BKGaming: Sorry but I kind of find this funny because you like the downloader, but the downloader is technically a client. In computing, a client is a piece of hardware or software that accesses a server to get information or services. Your using a web browser to post which is technically a client. All Galaxy is, is a stripped down web browser essentially.
I just find it funny when people say the like the downloader and dislike clients (aka Galaxy) when there both essentially clients... especially when Galaxy is basically the downloader + more options.
Martek: You are just being a
pedant. You know damn well what people mean but you just had to butt-in with an off-topic 'technicality' .
Just like those that, when (talking about guns) someone says 'clip' and they just can't stop themselves from telling you 'it's a
magazine'. Or someone calls a quad-copter a 'drone' and they just can't stop themselves from chiming in with saying 'it's not a drone - which is a UAV blah blah blah; it's a 'remotely piloted aircraft'. Or someone says
'irregardless' blah blah..
We all know those distinctions, but pedants just can't help themselves to telling it to the world so they can show off their 'pedantedness'. /p
[edited to fix url..]
What's sad about this is you actually think that people know these distinctions... um no, no they do not. People think clients in terms of gaming and think Steam, all I did was clarify what an actual client is. I can guarantee you there are many people here that have no idea the
downloader is really a client, that they love using and hate clients...
Not that I really care what you think though... I never said there was anything wrong with his view, I just found it a little funny as someone who is in the computer field. :)
PS: And FYI there is a very different distinction between a clip and magazine, people should be educated so they know the difference otherwise we continue to promote people thinking things that aren't correct...