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high rated
I have no clue who's bright idea was it to put a game with full on DRM on the store, but let me tell you all that this is going to be the straw that breaks the camels back.

There is no point to GOG other than offering DRM-free games. FULLY DRM-free games. No play on words or conditionals.

Steam is objectively a better service platform than GOG in EVERY way. Why would anyone choose buy a game on GOG instead of Steam if it has DRM?

This is the dumbest, most short sighted move I've seen a company do in a while.
high rated
Gotta collect those shekels, and worse, proves how dumb the normie user on gog is.
Glad to see the game being bombed with 1 star reviews, but why are anti drm customers so eager to buy drm games, that have drm removed? Seriously, what is the logic there?

Drm is bad, it ruins games, it's bad for the end user, I'm going to spend my money on gog for drm free games.
Oh look, some game that is completely full of drm, several years after release, may have some of the drm removed, I'm going to buy that now..? Even though the developer/publisher supports drm on current/future games? Why are you lining the pockets of your enemies?
Swissy88: Gotta collect those shekels, and worse, proves how dumb the normie user on gog is.
Glad to see the game being bombed with 1 star reviews, but why are anti drm customers so eager to buy drm games, that have drm removed? Seriously, what is the logic there?

Drm is bad, it ruins games, it's bad for the end user, I'm going to spend my money on gog for drm free games.
Oh look, some game that is completely full of drm, several years after release, may have some of the drm removed, I'm going to buy that now..? Even though the developer/publisher supports drm on current/future games? Why are you lining the pockets of your enemies?
Its because people would want a legit bought legal Drm-free version of a game .. Rather then rip it out themselves.. Its the main reason most do buy big games with drm removed .. Its a logical factor honestly and easy to see.. but most hate drm and will get up in arms when its not reasonable .. For example DRM for the multiplayer side of a game ..that makes sense so long as it doesn't fire up at all for single player gaming at all..

Edited for a typo and missing word
Post edited September 23, 2021 by BanditKeith2
samuraigaiden: Why would anyone choose buy a game on GOG instead of Steam if it has DRM?
Because in the case of a game even being a similar version to the Steam one, one difference would be that the game would be yours, installable in different computers and not a pseudorented copy at perpetuity or until Valve wishes.

Obviously "Steam is objectively a better service platform than GOG in EVERY way" It is something with which I do not agree. But well, each one on their own
samuraigaiden: I have no clue who's bright idea was it to put a game with full on DRM on the store
Which game in question are we talking about? (Not that it matters as i'm not buying anything)
Post edited September 23, 2021 by rtcvb32
samuraigaiden: I have no clue who's bright idea was it to put a game with full on DRM on the store
rtcvb32: Which game in question are we talking about?
Are you not aware about Hitman GOTY edition having all the drm still intact as a whole? Asking as thats clearly the most obvious game referenced here
rtcvb32: Which game in question are we talking about? (Not that it matters as i'm not buying anything)
Post edited September 23, 2021 by AB2012
high rated
+1. They set a new record FCKING the DRM FREE
samuraigaiden: There is no point to GOG other than offering DRM-free games. FULLY DRM-free games. No play on words or conditionals.

This is the dumbest, most short sighted move I've seen a company do in a while.
GOG's been fudging the definition of DRM and allowing DRM-creep onto its store for a long time before yesterday's Hitman GOTY release.

Most people didn't seem to care very much.

So it's only logical that they'd push their DRM acceptance a little further next time, which is exactly what they did.

I'm not saying it's good that they did, but I'm saying, it's a logical regression based on general customer indifference towards GOG's previous instances of DRM embracement.
low rated
rtcvb32: Which game in question are we talking about?
BanditKeith2: Are you not aware about Hitman GOTY edition having all the drm still intact as a whole? Asking as thats clearly the most obvious game referenced here
Anymore i drop in here 10 minutes to see if i have replies or any threads that catch my attention, as i have some beef with GoG already. So no i haven't kept up with the details of games. So it's on par with Spore's online experience bit... ie anything doing with the online component of the game.

