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Have some questions about scandinavian countries
I think I have a Sólstafir record around here somewhere. Can I help?
I'm from the Keweenaw Peninsula and if you think that is one of my trade mark smart ass answers, then I dare you to spend a couple of days here and tell me it doesn't qualify as a Scandinavian country. :P We have more fucking Swedes and Fins than either Sweden or Finland!

Shit, all of our street signs are in Finnish! No shit! :P

Is anyone here from iceland or another scandinavian country?
According to Scandinavians, Iceland is not in Scandinavia but in the Norden. :P
Edit: Actually, it seems you can refer to the concept of "norden" in English with the terms "the North" or "the Nordics".
Maighstir: snip
Post edited September 09, 2015 by 0Grapher
What was I even thinking? Facepalm
I ate herring last month, does that count ?
Licurg: I ate herring last month, does that count ?
Only if it was surströmming.
Sweden representant! Ask away!

I have been to Iceland for 2 hours, worst visit ever.
Why do they call people from Denmark Danes? Why don't they just call the country Dane-mark? If they're from Denmark, shouldn't they be called Dennish? Or maybe just the Dens?

Is anyone here from iceland or another scandinavian country?
0Grapher: According to Scandinavians, Iceland is not in Scandinavia but in the Norden. :P
The Swedish word "norden" can be considered the definite form of "nord", meaning "north", and as such should grammatically be translated to "the north", but is more commonly used as "The Nordics" or "The Nordic Countries".
Don't know if this is relevant to the ops yet to be asked questions but the Danes need help.

Also, before anyone asks, no we don't use polarbears instead of cars. We have reindeers for that.
tinyE: I'm from the Keweenaw Peninsula and if you think that is one of my trade mark smart ass answers, then I dare you to spend a couple of days here and tell me it doesn't qualify as a Scandinavian country. :P We have more fucking Swedes and Fins than either Sweden or Finland!

Shit, all of our street signs are in Finnish! No shit! :P
In the strict meaning of the term, Finland isn't really part of Scandinavia. (And apparently not Iceland either, it seems...)

EDIT: May be a bit confusing though, as "Scandinavian Peninsula" seems to include also the northern parts of Finland? Anyways...
Post edited September 09, 2015 by timppu
Prah: Sweden representant! Ask away!

I have been to Iceland for 2 hours, worst visit ever.
:) thanks, well I`m right now in a discussion on youtube with a rightwinged american that Bernie Sanders is a fillthy communist and whatsonot.
And to proof that scandinavia is not one of the best places to live in the world and progressive etc my counterpart linked an article about how awful all the downsides are in the scandinavian countries.
All I know is that corporate influence is growing in your countries but not much else.
I checked some random claims from that article and my bullshit radar is still working properly. The author is mixing facts with lies and IMO tries to evoke a onesided negative picture of living in scandinavia for whatever reason. But I would also like to know the opinion of an actual scandinavian about the article. Would you mind to read it? Or any other scandinavian or near-scandinavian?
Post edited September 09, 2015 by Mr. D™
Maighstir: snip
Tack så mycket.

Since I (edit:) didn't (/edit) think that in English the term "the North" is known I thought it would be a better idea to use a Scaninavian word instead and because "the North" is a definitive form I had the choice of saying either: "(...) is part of the Norden." or "(...) is part of Norden" Edit: or of course "the Nord" :P
That was my reasoning, maybe it only makes sense to me.
Post edited September 09, 2015 by 0Grapher
Mr. D™: And to proof that scandinavia is not one of the best places to live in the world and progressive etc my counterpart linked an article about how awful all the downsides are in the scandinavian countries.
Yes yes, the lousy weather and Norway having far too much oil is true, but what else is he claiming?

Ps. I always kinda feel the living standards etc. comparisons between USA and some single European countries (e.g. Scandinavian countries) are somewhat invalid, due to the size difference. Many things don't necessarily work the same or are feasible in the same way when you are comparing a country with far less than 10 million people, and what US has.

So, something that works in a small-ish country might not be feasible in the same way in USA, and vice versa I guess. That's just how I feel whenever I hear these "Look what Sweden and Finland does! Why doesn't USA do the same?". Well, naturally many things might still apply...
Post edited September 09, 2015 by timppu