Diary of an Agent forced to create an alt account.
Day 2...
It has been 48 hours since the world ended, and I was forced to live this way. My friends vanished in an instant. It was nothing but deafening silence. A yellow feathery creature called out from the darkness, and saved me from despair. Shortly after, the rest of my old friends from days of chatting past began to return, populating my new gray and lonely chat list. I've never been so happy to hear from them. It was as if I'd been thirsty for days and finally took a sip of cool, fresh water. My head began to clear. Then I saw him... A man dressed in black, wearing an earring and a sailor's hat. I figured he had been the cause of this disaster, as always... but no, not even a man as evil as ElT could be at fault for such horrible a crime as breaking my chat. He brought words of comfort.
My other dear friends, Endre and Crow, are still lost out there, somewhere... in the great mists... Theodore got them too. I can only hope that the problem is resolved quickly. Before the madness sets in among all three of us. One never realizes just how gray the vast ocean of GOG is, until it begins to fade away in front of their eyes. It's a brutal feeling that I wouldn't wish on anyone... I pray the beautiful gray will return to my former home, so I can go back soon.