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Anyone willing to donate his/her shell account for our cause? :>
Post edited September 13, 2008 by chris.frukacz
chris.frukacz: Anyone willing to donate his/her bash account for our cause? :>

Do you mean shell account? What did you want to do?
Well, nevermind, thought it over and we might as well wait for the official channel.
chris.frukacz: Well, nevermind, thought it over and we might as well wait for the official channel.

Unofficial chatroom is already open. q:
It's going well, around 10 different people have shown up and around 500 lines have been typed :>
Remember : #gog while waiting an official response about a possible official IRC server/channel. :)
Post edited September 13, 2008 by DukeNico
DukeNico: It's going well, around 10 different people have shown up and around 500 lines have been typed :>
Remember : #gog while waiting an official response about a possible official IRC server/channel. :)

Got any good clients to recommend, besides mIRC?
DukeNico: It's going well, around 10 different people have shown up and around 500 lines have been typed :>
Remember : #gog while waiting an official response about a possible official IRC server/channel. :)
Vargavinter: Got any good clients to recommend, besides mIRC?

Sure, there is for windows, or the easy to use [url=]Chatzilla for Mozilla Firefox.
Vargavinter: Got any good clients to recommend, besides mIRC?
DukeNico: Sure, there is for windows, or the easy to use [url=]Chatzilla for Mozilla Firefox.

Thanks, ill give ChatZilla a try. :)
high rated
Irc Tutorial
Chatzilla is for firefox users
go here to install it
After the installation is complete run chatzilla.
in the message box located at the buttem of the screen type in /server
now you are connected to the server that the unoffical GOG Chat is located on
Type in /join #gog and you will be taken to the channel that we are on.
To change your nick name type in /nick Santa This will change your name into santa. Notice that you cant change to name to Santa claus since IRC does not accept spaces
Type in /me Drinks irish cofee to do just that. Notice that there will not be sent irish cofee to your location
Happy chattin'
If a user is being annoying try so solve is by useing private chats
/msg Santa Stop giving me bad pressents
If this does not help then message one of the admins of the channel with a chatlog and we will keep an eye out for that person.
Post edited September 14, 2008 by Rubberduck
I'm in ur IRC
Readin' 'bout DBtS for Wii...
Just for the sake of my continued crusade for increased Opera usage: Opera has a chat client built in. Tools->Mail and chat accounts->Add->Input server name->click next a few times->search for gog. After it's set up one can reach it under its own menu entry.
Personally, I'd recommend Miranda. Give it a go if xchat or the other solutions don't do it for you.
good idea, just getting in right now
Since it's burried in news as well as in forum, I'm writing here just to bring this topic imto the light again: People, come to IRC on, #gog!
I'm on there all the time - Pinging out that is. ;) You'll see me and you'll know me - For its like every 20minutes. :(
Nah, you can't possibly beat Duke