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seth5051: :)
P1na: Didn't I just decline your friend request? Sorry, I can't chat with you for some reason, the loading circle just spins and spins and spins... and spins... and spiiiiinssss . . . . . . . .
I just accepted his. :P Never seen him before either. Oh well.
Well, I wasn't aware you already had a jaded opinion of using beta software. I just think you don't have anything to lose beta testing new software, especially if you frequent

However, you know best, so I'll leave it at that.
JDelekto: Well, I wasn't aware you already had a jaded opinion of using beta software. I just think you don't have anything to lose beta testing new software, especially if you frequent

However, you know best, so I'll leave it at that.
Nowadays, "beta" hardly means anything, some betas are really solid. I don't mind using a system with occasional glitches so long as it provides me with something useful, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. I won't use Galaxy only to help GOG out bugtesting for the goodness of my heart.

But yeah, we each see things differently. You seem to find enjoyable to see and hopefully influence how the program develops, go for it.
Martek: It doesn't promote squat - it's just speaking as a common person. A pedant would think when someone says 'Hay y'all' they mean absolutely everyone - while everyone else knows the difference. And yes, everyone else doesn't literally mean everybody. Sure, there's always going to be someone that doesn't know a clip from a magazine - there's always someone that doesn't some thing. But when casually communicating, it's perfectly fine to refer to a magazine as a clip. Same for 'we all' simply meaning 'many'. A pedant eitehr knows that difference but bullheadedly ingores it - or they simply can't comprehend things that aren't exactly precise.
Not going to argue, to each his own...

Martek: LOL you lock it in with that one (pedant). If you think something is 'irrelevant to the main point' and is something you feel the need to point out, then don't bring up the irrelevant. All I did was respond to it:
All I did was explain why I found it funny which was a reference to my original point, you seemed to want to sell me your credentials like that somehow also made your opinion more valid... just saying.

Martek: It's not short-sighted. The GOG Downloader was optimized for efficient downloading - you turn it 'On' and then in few clicks you are off and running.

NOW you have to go through a bunch of different hoops to get to the same stuff. GOG has removed (i.e.; nerfed) its efficiency. Using the Downloader now is much more obtuse and click-heavy than it was before the web-changes that correspond to the Galaxy beta release. There's simply no way to call it practical now.

You water-down and/or ignore these issues so much and so often (and so verbosely) that it can make one wonder if you aren't just a customer and are instead working for them in a 'damage control' role.
Again to each his own, my experience downloading via the client has been just as easy as the downloader. My speed has been the same, and it's been quicker because I no longer have to launch a web browser, go, log in, go to account, hit download.... A few clicks in the client and I'm there. I don't know what hoops your referring too honestly.

So in my view it's just as practical.
Post edited May 17, 2015 by user deleted
"Piratical"? I shouldn't hope so...
Post edited May 17, 2015 by Randalator
Randalator: "Piratical"? I shouldn't hope so...
I blame spell check... :P
USERNAME:Randalator#Q&_^Q&Q#GROUP:4#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:215#Q&_^Q&Q#"Piratical"? I shouldn't hope so...#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:215#Q&_^Q&Q#
What, Obama not good enough for you?
Randalator: What, Obama not good enough for you?
No... not at all. xD
USERNAME:Randalator#Q&_^Q&Q#GROUP:4#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:217#Q&_^Q&Q#What, Obama not good enough for you?#Q&_^Q&Q#LINK:217#Q&_^Q&Q#
Thanks, Obama!
DieRuhe: When you click on a game, you can then just click on your system next to "Game Downloads." Which is then just like downloading anything to your computer. It's not the old downloader, so it doesn't seem as if using Galaxy will be necessary to download games - unless, of course, it ends up being the only way to get updates.
skeletonbow: Rest assured that GOG has stated a multitude of times publicly in presentations, interviews, public comments all over the forums that GOG Galaxy will always be optional, and also that standalone installers/patches/updates/extras etc. will always be downloadable direct from the website without Galaxy.
Thanks; I wasn't sure about that.
SpringPower: I was just wondering if I am missing something. I do not plan on using it, as I got rid of all the other games due to having to have their specific program for each company. Just wondering if anyone else was doing the same. Looking at the board, it seems that I am in the minority, and that people really like it. Congrats to GOG for allowing users and non users to still get their games!
triple_l: i'm with you
i will not use galaxy
i don't use clients and galaxy will not be an exception
i don't use "clients" to play games
i play games directly
its me and the game, with no "third parties"
overall i don't use "clients" to interact with software
i don't need a "client" to take care of myself or my computer
i know how to work with computers enough do without any "help"
WOW!! This is well said and summarizes everything nicely. Bottom line, if GOG ever decides to force Galaxy on its Customers, I will become GOG free. Either find another company that offers games without a client, and if none exist, keep replaying my games until another company fills that market space.
why is so important to not use a client? just wondering.
I'm not.
HereForTheBeer: I prefer doing things a la carte, for the most control. While Galaxy might be a practical downloader, it also brings along with it a bunch of other things some of us don't want or need - I mentioned a couple features that are handled well (for me, anyway) just fine the old way. That's what I mean when I say I hope they don't make it such a pain to do the same stuff the old way. I don't need the social stuff, the achievements, the auto-updates, etc., so why would I download another piece of software to do those things I do use the site for, and that I can already do just fine now? All I'm asking is that in the process of making Galaxy 'the thing', they don't overly-complicate up the very basic website-based functionality that gets the job done for the rest of us.
Randalator: You can deactivate every single one of those features, making Galaxy nothing more than the GOG Downloader with a new GUI.
I'll have to take your word for it. I have no plans to install the much-larger Galaxy just to then deselect all of the other (unwanted, in my case) things it does in order to strip it down to what is essentially the current, functional, and much smaller Downloader.

