OK. Here are some musings on Catte:
In #249 Catte gives Yogs a Town reading because of Yog's early statement that his role didn't change. Arguing that scum would not know that roles didn't change. By now we know that Yog's role indeed didn't change, but his alignment did. A possibility that Catte ignored. But he stresses that the 'my role didn't change' is no Town tell for anyone else but Yogs, because Yogs was the first and 'scum now know what to claim'.
In #304 he reacts to Dogmaus' Psychoanalyst claim with: "I don't believe you. Anyone want to guess why?" ... This can be taken as a soft-claim. Which, according to what Catte later said, was. But it could also be scum having a theory but not wanting to be tied down to strongly. Scum might have had a theory at that point that there are multiple Psychoanalysts. They might have had the chance to talk to each other and, if they changed sides after Game 2, they will have known that they were Psychoanalyst in Game 1 as Town and were still Psychoanalyst after the switch to Scum. So Catte, if he is scum, might have had an idea at that point that there are multiple Psychoanalysts, but might not have been willing to reveal everything he knew. Thant might have been the reason for the vague soft claim.
Short version: would a Townie not have said "Aha! Got you! I am Psychoanalyst!" instead of making it a guessing game?
In any case, yes, I took Catte's post as soft-claim and gave Catte a Town rating, albeit weaker than GRs. But upon second reading it is compatible with a Catte=Scum theory as well. Later, in #356, he stresses the point "Why would I jump out and counterclaim if I were scum!?" ... when strictly speaking he didn't exactly "Jump out to counterclaim". Also these 'Why would I do this if I were scum' statements always sound suspicious to me.
However, in Post #402 Catte discusses that his PM didn't say that he was Town. But that there were no mention of factional kills, chat or teammates. ... At first glance, this looks like Catte got a Town PM. How else would he know that a Town PM didn't mention the word Town? ... But after re-thinking this also evaporates as Town-tell: Catte definitely got a Town-PM in Game 1. So he knows how that looked like, no matter what his alignment is now.
In Post #410 Catte suggests that we play this game as mountainous and not assume that we have any useful powers. Interestingly he states this as reaction to Microfish's stated absolute certainty that Yogs was scum.
All in all upon re-reading Catte's posts with a suspicious eye and the question in mind 'Could he be scum?' I come to the conclusion: yes, he could be. So the Town-rating I gave him is much less sure than I though before. Still, reading him as scum makes some assumptions necessary. But that's the same for everyone else.
For Micro to be scum, we have to assume that he is willing to partake in a very ballsy scum ploy.
For Catte to be scum, we have to assume that he used knowledge from Game 1 and based his soft claim on speculation
For Pooka to be scum, we have to assume that he plays a strong 'buddying up to select Townies' game.
For GR to be scum ... nah. I still don't think that scum-GR would have counterclaimed Dogmaus with such glee. So I stick to my GR=Town reading.
Going by feeling, I would still say that Micro is the scum of the three suspects I can't exclude. However, my feelings are known to get stuck (I have the tendency to tunnel). So maybe it's Catte after all. Pooka feels Towny, but I don't have a hard Town-read on him.