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Activity Feed • Gameplay Stats • Personalization

UPDATE: We've added a new option to the Privacy settings in GOG Profiles - from now on you can turn off your profile on GOG entirely, so no one can see any kind of information that is shown on the profile page. This also means that when you turn off your profile, you won’t be visible on your friends’ friends lists, even if they decide to keep their profiles visible.
The option to enable/disable your GOG Profile can be found in your account „Privacy & Settings” options, under „Privacy” tab.

We just introduced a new feature on GOG.COM: User Profiles – a social way to share what you and your friends are up to. See what your friends on GOG are playing, achieving, and sharing across four sections – Feed, Profile, Games and Friends.

Your Feed is the centerpiece of your Profile. Here, you’ll see which games your friends have been playing, all sorts of achievements and milestones, as well as general thoughts, screenshots, and forum activity. You can dispense your approval at whim and share your own stuff as well!

Your Profile is all about you and your gaming accomplishments. It's a summary of your activity, like the time you've spent in your games , your latest achievements (and just how rare they are among other users), as well as a glimpse at what your most active friends have been up to.

If you want to know more about your Games, you need to hit the the third tab. It contains a list of all the games you own on GOG, together with stats like time spent in-game and your progress towards unlocking the achievements. Sort the list, compare stats with your friends, and get some healthy competition going.

Finally – your Friends: get a general summary of their achievements and hours played. Here you'll also see which games are the most popular among your friends right now, so you can join them in multiplayer or find something you might enjoy yourself.

Of course, your profile comes with some sweet personalization options, choose a wallpaper from your game collection and share a few words with the world.

User Profiles are available for all GOG.COM users. Your personal gameplay stats like achievements, time played and milestones depend on GOG Galaxy, but if you’re not using the optional client you can still use the feed, post in it and interact with your friends.

Launching profiles also means adding new privacy settings on our end. You'll find three new Privacy options in your account's „Privacy & settings” area. These settings allow you to set the visibility for your profile summary, your games, your friends, etc.
So what are you waiting for? There's so much room for activities!
This is the secret of propoganda:Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propoganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it. -Joseph Goebells

Like Overwatch was intended to be the watercooler topic, the intention here is to advertise what other users are playing.
What is the purpose of a business? To create a customer
OldOldGamer: There are so many broken things with GOG, why spending time and resources (and outrage the community) for a, honestly, useless feature?
...and integrate it in such a way that it draws on the data of a broken, negativity fostering forum that should have been overhauled, modernized, and mended six years ago? They should have replaced the damn thing first, instead they're putting the cart before the horse. Now that the present forum feeds the feed, it'll be much more difficult switching to a new one, i.e. for actually customer friendly change.
Post edited April 24, 2018 by Vainamoinen
Rainbird: I just want to throw in my 2 cents.

Things I like:
+ Wallpapers in my profile (and assorted customization)
+ Those that want SoMe interactions on GOG can now do so, without the rest of us having the feature shoved in our face when we use GOG

Things I dislike:
- Data sharing is on by default. (It should be off by default, possibly with a way to tell users ONCE how to activate it and why)
- Not all data sharing can be controlled. (I want full privacy)
- Not all data can be managed. (I have just disabled data collection of game time in Galaxy, and I want to delete any game time that was previously recorded)

Overall this is not a feature I care about, but the upside is that it highlights that we the users probably had too little control over our data to begin with. I hope to see GOG rectify this, so I can continue being a happy customer :)
Seems to sumerize the situation nicely.
OldOldGamer: There are so many broken things with GOG, why spending time and resources (and outrage the community) for a, honestly, useless feature?
Vainamoinen: ...and integrate it in such a way that it draws on the data of a broken, negativity fostering forum that should have been overhauled, modernized, and mended six years ago? They should have replaced the damn thing first, instead they're putting the cart before the horse. Now that the present forum feeds the feed, it'll be much more difficult switching to a new one, i.e. for actually customer friendly change.
The whole forum and review system is really, really bad.
high rated
Adding my opinion here. I know similar ones have been posted here but I do not want GOG to become the new Google. In terms of screwing with user privacy.

I dont have a strong opinion on the new feature announced here.

And it is cool that there are privacy settings to disable it.

But: It is very uncool that the default setting is not 'private' AND that there was no properly announced warning. Basically this new feature will broadcast previously private things of GOG users. I think this is unacceptable and may even be in violation of EU privacy laws.

It would have been easy to either make the default setting 'private' or to properly warn GOG users before the feature goes live.

(And yes I (now, long after the fact) know that there was a forum post which did warn users who happened to read it. This is not enough. Neither was it early enough nor did it reach all affected GOG users.)
high rated
do we really need features like these though? I don't see value in it as its just another social network type of thing.
high rated
A frikking horrible idea. GOG isn't social media, and I have no interest in participating on a platform that has my personal data for my 'friends' to see.

No offense, but people on GOG aren't my 'friends'. They're just other folks that also like games.

Now off to try to figure out how to make sure this vile new GOG idea isn't infringing on my privacy.

