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[Some of Joe's bizarro writing goodness comes here]

3 - ettac orrazib si eman ym - Microfish_1(534), PookaMustard(571), GamezRanker (574),

1 - Microfish_1 - Lifthrasil (570),
0 - GamezRanker -
0 - PookaMustard -
0 - Lifthrasil -
0 - No-Lunch -

Not Voting - ettac orrazib si eman ym,

Ettac orrazib si eman ym is eliminated, he was [CONDITIONAL] PSYCHOANALYST. (The condition is that the action fails if another of your team acts).

[And a little more of that gooey... yuck, I mean goodness comes here]

It is now the third action phase and it will last 36 hours.
You boob.
everybody reads the votecount.

"hey look!" says ettac, "it says right there I'm just a [CONDITIONAL] PSYCHOANALYST, so you don't need to eliminate me."

everybody else seems to be experiencing time backwards however.
"!sallef mih teg s'tel" says pooka, pulling a guillotine blade out of ettac's neck.
"!eno eht s'eh" shouts lifthrasil, lifting ettac out of a kneeling postition.
"!seil gnillet s'enoemos" announces gr, firmly removing ettac's blindfold.
"!pu dda t'nseod siht" microfish states grimly, dragging the guillotine out of the room.

"Joppo look out!" says Joe, "ettac's cause a rift in tiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmme!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Joppo puts on sunglasses to shield his eyes as a bizarro timerift happens and everybody jumps into it. ettaC is the last to jump but Joe sticks his head back out of the timerift and says "NO! You stay here and think about what you did!"

In the timerift things are actually quite normal. Everyone follows Joppo down a stone path between two cliff faces. They can see ahead of them the normal grey blue sky and perhaps a bit of the sea. Joppo stops to check that everybody's still there and falls upwards back into a different part of the bizarro dimension.

Everybody lands with a bump on a bizarro wheel, spinning gently on its axis as it drifts through the bizarro cosmos. Everybody has to walk to stay in place. It's kinda annoying.

"How are they going to get any sleep?" Joppo asks Joe.
"You'll have to carry everybody on your back." Joe explains.
GamezRanker: Oh, NOW you're in a hurry? ;D

My own joking aside: it wouldn't be the first(nor likely the last) thing I post that's called such, now would it? ;)
Yep. Since the hammer can't be undone we might as well proceed to the Night, so that the game can continue.

And yes, you are LAMISTy at times. But I can't recall whether there ever was a correlation between such statements from you and your alignment.
From behind the closest mound appears the tyranosaur penguin, drifting through the air above the players' heads. It apparently didn't like Lift's voice because as soon as it heard it it dropped an oversized purple egg that hit Lift in the head, knocking him unconscious.

You're supposed to be sleeping, and you know it. So go to sleep already.
After several hours walking in place, Joppo is exhausted of carrying the players around. "Why couldn't they have at least voted out someone heavier than Ettac?" complains the now-grumpy not-player.
Joppo's whining thoughts are suddenly interrupted by JoeSapphire's voice "Rise and shine, everyone. The sun is up and we gotta go."
Joppo was so concentrated on being pissed that he didn't noticed the bizarro sunrise. With sudden relief he throws the group to the bizarro ground. Everyone yawns, stretches and start walking (they're still on a bizarro revolving wheel). Everyone except GamezRanker.

GamezRanker is dead. He was {Access is blocked by your system administrator.}

"Uh. I told you it wasn't GR" says Lift.
"Well yeah, instead of figuring out the dead guy didn't do it maybe you 3 should concentrate on figuring out who is guilty."
"Look, GR isn't the only one who won't stay up" says Pooka, pointing at now completely passed out Joppo.
"Eh, just leave him be. He will catch up with us later. We gotta move now" says Joe.

It is now the fourth voting phase.
Post edited December 01, 2021 by joppo
Lift is Conditional (the condition is that if another of his team acts the action will fail)

vote pooka this is not quite a vote but i really really want it to be one BUT I'd hate for Lift to be scum and us to lose because I saw he was conditional.


wait a minute,
The leftover targeter is Brutal...THAT is why I didn't get a result on BOOKWYRM

@mod please update the player roster from page 1 with all ded players and modifiers

vote pooka
Good morning.

