Heretic777: Epic has not affected my purchases on GOG.
Well, it certainly has mine, that's for sure. Though in many cases, if the price here were right, that need not be so, as I certainly have re-bought many games I had on disc, just to get DRM-Free and updated. Many of those freebies have DLC though, so ultimately I would not want the DRM version of those, so an additional motivation to re-buy at GOG.
Heretic777: I rely on GOG to buy mostly older DOS games and early Windows games that is not available anywhere else. Another important reason i buy a game on GOG is to be able to download and store offline on an external HDD.
As have I, but I believe in being forward looking too.
Heretic777: In fact, Epic giving free games is hurting themselves because i have not bought any game from them. All the free games that i have gotten, i never planned to buy on any gaming site UNLESS they were in a cheap bundle. Epic is just growing my backlog much faster for FREE, so i cant complain.
On the face of it, it certainly seems that way, but they surely have a long term goal in mind, so I would be cautious about drawing too many conclusions.
I've not paid for anything at Epic either, and certainly don't intend to at this point. Still, I cannot forget how kind they have been to me .... all those free games ... so you never know ... maybe if something really exclusive grabs hold of me, who knows.
Heretic777: Epic has really shocked me with some of their freebies. Sure, i expected cheap indie games, but some of their freebies made my jaw drop. Just to name a few (Kingdom Come Deliverance, World War Z, Subnautica, Assassins Creed Syndicate, Mutant Year Zero, etc). They must be spending ALOT of money. Hopefully, its going directly to the developers, so they are properly compensated.
Yep, I don't know about shocked, but certainly surprised ... especially for how long it has now been happening.
Once again, we don't know the ins and out of the deals they make with devs and publishers. So we need to be cautious with our speculations.
That said, I can see it hurting, especially in the short term .... many of us have a hell of a lot of free games now to play through. Some could think ... that's all they need for years. Certainly with all I have at GOG and Steam etc, I probably need never buy another game for the rest of my life.