Oh and it's DEFINITELY in violation of new EU privacy laws. What the hell were you thinking, GOG?
Zrevnur: Adding my opinion here. I know similar ones have been posted here but I do not want GOG to become the new Google. In terms of screwing with user privacy.

I dont have a strong opinion on the new feature announced here.

And it is cool that there are privacy settings to disable it.

But: It is very uncool that the default setting is not 'private' AND that there was no properly announced warning. Basically this new feature will broadcast previously private things of GOG users. I think this is unacceptable and may even be in violation of EU privacy laws.

It would have been easy to either make the default setting 'private' or to properly warn GOG users before the feature goes live.

(And yes I (now, long after the fact) know that there was a forum post which did warn users who happened to read it. This is not enough. Neither was it early enough nor did it reach all affected GOG users.)
Exactly! Your profile is already out there because GOG, in their ultimate idiocy, decided to make it public by default.

And what gets me is, if GOG had one CLUE about the typical user on GOG, they would see this is the last thing most of us want.
Post edited April 24, 2018 by Bloodygoodgames
high rated
I'm personally not a fan of social media type freatures and the mindset of the people who use them. I think it makes sense from a marketing point of view, and generally speaking, providing choices to people is a good thing.

The way in which this has been rolled out is less than ideal. It is also completely not in line with what I thought GOG (and CDPR) are about. (At least a modicum of integrity as well as the moolah.)

Introducing the Feed and Profiles may desired by some but also could improve long term viability of a company who provides us with DRM-free games, which is very pro-consumer.

The fact new features are enabled by default, with no real kill-switch/complete disable option. is not pro-consumer.

Such choices always receive my votes out of principle.

As far as I am concerned a bad show from GOG.

In any case.. weird timing in view of upcoming legal changes around privacy.
joyvix: do we really need features like these though? I don't see value in it as its just another social network type of thing.
Need? No.
Quite a few people have wanted profiles for a while, though. It's a way to show friends which games you own, compare playtime etc. Some don't care for that, others do.

It's a nice feature to have for those who want it, and one to ignore for those who don't. Or, well, bitch about, looking at this thread.
joyvix: do we really need features like these though? I don't see value in it as its just another social network type of thing.
Crackpot.756: It's a nice feature to have for those who want it, and one to ignore for those who don't. Or, well, bitch about, looking at this thread.
True and Steam has it also so I suppose they can't stay behind either regardless of whether people like having it or not.
Bloodygoodgames: And what gets me is, if GOG had one CLUE about the typical user on GOG, they would see this is the last thing most of us want.
Of course they know about the typical user on GOG. But then they are a business, they'll have their estimates of how many people are actually going to stop buying games after all the rage in the forums, and how many people they think they'll attract with the social stuff, and they must have based their choice on that.

Either that, or they just rolled out another poorly-thought bug-ridden feature because, you know, GOG website.
high rated
joyvix: do we really need features like these though? I don't see value in it as its just another social network type of thing.
From a business perspective sales are driven by discovery and hype, both things that are increased by seeing the games your friends are playing.

From a consumer perspective, some people like to show and/or flaunt their games/achievements for various reasons. It might increase the chance of meeting people with similar tastes, or perhaps you managed to obtain a rare achievement not many other people have.

Was it necessary? Probably not, but there's no harm in having the option to show a profile, for those who want to.

Sadly mistakes were made on the implementation.

Crackpot.756: It's a nice feature to have for those who want it, and one to ignore for those who don't. Or, well, bitch about, looking at this thread.
Had it been possible to ignore 100% there wouldn't have been anywhere near as much bitching but making it default to public without informing everyone (not just the forum readers) of the upcoming related privacy changes nor giving them the option to change it before it became public was a big mistake.

Likewise another mistake was to force profiles to show total amount of games/achievements/hours played without giving the option to hide it.
Post edited April 24, 2018 by Pheace
Pheace: Sadly mistakes were made on the implementation.
It was to be expected.
*pets gog* Don't worry, some day you'll get something right on your first try.
high rated
Pheace: From a consumer perspective, some people like to show and/or flaunt their games/achievements for various reasons.
"Recommend me a game from my shelf"... That could be really useful, esp. if you know people who have a similar taste in games.

Pheace: Likewise another mistake was to force profiles to show total amount of games/achievements/hours played without giving the option to hide it.
And leaking information of friends who have set everything to private... which in turn forces me to set my profile to private too (or unfriend them - which I really don't want to do).
Post edited April 24, 2018 by toxicTom
Pheace: From a consumer perspective, some people like to show and/or flaunt their games/achievements for various reasons.
toxicTom: "Recommend me a game from my shelf"... That could be really useful, esp. if you know people who have a similar taste in games.
This seems to rely on people's ignorance of games they have already bought though, I'm not sure that's something we should be handholding xD

That said, since it's no doubt going to keep happening (heaven knows, more than once I've gone through a purchasing process only to find out I already owned the game) it does sound interesting.