: "Devs are putting more of their effort into developing games." That is to say, there are more game developers out there and they're developing more games - more of every type of game imaginable, for single player, multi-player, co-op, MMO, MOBA, and they're doing it for consoles, PCs, Macs, Linux, mobile platforms and every other possibly conceivable platform imaginable. There is no lack of games for any kind of player out there. No lack of single player games any more than there is a lack of multi-player games.
I don't see anything inherently
sad about that at all personally, the world of gaming is full of abundance for every gamer pretty much regardless of their tastes and preferences. I think it's fantastic. The games that are being developed that I have no interest in whatsoever simply can be safely pushed aside and ignored while thousands of others being developed that match what I'm looking for can take my focus and provide me with something to be excited about. The fact there are games being developed also at the same time with a focus for people that have different interests than I do is a great thing also.
What would be a sad thing, is if every game in the world was developed just for myself and people with the exact same tastes in games as I do, and others with different tastes had no options to choose from to meet their own needs. The games that appeal to those people don't in any way take anything away from my own experience so they're of no real negative consequence to me. Sure, there are games out there I dislike and even scoff at, and some that I feel are being developed in an over-saturating way, but none of that stifles the creation of games I actually do want to see coming out either.
I guess whether someone sees all of this as exciting or sad isn't really right or wrong, but in the eye of the beholder. All 10 of my eyes are casting their beholden gaze on all of the exciting games that are being developed however and blotting out anything not so appealing.
IMHO, it's the best time ever to be a gamer indeed. An endless supply of games for all tastes to be excited and happy about. :)