Come on, just how high are they up their own asses?
Anyway, the case is going to be dismissed. The 'similarities' are laughable.
From the devs Twitter:
(1/4) We’ve recently heard about a lawsuit filed in California by the band Iron Maiden, claiming our old-school first-person shooter Ion Maiden (@Bombshell_Game) is infringing on their trademark. From what we’ve heard, the suit claims our main character...
... (2/4) Shelly Harrison, originally debuting in 2016’s Bombshell, is based on their musician Steve Harris; our skull bomb icon found in-game is based on their skeleton mascot Eddie; our logo in itself is based on theirs; and other frivolous claims anyone who has played...
(3/4)... Ion Maiden would find more over the top than Shelly’s “Loverboy”, her signature 18-round triple-barreled revolver. We at 3D Realms, our co-publishers 1C Entertainment, and developer Voidpoint will review our options once we receive official notice of the...
(4/4)... lawsuit and will make any necessary decisions at the appropriate time. Regardless, everyone continues to work diligently on Ion Maiden to deliver the best possible experience later this year.
Post edited May 30, 2019 by NuffCatnip