Lifthrasil: Good morning.
Dangerous to start the Day with a vote. Or rather, you must be quite sure. If I were scum, I could now quickhammer Pooka and win. But then again, if you are Town, you didn't get networked or murderous on me and you know what you are doing. And if you are scum, you know I'm Town anyhow.
I didn't act this Night. Because I didn't want to accidentally block others.
I'll wait for Pooka before placing a vote, though.
100% sure. Last night I took your advice and, rather than investigating the person I thought leaned town, I investigated the person I thought leaned scum.
Instead, I saw your results, thought for a bit (was still thinking as I typed the opening post of toDay), and voted.
I assume that I, too, am some for of conditional; everyone seems to be today.
The fact that we got no results on GR confirms that the scum (Pooka, in case you hadn't heard) is Brutal, and explains why Book flipped weirdly.
The question that remains for me is whether or not Pooka knew he was brutal prior to Yog's flip.
Anywhooo, a
major tip of the cap to Pooka & Yogs for a very well played game, and to Lift, GR, and the other town, too.
It's been a tremendously fun game overall, and YesterDay in particular really made me play above my normal level.
I now
almost regret opening today with results, instead of a "wait-and-see" approach to see whom Pooka voted/accused, or if he was planning on just sitting back and letting the arguments unfold.
I'm curious as to why GR was the NK, instead of Lift or myself. I can theorize but will waiting for End of Game to find out, ofc.
Pooka, my hat is off to you. I didn't suspect you, really, until you were backing me up so hard in face of such extreme logic from Lift.
I was being swayed by Lift's logic.
I'm curious as to whether or not, as scum, I would have opened today with a gamble of a vote, or if I would have been sitting around cautiously waiting for others to move first.
I don't envy you the pressure, Pooka, or Lift. The fate of your respective teams relies on your arguing powers and prowess, as well as which way Lift flips the proverbial coin.
Tremendous thanks to Joe & Joppo (J&J?I think someone might have copyrighted that...) for modding and sub-modding, respectively!