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Thanks, that was a very good video, giving a good summary of it.
Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that the poor OP asked for people from Scandinavia and rather got an argument on what the hell Scandinavia is? XD

Later on I think I'll make a thread asking for people from New England and watch all the people from Delaware, New Jersey, and Maryland start beating the shit out of each other. :P
Post edited September 09, 2015 by tinyE
I live about an hour from the Danish border but I've rarely had the courage to venture over the northern border. I hear it's full of wildlings and White Walkers, guarded by the Sworn Brothers of the Night Watch.
Mr. D™: Have some questions about scandinavian countries
Me too!
Do y'all live and sing much like these folks?
tinyE: Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that the poor OP asked for people from Scandinavia and rather got an argument on what the hell Scandinavia is? XD
It is a touchy subject who gets to call himself a viking and wear a horned hat.

I guess it is similar like I consider all the people on that big island next to France to be English, but they might come back with "Nooo, I'm from Scotland yarrrr!" or "Oh pikapooo, I'm from Wales, don't mix me with those dirty Englishmen!".
Post edited September 09, 2015 by timppu
tinyE: Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that the poor OP asked for people from Scandinavia and rather got an argument on what the hell Scandinavia is? XD
timppu: It is a touchy subject who gets to call himself a viking and wear a horned hat.

I guess it is similar like I consider all the people on that big island next to France to be English, but they might come back with "Nooo, I'm from Scotland yarrrr!" or "Oh pikapooo, I'm from Wales, don't mix me with those dirty Englishmen!".
It's worse over here. We have what we call Twin Cities all over the country. I mean these places are literally feet apart, but if you accidentally mistake one for the other, you're likely to walk away with a fat lip. And don't even get me started on the NYC Boroughs! :P
Wishbone: I recently had a discussion about this with some Swedes and Norwegians, and was extremely amused at their odd misconception that the reason so many Danish TV programs are subtitled is that we have difficulty understanding one another here in Denmark. The actual reason we tend to subtitle many Danish programs even though they are in Danish is to accommodate deaf and hearing impaired people. I am surprised so many other countries do not do this.
Many of our shows here have what is called "Closed Captioning" available, but it is not shown on the screen by default. You have to change a setting (for my older bedroom TV, pressing the "Mute" button to turn off the sound will bring up closed captioning for the show, if available). This way, if you don't want/need the text, you don't have it potentially distracting you.
Luned: Many of our shows here have what is called "Closed Captioning" available, but it is not shown on the screen by default. You have to change a setting (for my older bedroom TV, pressing the "Mute" button to turn off the sound will bring up closed captioning for the show, if available). This way, if you don't want/need the text, you don't have it potentially distracting you.
To be fair, many of ours do too, though we access it differently, namely through teletext (I think, though it might be called something else).

I have noticed though, that the US and UK Netflix hardly have subtitles for anything at all, and US and UK DVDs tend not to have any either. It must suck to be deaf or hearing impaired there.

Oddly enough, DVDs and BluRays of English language movies released here often have English subtitles available.
timppu: I think Finland has higher than average number of "guns" per capita than many other western countries (actually according to one article only USA and Jemen have more guns per capita than Finland; I'm surprised e.g. Switzerland and Israel have less, I thought all men who have served in the Swiss army have an assault rifle at their home or something), but that is mainly due to hunting in the rural areas. So those "guns" in Finland are for a very big part hunting rifles and shotguns. That (hunting) is even encouraged somewhat, in order to keep e.g. the moose levels at moderate levels (car crashes with moose are the every year happening here).
In addition, it's worth keeping in mind that people who hunt typically have multiple guns so that they can go out in different hunting seasons. This makes the statistics somewhat fuzzy. They might have, say, a powerful rifle for deer, a smaller rifle for rabbits and the like, a shotgun for birds and another for land animals, and maybe a handgun for finishing wounded catch. They might have a dedicated weapon for target shooting, and maybe a small garden gun for shooting birds off the berry harvest. That's seven guns already, and I would call that a pretty ordinary arsenal.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I'm from Finland as well. I was born in Finland, speak fluent Finnish, think of myself as a Finn, married a Finn, am taken for a Finn by most Finns, yet am only half-Finnish, which has created some curious encounters. Ask away.
Post edited September 09, 2015 by AlKim
Mr. D™: Would you mind to read it? Or any other scandinavian or near-scandinavian?
Jinxtah: Danish representative here. I couldn't find the thing we were supposed to read and comment on. Would you mind linking it again. I'm curious, even if more opinions aren't needed :)

And while I know everyone else has already corrected you, I feel it is my duty to also say that Iceland isn't part of the Scandinavian thingamajig. Don't worry though, it's an easy mistake to make, and I doubt anyone really cares.

