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Activity Feed • Gameplay Stats • Personalization

UPDATE: We've added a new option to the Privacy settings in GOG Profiles - from now on you can turn off your profile on GOG entirely, so no one can see any kind of information that is shown on the profile page. This also means that when you turn off your profile, you won’t be visible on your friends’ friends lists, even if they decide to keep their profiles visible.
The option to enable/disable your GOG Profile can be found in your account „Privacy & Settings” options, under „Privacy” tab.

We just introduced a new feature on GOG.COM: User Profiles – a social way to share what you and your friends are up to. See what your friends on GOG are playing, achieving, and sharing across four sections – Feed, Profile, Games and Friends.

Your Feed is the centerpiece of your Profile. Here, you’ll see which games your friends have been playing, all sorts of achievements and milestones, as well as general thoughts, screenshots, and forum activity. You can dispense your approval at whim and share your own stuff as well!

Your Profile is all about you and your gaming accomplishments. It's a summary of your activity, like the time you've spent in your games , your latest achievements (and just how rare they are among other users), as well as a glimpse at what your most active friends have been up to.

If you want to know more about your Games, you need to hit the the third tab. It contains a list of all the games you own on GOG, together with stats like time spent in-game and your progress towards unlocking the achievements. Sort the list, compare stats with your friends, and get some healthy competition going.

Finally – your Friends: get a general summary of their achievements and hours played. Here you'll also see which games are the most popular among your friends right now, so you can join them in multiplayer or find something you might enjoy yourself.

Of course, your profile comes with some sweet personalization options, choose a wallpaper from your game collection and share a few words with the world.

User Profiles are available for all GOG.COM users. Your personal gameplay stats like achievements, time played and milestones depend on GOG Galaxy, but if you’re not using the optional client you can still use the feed, post in it and interact with your friends.

Launching profiles also means adding new privacy settings on our end. You'll find three new Privacy options in your account's „Privacy & settings” area. These settings allow you to set the visibility for your profile summary, your games, your friends, etc.
So what are you waiting for? There's so much room for activities!
high rated
PaterAlf: In the beginning they wanted to force people to download the Galaxy installers. The choice between Galaxy and Classic installers was only introduced after several days of a massive shitstorm.
And I'm still waiting on the promised option to choose which type is the default – if there is any competent person at GOG that should be a matter of less than half an hour.
RoseLegion: Do you have the subject line for that e-mail perchance?
xyem: I'm.. actually super flattered that you thought that was a real email from GOG and also really bad for (unintentionally!) deceiving you..

I'll add a warning above it! Really sorry you wasted your time looking for it.
Well, this is why I check lol

Thanks for the clearification (it does seem like the kind of thing I've grown used to seeing from GOG and I get way too much e-mail so I figured I'd just missed it in the shuffle somehow).

Too bad it isn't a real e-mail from them because even with the unforunate state of the profile roll out if the intent had been to do it as outlined in your post it would do a lot for my faith and good will. Mistakes aren't great but they happen and I don't tend to hold grudges, oversights without any followup communication are less paletable for me.

Having already - years ago - left ZuckFace, steamy, twit, etc etc due to data and customer service pratices I simply will not participate in I would feel well and truely sad if I end up being forced to do the same with GOG for the same reasons. It's super ironic because throughout so much of my life I've been known for being highly social and extroverted but I respect peoples agency and right to personal space and require the same in return which has resulted in my becoming more and more socially withdrawn since apprently in the modern era of FaceZucking it's too big a strain on many people to write an e-mail, send a text, a letter, or make a direct call.
I used to have 100s of contacts in my phone (actual numbers, it was around 320 something) but once I walked away from ZuckBook the number who stayed in touch via any other means (and these are people who in most cases I'd known for years and spent time with face to face) dwindled to around 20 or so within roughly a year.
It was more than a bit of a shock and not something I ever plan to repeat. I love being social, but if that requires one specific pice of software, or the surrender of all my personal information without any direct person to person conversation on the subject, then I'll just stay home, fix a meal and read a book (or play a single player game, or watch something or... you get the idea lol). It is very strange to live in an age that has such a low regard for privacy, agency, or direct personal connection that someone as extroverted as I am (was?) has been contextually made into a psudo hermit :P
Maybe all the hoopla over GOG's member profile feature and the privacy issues surrounding it will subside if GOG surprises us with a No One Lives Forever 1 & 2 launch.
xyem: I'm.. actually super flattered that you thought that was a real email from GOG and also really bad for (unintentionally!) deceiving you..
RoseLegion: Thanks for the clearification (it does seem like the kind of thing I've grown used to seeing from GOG and I get way too much e-mail so I figured I'd just missed it in the shuffle somehow).
Oddly, I hate flowery, over-friendly, over-excited language like that and never use it when sending out notifications and such to people who use my services, so it's interesting to me that I can emulate it so convincingly...
Robette: ...
Hey, bro! You may have noticed before, but in case you missed it: You're internet famous now!
RoseLegion: Do you have the subject line for that e-mail perchance?
xyem: I'm.. actually super flattered that you thought that was a real email from GOG and also really bad for (unintentionally!) deceiving you..

I'll add a warning above it! Really sorry you wasted your time looking for it.

