PookaMustard: The question of "Why do it?" is really important here. If both of them are scum, then I find very, very, very little reason for them to do and coordinate what happened in tandem. So this has got to be Town on Mafia violence, but I wasn't sure who was the Town and who was the Mafia...up until yogsloth did the most classic scum move, the self-hammer, then it was clear that he's the Mafioso and Micro is with very little doubt the Townie.
I see that differently. Exactly your reasoning demonstrates, why such a ploy would be a good one. Most players would assume that there is no way that Micro and Yogs would stage such a conflict intentionally. Exactly this makes it a high risk, high reward strategy - high reward, because many players, like you, would fall for it. High risk, because there are some nutcases like me, who have employed similar strategies and therefore don't automatically give Micro a 100% Town reading.
If you look at the situation, for a moment, without that "Town guarantee" that Micro is supposed to have, what are we left with?
- Micro - being the only working Town investigator according to Yesterday's information - is still alive. Scum would be stupid to leave him alive after he already flushed out one of them.
- instead Bookwyrm is killed, who was seen as scummy by some. Only Micro admitted, that he saw Book as very towny and that he assumed everyone was seeing Book as such.
- Micro reports, conveniently, to have investigated Bookwyrm. Although he himself said that he saw Bookwyrm as towny.
- Micro didn't investigate GR or me, whom he named as the most scummy players.
- GR, who (in my opinion) got a quite strong Town clearance, is still alive too.
So, how do these facts compare to the assumption that Micro is Town?
- Micro still being alive ... doesn't fit.
- Bookwyrm being dead instead ... doesn't fit. (those who saw Bookwyrm as scummy would have kept him as distraction)
- GR being alive would fit if the more important target Micro were dead. But over Bookwyrm? Not so much.
- Micro's choice of investigation target? ... Doesn't fit at all!
But how do these observation fit the Micro=Scum theory?
- Micro being alive - fits.
- Bookwyrm being dead - fits (because Micro rated him as strong Town)
- GR being alive - fits (because Micro rated him as very scummy, i.e. as possible next mislynch)
- Bookwyrm as choice of investigation target - fits. It spares Micro the bother of either clearing or conflicting with one of the surviving players. Saving the next conflict for Tomorrow when it's LYLO.
So, if you discard the assumption that "A yogs/Micro scum team would never do that", we are left with a situation that fits the Micro=scum theory much better than the Micro=Town theory! Keep in mind, we're talking about 'Town Arsonist' Yogs here as part of the scum team... I can totally see him staging such a high risk/high reward strategy.
Lifthrasil: About investigations: N1 I got a "Failure". N2 I didn't try to get a read, just in case someone else with the modifier 'action falls off someone else if your faction acts' wanted to investigate.
ettac orrazib si eman ym: Did you get the word "failure" or are you just paraphrasing it to that?
Where the fork are you? It's been two days!
@Joe, can you poke Catte a bit with a Catte-prod?