I am a console gamer. I have been my entire life. I have owned (and still own) almost every console that has come out since the Atari 2600. On the flip side, my PC gaming career is very recent. I had a Commodore 64/128 back in the 80's, which was great. I had a DOS computer in the early 90's that was mostly just for using Prodigy. I had a Win95 PC in the late 90's and then jumped to XP in the mid 00's, but neither were powerful enough to play most PC games. Only in the last two years have I gotten a PC that can handle most modern games. So, console gaming has been my life for over 30 years. Clearly, my sensibilities are going to be a little different from many of the people who are posting in this thread who grew up on PC.
All of that said, the XBone is definitely a dud in my book. The PS4, while not incredible, did have enough interesting exclusives to warrant me purchasing one last year. My collection isn't huge (maybe around 10 games), but it grows little by little every couple months. Definitely looking forward to Uncharted 4 and...hopefully...The Last Guardian. The Wii U was a day-one purchase for me. Nintendo's IPs are so solid that I will probably always buy their consoles. As for handhelds, I love my 3DS. While I might get a Vita somewhere down the line, I'm not too inspired by it as the bulk of its library is also available on PS4.
Over the last 15 years, the lines between what is considered a "PC game" and a "console game" have definitely blurred. With more and more titles being launched on both platforms, it is kind of a toss-up on which side to choose. For me, I am in a position where I have both console and PC, so the exclusives are mine for the taking no matter where they land. For someone with limited funds, there has certainly never been a better time to be a PC gamer. Aside from Nintendo's IPs and a few other titles, you've got access to it all...pending your PC's specs, of course.