EDIT: Sorry, what I meant to say was "We have nothing to communicate at this time."
I went as far back as February 2018 in search of that fake e-mail. You pulled a good hoax!
Do you know ”Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully”? In one episode of the first season the alien invader mentions that he is amazed that the villagers look at and caress their mobile phones all the time although all outside connections have been cut by a force field.
Dalthnock: Finally! Communication!

Although this was sent to me in private, I'm sure they won't mind me sharing with everyone.

Despite being a complete and utter bastard, however, I'm better than GOG, so I blurred out the individual's avatar & username.
Wow. That response from them might as well be a middle finger.
Post edited April 25, 2018 by Firefox31780
high rated
Irenicus73: <much goodness snipped>
GOG, you are a storefront, first and foremost. Please focus your efforts primarily on being a storefront, and don't do things that a storefront wouldn't do with customer privacy. That's all we ask of you. Thank you.
Fantastic post. The hilarious irony of "Softporn Adventure" (which, IFRC, was a mandatory sidecar to the Larry bundle) is that Gog already lets you hide it from your own view, but not (apparently) your public profile! This would be the perfect place for a Picard facepalm.

SpiderFighter: It's the "at this moment" that gives me pause. Clearly, there is an official statement now, and we're all receiving the same thing.
Dalthnock: By "now", you mean "not yet".

Well, at least this finally pushed me to purchase an external hard drive. 6TB Seagate 80£ from Amazon UK. Around 125€, with postage.

Time to backup my GOG installers. Hopefully, it will arrive before GOG does something worse. Speaking from lived wisdom, screw-ups do tend to accelerate. Just a heads-up, friend.
No, I mean "now"...because the statement is literally "we have nothing to say right now." :D I hope they mean "not yet" though.

And my 2T Seagate just failed a couple of weeks ago, or I'd start downloading as well. Got a nice tax return coming soon though, and I'm going to put it to good use, just in case.

EDIT: Just realized what you meant. Apparently, this latest update also broke my "detect sarcasm " button. :P
Post edited April 25, 2018 by SpiderFighter
Banjo_oz: Set everything I could to "me only" but I can't see a way to turn off showing if I am "online" or not! This is a massive annoyance of mine for even lots of web forums, etc. already. Is there seriously no way yet to hide when we are online or visiting GOG from being totally public?!?!
Gersen: That part is not new and is not related to profiles, the information of whenever you are online or not has been there since years.
while true, profiles make this worse, not better.
RoseLegion: Thanks for the clearification (it does seem like the kind of thing I've grown used to seeing from GOG and I get way too much e-mail so I figured I'd just missed it in the shuffle somehow).
xyem: Oddly, I hate flowery, over-friendly, over-excited language like that and never use it when sending out notifications and such to people who use my services, so it's interesting to me that I can emulate it so convincingly...
Well when something rubs you (or at least me) the wrong way it does have a greater chance to become memorable, perhaps that's in play here?
mk47at: Do you know ”Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully”? In one episode of the first season the alien invader mentions that he is amazed that the villagers look at and caress their mobile phones all the time although all outside connections have been cut by a force field.
I hadn't heard of that one, but I think I'll check it out now :)
Sounds amusing.
Post edited April 25, 2018 by RoseLegion
Irenicus73: I think I may have found a better example to use, courtesy of your currently-open-to-the-public games list. :P Screenshot attached.
Well, it's perfectly valid to play Softporn Adventure for historical reasons... I actually find LSL:MCM the most embarrassing, since it's not even a good game (which HuniePop IMO is, the horrors of sex aside).

But next time I could also use Lula - The Sexy Empire ;-)
SpiderFighter: Fantastic post. The hilarious irony of "Softporn Adventure" (which, IFRC, was a mandatory sidecar to the Larry bundle) is that Gog already lets you hide it from your own view, but not (apparently) your public profile! This would be the perfect place for a Picard facepalm.
Yeah, that's really hilarious... another thing that is simply broken.
Post edited April 25, 2018 by toxicTom
toxicTom: Well, it's perfectly valid to play Softporn Adventure for historical reasons... I actually find LSL:MCM the most embarrassing, since it's not even a good game (which HuniePop IMO is, the horrors of sex aside).

But next time I could also use Lula - The Sexy Empire ;-)
No HuniePop ? i'm shocked ;D
SpiderFighter: It's the "at this moment" that gives me pause. Clearly, there is an official statement now, and we're all receiving the same thing.
Dalthnock: By "now", you mean "not yet".

Well, at least this finally pushed me to purchase an external hard drive. 6TB Seagate 80£ from Amazon UK. Around 125€, with postage.

Time to backup my GOG installers. Hopefully, it will arrive before GOG does something worse. Speaking from lived wisdom, screw-ups do tend to accelerate. Just a heads-up, friend.
Better investigate before purchasing, my 8TB external archive drive from Seagate is essentially unusable at the moment because it lacks a proper ventilation system, heats up and thereby disconnects your drive in the middle of copying data.
The type of the drive is shingled and the write speeds are laughable.
I have disassembled the housing (use a proper spudger and proceed carefully, the halves are clipped together) and I'm planning to install a massive heatsink on top of it, with spacers supporting it to avoid any direct pressure on the drive itself. Obviously, I will also use heat-conductive paste between the drive and the sink.
Post edited April 25, 2018 by jorlin
tremere110: I'm pretty sure GoG is in radio silence while legal figures this out.
After the first speechlessness this occurred to me too. The probably have a legal gag and aren't allowed to say anything. The wording sounds rather - impersonal.