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Activity Feed • Gameplay Stats • Personalization

UPDATE: We've added a new option to the Privacy settings in GOG Profiles - from now on you can turn off your profile on GOG entirely, so no one can see any kind of information that is shown on the profile page. This also means that when you turn off your profile, you won’t be visible on your friends’ friends lists, even if they decide to keep their profiles visible.
The option to enable/disable your GOG Profile can be found in your account „Privacy & Settings” options, under „Privacy” tab.

We just introduced a new feature on GOG.COM: User Profiles – a social way to share what you and your friends are up to. See what your friends on GOG are playing, achieving, and sharing across four sections – Feed, Profile, Games and Friends.

Your Feed is the centerpiece of your Profile. Here, you’ll see which games your friends have been playing, all sorts of achievements and milestones, as well as general thoughts, screenshots, and forum activity. You can dispense your approval at whim and share your own stuff as well!

Your Profile is all about you and your gaming accomplishments. It's a summary of your activity, like the time you've spent in your games , your latest achievements (and just how rare they are among other users), as well as a glimpse at what your most active friends have been up to.

If you want to know more about your Games, you need to hit the the third tab. It contains a list of all the games you own on GOG, together with stats like time spent in-game and your progress towards unlocking the achievements. Sort the list, compare stats with your friends, and get some healthy competition going.

Finally – your Friends: get a general summary of their achievements and hours played. Here you'll also see which games are the most popular among your friends right now, so you can join them in multiplayer or find something you might enjoy yourself.

Of course, your profile comes with some sweet personalization options, choose a wallpaper from your game collection and share a few words with the world.

User Profiles are available for all GOG.COM users. Your personal gameplay stats like achievements, time played and milestones depend on GOG Galaxy, but if you’re not using the optional client you can still use the feed, post in it and interact with your friends.

Launching profiles also means adding new privacy settings on our end. You'll find three new Privacy options in your account's „Privacy & settings” area. These settings allow you to set the visibility for your profile summary, your games, your friends, etc.
So what are you waiting for? There's so much room for activities!
high rated
Gog, can you spot the difference?

(Also, friends who have set their profiles to "private" should not be visible on someone else's profile.)
jorlin: Better investigate before purchasing, my 8TB external archive drive from Seagate is essentially unusable at the moment because it lacks a proper ventilation system, heats up and thereby disconnects your drive in the middle of copying data.
The type of the drive is shingled and the write speeds are laughable.
I have disassembled the housing and I'm planning to install a massive heatsink on top of it, with spacers supporting it to avoid any direct pressure on the drive itself. Obviously, I will also use heat-conductive paste between the drive and the sink.
Thank you for the warning, I am aware that external hard drives have this problem.

I bought it only for storage purposes of my GOG installers. I'm mulling over how I should do it, download them first to another drive and then move them to the external, or download them directly with limited speed.

Any advice?
jorlin: Better investigate before purchasing, my 8TB external archive drive from Seagate is essentially unusable at the moment because it lacks a proper ventilation system, heats up and thereby disconnects your drive in the middle of copying data.
The type of the drive is shingled and the write speeds are laughable.
I have disassembled the housing and I'm planning to install a massive heatsink on top of it, with spacers supporting it to avoid any direct pressure on the drive itself. Obviously, I will also use heat-conductive paste between the drive and the sink.
Dalthnock: Thank you for the warning, I am aware that external hard drives have this problem.

I bought it only for storage purposes of my GOG installers. I'm mulling over how I should do it, download them first to another drive and then move them to the external, or download them directly with limited speed.

Any advice?
First of all: not every external drive has this issue. Many external drives are doing just fine. That's why research prior to purchase is critical for success. I have had zero issues with Medion/ CnMemory drives so far. One WD MyBook drive failed after just a few months because of improper construction of the interface module between the disk and the USB/ eSATA sockets. Also, try to avoid drives that have propietary connectors at the drive end, because you won't be able to access your data after the interface module shits itself. And this *will* happen, it's just a matter of time.

Secondly: If you have a regular built-in drive with enough capacity, download in batches to that drive and transfer the data from that regular drive to your backup drive. That's also how most professional backup systems work. I work with a system like that on a daily basis at the institute I work for.
Remember: backup in small batches, especially when your backup drive might be unreliable, so you can keep track of what batches made it to the drive before the transfer cuts out.

I hope this advice will help you.
I don't want to derail the main topic though.
Let's wait and see what the legal team will come up with, but keep the discussion going.
We should not allow GOG to be complacent and just wait it out until the link to the post will get scrolled down because of new updates on the main page.
It's their store, but it's my wallet and I will keep it closed to them until this has been dealt with in a satisfactory manner.
Satisfactory to us as customers and humans demanding privacy that is.
On top of that: No matter what customer agreement they set up, they are still bound to European Law, which invalidates any statement in the customer agreement not in accordance to that Law for inhabitants of the EU.
Post edited April 25, 2018 by jorlin
Dalthnock: I bought it only for storage purposes of my GOG installers. I'm mulling over how I should do it, download them first to another drive and then move them to the external, or download them directly with limited speed.