Mine is more of a what-if? position. Let's face it, while it's optional, I'm fairly certain they would rather we used Galaxy. And because of this, I can see some website features - in time - getting short shrift as attention shifts to Galaxy development. It ~could~ get bad enough that the optional client essentially becomes all-but-mandatory if the file management side of the site becomes - because of site updates that may or may not happen as a result of Galaxy - a chore to use. For now, the site is fine for me. Generally has been all along. But it wouldn't surprise me if that changes sometime down the road. Wouldn't surprise me if the functionality stays the same, either. Could go either way. My hope is that those of us who opt out of the client do not find the site more and more difficult to use over time.

As in my first reply, I'll have to take your word for it. If it can somehow improve on me downloading when and what I feel like, saving the data wherever I want, installing it when and where I feel like, and organizing the launchers and manuals in my own way, then maybe I'll give it a shot. But then again, I already have all of that stuff so, again, Galaxy is simply a waste of space if I'm going to use it only as a substitute for the smaller and simpler Downloader that I already have now.

I get that some people like it. More power to 'em. For my purposes, as things stand now, Galaxy seems pointless. As it evolves, I can reevaluate.
YaTEdiGo: You´re free to use only two of your millions of neurons to arrive to such a silly conclusion, when of course GOG WANT US to use the Client. Other thing is that they CAN make all use the Client without having a massive migration. Obviously.

Because Galaxy is "optional" doesn´t mean that they would not rather prefer us to use it, time, sadly, will make me even more right about this.

Mark my words.
Big argument! LOL
anthsoul: why is so important to not use a client? just wondering.
Is not important, is just convenient to some of us. Less resources used for nothing we are interested in, like achievements or ¨gaming social networking¨ I just play BF online and I got enough... the rest of my free time is to play ALONE, no client=more privacy, no client=+ security, clients are also always even if not mandatory, some kind of DRM that at least control clearly what users are doing, and with time, pushes them to use to client through several "advantages" (if they are not at the price of the non-client, welcome, but as long as we seen, Galaxy is changing the whole non-Galaxy GOG experience), very convenient to farm data, I understand this, is business, but is not what I am searching for when I decided to start to buy some games here instead of STEAM.

I am also a console gamer, and most part of my online gaming time is used on Xbox or Playstation, so I do not care at all about Online PC Gaming (I was interested to play some "good old games" online with Galaxy, that was the main major feature I was looking forward in the client because not easy to play good online games out there, but not anymore) or social features when I come back to my laptop or my desktop. Is time for ME, and not for playing with others, or "chat", I never cared about achievements in consoles, and I care even less about them on PC gaming, not talking about "trading cards", that soon or later maybe will appear here too.
Post edited May 18, 2015 by YaTEdiGo