LiquidOxygen80: I've been saying this for years. Even Skyrim wasn't without its flaws, especially at launch, if you can remember all the hilarious physics bugs.
Lukaszmik: Bethesda's games have been getting dumbed down since bloody Daggerfall.
Morrowind already did away with bunch of (pretty innovative at the time) mechanics. Both in terms of gameplay and game design. But at least it had unique graphical presentation.
Borelivion was borelivion. Cardboard characters and even more simplified game mechanics.
Snorerim... before I found out about Requiem, couldn't play for longer than 30 minutes before turning that crap off. If I wanted a "walking simulator" experience, I'd be outside.
At least Fallout 3 (and New Vegas) had some pew-pew entertainment value (particularly the slow-mo VATS killshots), and did not rely on combat mechanics from early 90s (hell, even Daggerfall at least had some innovation in how different moves with the mouse resulted in different strikes). Unless you went for melee weapons, in which case gods help you.
Still not a true Fallout in any shape or form, either.
Didn't get anything after that, but from what I read Fallout 4 was even more dumbed down. Also, paid mods. Er, I mean "totally not paid mods Creation Club content!"
That dumbfuckery alone would've make me avoid their titles.
Bethesda doesn't make good games. They make good base engine. Once they get patched enough times, anyway.
They have long sacrificed innovation for the sake of garnering the largest "casual" customer base possible.
I purchased 4, mainly because I like building things. I did not, however, pay full price for it, and too late, I found out just how hackneyed the settlement building and management actually is. Thankfully, mods improved all of it with free content additions, as well as multiple added mechanics that should have been common sense to any dev with a pair of brain cells to rub together. I purchased some of the DLC at a reduced rate, and I will say that Far Harbor was actually pretty good, but every other piece was pretty much utter crap.
As for 4 itself? It's wide as an ocean, but deep as a puddle. Mediocre writing, cliche'd and derivative, uninteresting factions, even with the Brotherhood making a roots return to their core values, and some of the most memeworthy radiant quests ever given. Like worse than Skyrim's.
As it stands right now, New Vegas is still the closest thing to a proper "modern" Fallout game that we have, in my opinion, even despite being hampered by its engine. (I'm not an "isometric," despite the original Fallout's not actually being in isometric at all, but rather oblique POV, purist. I don't mind a first person experience, as long as the writing, characters, universe, etc, is consistent and makes sense with the actual established lore.)