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Cause there's no business like show-business!

Our DRM-Free approach to digital distribution has been the foundation of since day one and we're convinced it is now firmly rooted in the gaming industry landscape. More and more users start to expect and demand the digital content they paid for to be free from any kind of restrictive mechanisms that limit access to their collections and get in the way of enjoyment. We think this is a good time to take the next step in our quest to make digital entertainment better for everyone. Today we set out to spread our DRM-Free ideas across the movie industry! That's right: now offers DRM-Free movies.

Our goal is to offer you cinema classics as well as some all-time favorite TV series with no DRM whatsoever, for you to download and keep on your hard drive or stream online whenever you feel like it. We talked to most of the big players in the movie industry and we often got a similar answer: "We love your ideas, but … we do not want to be the first ones. We will gladly follow, but until somebody else does it first, we do not want to take the risk". DRM-Free distribution is not a concept their lawyers would accept without hesitation. We kind of felt that would be the case and that it's gonna take patience and time to do it, to do it, to do it right. That's quite a journey ahead of us, but every gamer knows very well that great adventures start with one small step. So why not start with something that feels very familiar? We offer you a number of gaming and internet culture documentaries - all of them DRM-Free, very reasonably priced, and presenting some fascinating insight into topics close to a gamer's heart. Now, what do we have in store for you?

- There's a whole new Movie Catalog for you to browse!
- All the movies we sell are priced at $5.99 (that's a launch promo price for a few of them), and we aim to have that as the main price point for most of our future releases
- Two of the movies - The Art of Playing and TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away From Keyboard are available for FREE, so that you can test our new movie distribution features
- Most of our movies are in Full HD 1080p quality, some in 720p. With those of you with limited bandwidth or download quota in mind, we also supply much lighter 576p versions.
- Apart from downloading your movies you have the option to watch them streaming online, right here on
- is famous for its bonus goodies - each movie will come with as many of them as we can muster
- You can expect subsequent movie releases each week

That's it. Movies is a go, time to get some popcorn!
I support them selling DRM free movies. DRM free across different media types is worth supporting. I can see the argument though for having a sister site and putting the movies there for those who are interested and maybe just linking to it or promoting it here. When they announce this at the same time as the permanent loss of a bunch of games from their catalog it's hard not to wonder whether this will detract from their focus on offering games. I guess they wanted "one DRM free site" to rule them all.

So lets hope they have the resources to manage both catalogs and not have one be at the expense of the other. They still need to release Death Gate and Revenant!!

Steam already sells non-game software and there is the whole Steam OS thing. I think it makes sense for GOG to diversify and find new markets. Its fair for them to try this. People seem to hold GOG to a higher standard (which yes they set themselves up for with their promises and intentions ) but it seems early to me to conclude they are losing their roots or diluting their brand. Its worth waiting to see.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by WalterwickJack
Unexpected, but nice!
To support you, I bought "Once upon Atari".
Watched that once on YT, and liked it very much.

Everybody who's interested in the history of the old Atari should buy and watch that docu.
Niteris: Instead of GOG, Good Old Games, putting movies on this site, especially new ones.
Why not make a sister site "Good Old Movies"? GOM.
You could have all sorts of classic and old movies, like Planet of the Apes! Or Triple Cross!
Maybe eventually. But I think it would be off to a bad start to have a brand new website with only a dozen or so movies. They already have a community here, so they can get a practical small-ish start instead of having to gather a sizable movie database to even justify presenting such a feature. This is an easy way to experiment.
As an indedpendet filmmaker im interested in your policy for small films, even short films. Can someone apply to distribute their films through GOG?

I ask because Im firmly aware tha as an Argentine director opening a films in theaters will eb very hard, specially given the changing landscape. Im all for this the more on demand or digil dsitribution the better for the independet filmmakers out there.

Wow, GOG is really craping the bottom of the barrel with these "movies", if you want to call them that way. I know you have to start somewhere, but when GOG started at lest the games they were selling were timeless classics like Fallout. this is what happens when big mega corporations have a stranglehold on a medium, you can't do anything without them.
Would it be possible to have high resolution posters / covers as extras for usage with media centers?
Post edited August 27, 2014 by DebugMode
+1 for mkv format... besides, i liked the idea of getting drm-free movies =D

and +1 for the comment above, about posters and stuff for media centers!
Post edited August 27, 2014 by airnmusic
You guys are AWESOME !
DebugMode: Would it be possible to have high resolution posters / covers as extras for usage with media centers?
Most, if not all, of the posters offered are pretty high resolution already :) Some of them weigh in anywhere between 26-100 MB in size :)
Dohogerse: As an indedpendet filmmaker im interested in your policy for small films, even short films. Can someone apply to distribute their films through GOG?

I ask because Im firmly aware tha as an Argentine director opening a films in theaters will eb very hard, specially given the changing landscape. Im all for this the more on demand or digil dsitribution the better for the independet filmmakers out there.

Kudos. :)
Post edited August 27, 2014 by JudasIscariot
JudasIscariot: :)
Would it be possible for folks like Linkara or the Angry Video Game Nerd to distribute their content through GOG? They do reviews and parodies, of comics and games respectively.

Linkara's "Atop the 4th Wall"

The Angry Video Game Nerd
Post edited August 27, 2014 by Sabin_Stargem
JudasIscariot: :)
Sabin_Stargem: Would it be possible for folks like Linkara or the Angry Video Game Nerd to distribute their content through GOG?

Linkara's "Atop the 4th Wall"

The Angry Video Game Nerd
That depends on them, I guess. I really don't have the details as far as movie acquisition is concerned :)
gsreis: I wish GOG would put more effort into bringing more good old games (LucasArts, anyone?) instead of shifting focus to completely unrelated areas. If you must do this, at least do it as a separate website. I have no interest in buying movies in digital format, and I don't want to read about movies when I visit GOG.
I'd settle for more good games. I supported the move to newer games because I thought gog were going to try and persuade big developers to come to a adware-free platform but we've ended up with a drizzle of casual games instead. If GOG can't persuade an industry where all the crapware is a phenomenon of the last ten years or less I'm not optimistic about their chances with the movie industry where restrictive DRM, copyright notices and the rest of the rubbish has been standard for decades.
Post edited August 27, 2014 by EndlessWaves
DebugMode: Would it be possible to have high resolution posters / covers as extras for usage with media centers?
JudasIscariot: Most, if not all, of the posters offered are pretty high resolution already :) Some of them weigh in anywhere between 26-100 MB in size :) [...]
So they already have posters? That's great. I was just a bit confused since The Art of Playing didn't have one. This movie is pretty odd in multiple ways. I couldn't find any information about it and Devolver Digital doesn't list it on their site. Is it premiering exclusively on GOG?
Sabin_Stargem: Would it be possible for folks like Linkara or the Angry Video Game Nerd to distribute their content through GOG? They do reviews and parodies, of comics and games respectively.

Linkara's "Atop the 4th Wall"

The Angry Video Game Nerd
I think Linkara was planning to do an 'Atop the 4th wall' movie at some point, so it might be a posibility. And the nerd got his movie released this month.
figured we might be seeing this some time when I saw that cdp does moves for poland. honestly though, not sure how I feel about it. DRM Free software yes. DRM Free movies..... I dunno. still, I would sooner buy a movie from gog then I would from another store.