Dangerous to start the Day with a vote. Or rather, you must be quite sure. If I were scum, I could now quickhammer Pooka and win. But then again, if you are Town, you didn't get networked or murderous on me and you know what you are doing. And if you are scum, you know I'm Town anyhow.

I didn't act this Night. Because I didn't want to accidentally block others.

I'll wait for Pooka before placing a vote, though.
low rated
"Ah Crehp" says GR's ghost from whatever space it now inhabits, before taking on the shape of a humble man of many sales and heading off.

Goooooo town!
Microfish_1: Lift is Conditional (the condition is that if another of his team acts the action will fail)

vote pooka this is not quite a vote but i really really want it to be one BUT I'd hate for Lift to be scum and us to lose because I saw he was conditional.
Voting me right out the gate, Micro? What if Lift really is scum as you say and he quickhammers? But then again, you're not Town.

Also I don't see how "you didn't get a result on BOOKWYRM" connects with "the leftover target is Brutal," AFAIK Brutal means the target's qualifiers won't be revealed after the nightkill is done, but not before, such as when carrying out role shenanigans and receiving results in PMs.
JoeSapphire: brutal - action kills target and prevents role from being announced in game
Anywho, I (sadly) don't have access to a networked scumchat. But after getting a disappointing investigation result on Catte the previous Night (read: no results), this Night's results are promising, probably thanks to the number of acting conditional roles decreasing. I had the nagging feeling you might live to see this Day no matter whose side you're on, and while Lift's arguments seemed unconvincing they made me want to cross out the biggest question mark and distraction in the game without wasting a lynch on it. For once in this goddamn game, my psychoanalysis role actually works.

Micro is Conditional, Networked and Brutal.

vote Microfish worthy material isn't it?
Well, this means it is up to me to decide whom to hammer. If I choose correctly, Town wins. If I choose poorly, we lose.

If Micro is Town, counter-voting him with the claim to have a positive read on him would be the only thing Scum-Pooka could have done. That way he creates a standoff. Which is better that if he had claimed to have a scum-read on me, because that would have revealed him as scum to me immediately.

Conversely, if Micro is scum, then Pooka is Town and would of course report his read correctly. The fact that he got a read is also believable, since the only other Townie left (me) didn't act. Specifically to allow a read from a remaining fellow Townie.

Unfortunately, while I know that Micro's read is correct, it could still be faked. Scum-Micro would know that I'm Town and also that I'm Conditional, because I revealed that my investigation attempt in N1 failed and we discussed the probably prevalent Conditional condition of most players.
Similarly, I have no way of proving or disproving Pooka's read. The three modifiers he reports have been discussed before. Also, I had already revealed that I didn't act. Unfortunately. So he could safely claim to have succeeded.

Considerations: would Scum-Micro not have attempted to create a standoff? Instead of certifying me as Town? But then again this may be an attempt to pocket me.
But speaking of the read:
PookaMustard: What if Lift really is scum as you say and he quickhammers?
Where does Micro say that I am scum? He says the complete opposite: he reports that he only saw 'Conditional' in my modifiers. Yesterday he had me as potential scum, so him investigating me makes sense. As well as him clearing me because of his result.

Further consideration: would Town-Micro's investigation actually fail when he targets a player that died the same Night due to a 'brutal' attack? Or is the discrepancy that his investigation failed on Bookwyrm but succeeded on me a tell?

@MOD: can we get some information on the sequence of resolution of Nightactions? I don't ask for confirmation of any modifiers that may or may not be present. Just: do you keep to the usual resolution sequence where the NKs are processed last? Or do you process kills before investigations?

Now, I know that he mods will probably not answer this, but the attempt can't hurt. The game result depends on my decision now. So I'm rather too careful that too quick.
Lifthrasil: Where does Micro say that I am scum? He says the complete opposite: he reports that he only saw 'Conditional' in my modifiers. Yesterday he had me as potential scum, so him investigating me makes sense. As well as him clearing me because of his result.
Right, right, I wasn't clear on what I meant there. I'm referring to this bit when he muses on the whole Lift Scum thing:

Microfish_1: vote pooka this is not quite a vote but i really really want it to be one BUT I'd hate for Lift to be scum and us to lose because I saw he was conditional.
And that's why I mentioned that he should've at least held back with the vote, if he's got that bit of "uncertainty" about me.