So how are you all attacking Hitman, but not Spore? I've seen other DRM ridden sections of games, but the offline-single player experience is really what 'DRM-Free' pretty much stands for here. Though thankfully a lot of games don't bother with other modes and give you everything without issues rather than just single-player.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: GOG's been fudging the definition of DRM and allowing DRM-creep onto its store for a long time before yesterday's Hitman GOTY release.
Indeed. It's sad it doesn't mean it's as fully expected, but not having to have Steam client and registering with them to download/install a game is a plus; although maybe others are noticing the cracks in the system.
tag+: They set a new record FCKING the DRM FREE
And Spore?

*sigh* I'm reminded a lot of seeing the opening screen for games, be it FIFA or LOTR or other games where 'online experience may drastically be different from the game' or to similar effect. If you only play the game(s) offline then fine you're set to go.

I'm sure that if GTA5 came here you'd be all up an arms too, because the singleplayer main game is open and free, but the GTA-Online still needs you to log in and pay for virtual cash to play there and have it's own DRM rockstar isn't about to remove.
Post edited September 23, 2021 by rtcvb32
BanditKeith2: Are you not aware about Hitman GOTY edition having all the drm still intact as a whole? Asking as thats clearly the most obvious game referenced here
rtcvb32: Anymore i drop in here 10 minutes to see if i have replies or any threads that catch my attention, as i have some beef with GoG already. So no i haven't kept up with the details of games.
rtcvb32: So it's on par with Spore's online experience bit... ie anything doing with the online component of the game.

So how are you all attacking Hitman, but not Spore? I've seen other DRM ridden sections of games, but the offline-single player experience is really what 'DRM-Free' pretty much stands for here. Though thankfully a lot of games don't bother with other modes and give you everything without issues rather than just single-player.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: GOG's been fudging the definition of DRM and allowing DRM-creep onto its store for a long time before yesterday's Hitman GOTY release.
rtcvb32: Indeed. It's sad it doesn't mean it's as fully expected, but not having to have Steam client and registering with them to download/install a game is a plus; although maybe others are noticing the cracks in the system.
tag+: They set a new record FCKING the DRM FREE
rtcvb32: And Spore?

*sigh* I'm reminded a lot of seeing the opening screen for games, be it FIFA or LOTR or other games where 'online experience may drastically be different from the game' or to similar effect. If you only play the game(s) offline then fine you're set to go.

I'm sure that if GTA5 came here you'd be all up an arms too, because the singleplayer main game is open and free, but the GTA-Online still needs you to log in and pay for virtual cash to play there and have it's own DRM rockstar isn't about to remove.
Never heard of the Spore thing... interesting thing to not see much about it so glad I never caved to buying it hear or elsewhere then

And if its just multiplayer on a game given your example its fine to be locked off in my mind as its understandable in such a scenario
And thus GOG tumbles a bit more into collapse.

The End is coming.
high rated
To anyone wondering what I'm talking about, the new Hitman game that is currently the best selling game in the store is full of DRM. I am not making this up. GOG is literally conning people this time, saying the game is DRM free when it's not DRM free at all.
samuraigaiden: To anyone wondering what I'm talking about, the new Hitman game that is currently the best selling game in the store is full of DRM. I am not making this up. GOG is literally conning people this time, saying the game is DRM free when it's not DRM free at all.
I think everyone in this thread knows that, and considering the firestorm about it, you would have to be a clueless idiot to not know that.

Hell the reviews on the game itself ALONE prove that many know.
high rated
This game has draconian DRM of the worst kind. It will be a broken product when inevitably the servers get shut down. And GOG is selling it as if it was DRM free.

People are buying it probably thinking it's DRM free. When they figure out what GOG is doing, there's going to be a lot of disappointment.

samuraigaiden: To anyone wondering what I'm talking about, the new Hitman game that is currently the best selling game in the store is full of DRM. I am not making this up. GOG is literally conning people this time, saying the game is DRM free when it's not DRM free at all.
Lord_Kane: I think everyone in this thread knows that, and considering the firestorm about it, you would have to be a clueless idiot to not know that.

Hell the reviews on the game itself ALONE prove that many know.
Not sure, man. Some commenters at the top seem to not be aware at all.
Post edited September 23, 2021 by samuraigaiden