PookaMustard: But see, that's the thing with my defense yesterday. I wasn't pocketing you or anything suspicious of the sort, as you like to claim (and would love Lift to believe, perhaps?). I was convincing Lift that scumreading you perhaps isn't the best idea and we're better off scumhunting someone else, to increase our chances of lynching the remaining mafioso. That was the intention behind why I backed you yesterday. Honestly, subconsciously, I rejected the idea that you'd be scum even in the face of Lift's theory.
But hey, turns out I'm wrong, and you really went for that ballsy play. Honestly,
I still can't believe it even now, but I have to.
1) not making a play on my part, just honest scum hunting
That's not how i read your yesterday
PookaMustard: I don't believe "bus your partner in a two-team scumteam on D2, unprompted" is a very clever scum tactic. Or a scum tactic in the first place. So I'm effectively Town-clearing Micro. In fact I already done that once yogsloth did the self-hammer thing
PookaMustard: And if you take into account that
there's literally no reason for a scum Microfish to turn on his scumbuddy and begin the Day by literally bussing him, it becomes clear that he more or less said "oh and BTW Micro is Town." That's how I read it.
Another thing about the bus the scumbuddy theory: if a [NETWORKED BRUTAL] Microfish was bussing, then that's very probably going to be based on a mutual agreement between him and yogsloth, that Microfish can carry the game by himself to the finish line. Or in other words, they have to trust Microfish's abilities.
I don't believe for a second that yogsloth would ever accept this idea. It's too "high insanity, uncertain reward" to win the game with.
Not even Microfish would swallow this idea wholesale, knowing his playstyle.
PookaMustard: And at that point IIRC neither Micro nor yogsloth were sufficiently scumread enough to warrant pulling off such a kamikaze move.
The question of "Why do it?" is really important here. If both of them are scum, then I find very, very, very little reason for them to do and coordinate what happened in tandem. So
this has got to be Town on Mafia violence, but I wasn't sure who was the Town and who was the Mafia...up until yogsloth did the most classic scum move, the self-hammer, then it was clear that he's the Mafioso and
Micro is with very little doubt the Townie.
PookaMustard: Couldn't yogsloth use precisely this kind of thing knowing you'd all happily go "oh wait micro is still sus"? The same person who'd use WIFOM to throw you all in a loop about him by claiming he's scum to get away with being actually really Mafia (Slytherin anybody?) could also use it knowing full well you'd be like "Oh by this move he'd effectively Town-clear Micro since nobody would be ballsy enough to do this play" and therefore trick you into lunching a Town Micro.
Yes it is convenient that the Bookwyrm NK lines up with some of what Micro has said about him, but it doesn't have to be because Micro really sucked at hiding his Scum motivations, it could just be a very crafty yogsloth going out with one bang of a WIFOM
PookaMustard: Micro I'm sure is Town. No way the standoff was a ballsy scum-scum encounter. A
PookaMustard: There is a modifier that obscures and hides results on death. Brutal.
Convenient, isn't it? You knowing it and all... :O
PookaMustard: I realize that yogsloth and microfish are the real attraction of the day, yes I'm very much aware of this. My speculation directly touches upon their conflict.
Doesn't mean I shouldn't suspect GR and use my vote to apply pressure. Besides, it's too early to worry about wagons forming, what's with seven or six days left until deadline. I actually don't intend to have a wagon on GR, I just want him to convince me that this Classic Scum Move(TM) was a honest mistake.
It directly touched because you were trying to saveyour teammate by making a wagon on GR, lol. You very much intended to have a wagon on GR. If I'm wrong I'd like to know post-game.
But yeah, nothing "subconscious" of your rejection of Lift's theory. it was plain as Day to all and sundry.
"isn't perhaps the best Idea" doesn't equal "Micro I'm sure is town"
You can't believe I'd pull that play because I don't think I would and you know I didn't.
Why, for a second, supposing I was scum, would I not claim to you "yep, i investigated Lift and he's scum". You believed me oh, so wholeheartedly yesterday.
You forget, I didn't just *launch* the wagon on
your scumbuddy Yogs, I
also hitched the oxen, cracked the whip, pounded the nails,
and did everything in my power to sink that wagon to where Yogs self-hammered so you didn't have to vote.
You were the only one voting who was not voting for Yogs, oddly enough.
JoeSapphire: 4 - yogsloth - Microfish_1, Bookwyrm627, GamezRanker, yogsloth,
1 - GamezRanker - PookaMustard,
Not Voting - ettac orrazib si eman ym, Lifthrasil,
Substituting alignment
JoeSapphire: 4 - SCUM - Town!micro, TOWN, TOWN, SCUM (Yogs)
1 - TOWN - SCUM (Pooka),
Not Voting - NWOT, TOWN!Lift,
JoeSapphire: 5 - Dogmaus - ZFR, Lifthrasil, Bookwyrm627, Microfish_1, GamezRanker,
1 - Bookwyrm627 - yogsloth,
1 - ZFR - Dogmaus,
1 - Microfish_1 - ettac orrazib si eman ym,
Not Voting - PookaMustard,
JoeSapphire: 5 - Dogmaus - TOWN, TOWN!Lift, TOWN, TOWN!Micro, TOWN,
1 - Bookwyrm627 - SCUM (Yogs),
1 - ZFR - TOWN,
1 - Microfish_1 - NWOT,
Not Voting - Scum!PookaMustard,
We've avoided having more than 2 ending wagons, but you managed to be off both of them.
PookaMustard: Either way, it's a lot of pressure just going all throughout the game solo, and after launching the wagon on your scumbuddy no less. Lift may have briefly seen through the veil, but I bought everything, hook, line and sinker, so I have to tip my hat off too to you. I don't know how you're feeling at this stage of the game right now, but all I know is it's far from easy. Even if you get lynched today, congrats for making it this far as lone wolf and throwing Town into a nice little loop.
Aw, thanks. it would mean a lot if you were town, and I scum, but I'm not and you know it too. Still, I appreciate the bits that still hold true.
Ofc, your grandstanding is all about convincing Lift to vote me, because you know full well I'll not switch. Are you dissapointed that I reached Lift, or just glad i didn't investigate himself YesterDay instead of Book?
I should have held off the night Book was Yeeted, in case someone else worked, but I didn't.
Also, i don't know about you, but if I was in your shoes, i'd be very unsettled and nail-chewing, pulling myhair, etc (not saying that you do, just what I'd be tempted to do if I was in your shoes.) Instead I'm enjoying this very much.