Lifthrasil: Considerations: would Scum-Micro not have attempted to create a standoff? Instead of certifying me as Town? But then again this may be an attempt to pocket me.
I can see him going for that standoff this Day, actually. If I recall, you once mentioned that if I were scum, I'd be playing a strong "buddy up to Townies" game, to which he replied by agreeing with you. By going for the standoff, I believe he's banking on you voting me based on just that, you two agree on this theory so it's easier to convince you.

I don't understand why he hasn't gone all guns blazing on you, though. Sounds like he'd have had less chances to escape the lynch if he had me choose between two people I believed to be Town - which to be honest, I wouldn't be so sure if I would listen to Micro who has somehow survived to this Day or Lift who has a farfetched yet simultaneously convincing theory. And that's about it for my two cents on why he chose me for the standoff. Better odds, basically.
Microfish_1: vote pooka this is not quite a vote but i really really want it to be one BUT I'd hate for Lift to be scum and us to lose because I saw he was conditional.
PookaMustard: And that's why I mentioned that he should've at least held back with the vote, if he's got that bit of "uncertainty" about me.
OK. That part actually is strange. Both his statement of uncertainty (I think by this point we have established that Scum have networked and some modifier that makes them threatening) and the fact, that he bolds a vote while at the same time stating that uncertainty. This feels a bit like covering all bases.

But I'll wait for his reply before deciding. And perhaps for a reply from Joppo or Joe, even though I don't believe that they will answer my question.

As for Micro's survival, I don't find that as strange Today as it was Yesterday. GR was basically confirmed Town, so he was more dangerous for a 3-player endgame than a Micro in who's towniness I had already expressed my doubt. So I can totally see you, if you are the last scum, choosing to kill GR over Micro. ... And if Micro is the last scum, of course he survived the Night and again it makes sense to choose GR over the two of us.
Lifthrasil: As for Micro's survival, I don't find that as strange Today as it was Yesterday.
Speaking of that, to be honest, if it were not for Micro conflicting with me, I'd have found your post from the previous Day stating that you wouldn't be surprised if Micro stayed alive as covering all your bases just in case you were scum and kept Micro alive. And it felt that way even when I first read it, but I kept this thought to myself until this Day.

It's not really relevant anymore since you're confirmed not scum, but I wanted to get it out of my head.
Lifthrasil: Good morning.

Dangerous to start the Day with a vote. Or rather, you must be quite sure. If I were scum, I could now quickhammer Pooka and win. But then again, if you are Town, you didn't get networked or murderous on me and you know what you are doing. And if you are scum, you know I'm Town anyhow.

I didn't act this Night. Because I didn't want to accidentally block others.

I'll wait for Pooka before placing a vote, though.
100% sure. Last night I took your advice and, rather than investigating the person I thought leaned town, I investigated the person I thought leaned scum.

Instead, I saw your results, thought for a bit (was still thinking as I typed the opening post of toDay), and voted.

I assume that I, too, am some for of conditional; everyone seems to be today.

The fact that we got no results on GR confirms that the scum (Pooka, in case you hadn't heard) is Brutal, and explains why Book flipped weirdly.

The question that remains for me is whether or not Pooka knew he was brutal prior to Yog's flip.

Anywhooo, a major tip of the cap to Pooka & Yogs for a very well played game, and to Lift, GR, and the other town, too.
It's been a tremendously fun game overall, and YesterDay in particular really made me play above my normal level.

I now almost regret opening today with results, instead of a "wait-and-see" approach to see whom Pooka voted/accused, or if he was planning on just sitting back and letting the arguments unfold.

I'm curious as to why GR was the NK, instead of Lift or myself. I can theorize but will waiting for End of Game to find out, ofc.

Pooka, my hat is off to you. I didn't suspect you, really, until you were backing me up so hard in face of such extreme logic from Lift. I was being swayed by Lift's logic.

I'm curious as to whether or not, as scum, I would have opened today with a gamble of a vote, or if I would have been sitting around cautiously waiting for others to move first.

I don't envy you the pressure, Pooka, or Lift. The fate of your respective teams relies on your arguing powers and prowess, as well as which way Lift flips the proverbial coin.

Tremendous thanks to Joe & Joppo (J&J?I think someone might have copyrighted that...) for modding and sub-modding, respectively!