If you're curious about what exactly Scandinavia is, you should watch:
Well, the youtubediscussion about Bernie Sanders with that poor FOX-indoctrinated little fuck that caused this threat is over.
It was useless to talk any sense into that guy. He constantly repeated corporate arguments that have been dumped into his brain like for example socialism always ends up as a dictatorship (which we can clearly see in northern europe and iceland, duh), property protected from taxes is freedom from choice.. I mean freedom of choice, constitution, forefathers blablabla.

LOL here`s a little humoristic nugget that I brought here for you:
"Scandinavia's biggest problem is that the government acts as the adult, and the individuals are infantilized. They do not know how to take care of themselves, so the gov must take a large percentage of their earnings and use it to make their choices for them - healthcare, education, etc.
It contrary to American principles, but it is also contrary to human rights, which American principles seek to uphold. "

Oh boy that was a relief! Lol here`s the link for the article he posted that I think puts up a onesided negative picture of "the north" -------------------vwindderrrrr iss kawwwming

You could not find the link because I did not post it yet. No one asked for it until now .
Post edited September 09, 2015 by Mr. D™
No, but I really like A-ha and Roxette. And I liked Björk, half a life ago.
Don't be shy!
If you were about to ask if that was true, the answer is yes.
Prah: Sweden representant! Ask away!

I have been to Iceland for 2 hours, worst visit ever.
Iceland has those fucking crazy body builders. Did they beat you up?
Jinxtah: Danish representative here. I couldn't find the thing we were supposed to read and comment on. Would you mind linking it again. I'm curious, even if more opinions aren't needed :)

And while I know everyone else has already corrected you, I feel it is my duty to also say that Iceland isn't part of the Scandinavian thingamajig. Don't worry though, it's an easy mistake to make, and I doubt anyone really cares.

If you're curious about what exactly Scandinavia is, you should watch:
Mr. D™: Well, the youtubediscussion about Bernie Sanders with that poor FOX-indoctrinated little fuck that caused this threat is over.
It was useless to talk any sense into that guy. He constantly repeated corporate arguments that have been dumped into his brain like for example socialism always ends up as a dictatorship (which we can clearly see in northern europe and iceland, duh), property protected from taxes is freedom from choice.. I mean freedom of choice, constitution, forefathers blablabla.

LOL here`s a little humoristic nugget that I brought here for you:
"Scandinavia's biggest problem is that the government acts as the adult, and the individuals are infantilized. They do not know how to take care of themselves, so the gov must take a large percentage of their earnings and use it to make their choices for them - healthcare, education, etc.
It contrary to American principles, but it is also contrary to human rights, which American principles seek to uphold. "

Oh boy that was a relief! Lol here`s the link for the article he posted that I think puts up a onesided negative picture of "the north" -------------------vwindderrrrr iss kawwwming

You could not find the link because I did not post it yet. No one asked for it until now .
Ah yeah THAT article. lol... I remember it from when it was published. Everyone had a good laugh at the just batshit crazy stuff written in it.
I honestly don't even know where to begin. Apparently we have dirty secrets and our television series are some of the biggest problems in our country. SHAME on us :s

Honestly, arguing with certain people who view the Nordic model of socialism as the worst thing ever is pointless. You'll never convince them that their way isn't the best and only acceptable manner to live in, where it's to each their own and all sorts of crazy shit is just pointless at best, and will infuriate you no matter what.

It's best to just ignore such people and let them believe what they want to. Pointing out the many flaws with their government, way of life, and whatnot will fall on deaf ears anyway, so it's best not to even try.

Also.. Arguing on youtube is pointless in itself. There's no structure, and it's akin to just opening a door and screaming your opinion into a room full of other people screaming theirs, only then to close it and walk away.
Completely pointless.
Post edited September 09, 2015 by Jinxtah
Also, there is no "one true Nordic model", each Nordic country has their own version of it. Much like the languages themselves.