Any advice?
I'm currently downloading directly to my external drive. Been going for over 48 hours, had one minor hiccup so far that was resolved by hitting "resume download".

I would say unless you live in an exceptionally hot area, downloading directly to external should be fine. My advice first and foremost would be to not forget to switch to manual installers for every single game, and for every single time you make the installer dialogue field pop up. Because that caused me to accidentally download a Galaxy Installer version, and I had to redownload a whopping 20GByte already. Gotta be more careful.
I'm sorry if it was mentioned here (50+ pages of posts is a bit too much to deal with), but does anyone asked what is the sense of making "social features" if you don't allow users to make any comments? It makes no sense.

As I see there is "like" button, but no option to comment - ??
tremere110: I'm pretty sure GoG is in radio silence while legal figures this out.
toxicTom: After the first speechlessness this occurred to me too. The probably have a legal gag and aren't allowed to say anything. The wording sounds rather - impersonal.
Yeah that's my impression as well.
high rated
avatar Activity Feed • Gameplay Stats • Personalization
Now, this the kind of thing I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT
Please create an option for each user to disable this, and not have a mandatory profile; I suspect that as it stands, this violates privacy laws in my country. does NOT offer an option to disable it, only to select who can see it, which is not good enough.
Post edited April 25, 2018 by Fafhred
avatar Activity Feed • Gameplay Stats • Personalization
Fafhred: Now, this the kind of thing I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT
Please create an option for each user to disable this, and not have a mandatory profile; I suspect that as it stands, this violates privacy laws in my country.
Well said, this time they went and broke European Law. Something they are bound to as a European company.
mike_cesara: Summary
Eh...not so much, but MAN do I miss IT Crowd! Great to see it unexpectedly again. :)
high rated
This whole dumpster fire* could have been avoided so easily. GOG had our feedback about this (then upcoming) update days before it went live, but actively chose to completely ignore it. Changing 3 byte-values per user to the private setting and adding a flag to enable profiles in the first place would have been all it would have taken to turn this from a massive flood of complaints and arguments into just a nice addition to the page.

What's more: Seeing other users' profiles reminded me of how much of a failure GOG Galaxy is in terms of getting users to actually use it** as well as that there is such a thing as too much backlog. I should have stopped buying games on sales just because they're cheap if they're just going to collect dust in my library anyway.

* "an utterly calamitous or mismanaged situation or occurrence"
- [url= fire]Merriam-Webster[/url]

** Probably the only part of our community who really, really wants GOG Galaxy is the part that can't actually get it...
Post edited April 25, 2018 by HeartsAndRainbows
high rated
I only just saw there were two threads about this.

At the risk of repeating myself, I'm copying in my post from the other thread with minor edits.
Sorry if you're following both, but if so, please ignore one or both, as Gog surely will.


I am so the hell in with Gog over this invasion of my privacy, without even an email warning.

I want the option to Hide my profile.


All. Information. About. Me.

Is privacy a concept that you pretend you don't understand, Gog? Even if I tell you that I want my profile to be private, a lot of my private information is still visible.

Did I mention that I don't use Galaxy? I don't, for privacy reasons.

I don't use Facebook or Twitter for privacy reasons.

My profile on Steam is hidden, which seems to mean what it says, unlike Gog.

I've had enough of this lying to your users, Gog, pretending you are giving us a lovely new feature while you are leaking our information all over the internet. It's bad enough that your forum threads are not hidden: they should only be visible to logged-in users.
Now the whole site is invading my privacy, enough already.

I am rapidly being pushed towards the exit, it's just not worth staying here any more, when the company makes it clear it thinks we are a bunch of idiots.

My games are backed up, I don't need this hassle.
mike_cesara: Summary
SpiderFighter: Eh...not so much, but MAN do I miss IT Crowd! Great to see it unexpectedly again. :)
I don't think you're the only one missing Roy, Moss and Jen.. Brilliant British humou. As for me, one of the best I've ever seen.
high rated
antrad88: I must admit, I was not expecting this type of negative reaction. No wonder GOG hasn't made any major changes in years and looks outdated compared to other stores, people freak out over everything. I welcome this change.
triplett: You probably don't remember this:

I love GOG, to be honest, but there is a history of questionable decisions motivated by genuine enthusiasm that have to walked back a bit when the people in the GOG bubble realize they didn't quite interpret the world correctly.

Right now, GOG is your best friend that does dumb things that make you do a double facepalm, but he/she still comes through in the end, because they are inept but good. That's what is keeping GOG alive. Bumbling but sincere. If GOG ever crosses the line of "bumbling but malicious" it's game over.
This is so how I feel about GOG. To be honest, I've never said it but I will now: sometimes I wondered if it was a language barrier or a cultural thing (goodness knows, as an Aussie I have those even with other english-speaking country friends!).

They've never once seemed malicious to me in the most baffling decisions (e.g standard installers: they don't say "no, deal with it"... they seem puzzled why nobody would want this even!), and have been truly wonderful whenever I needed help with a purchase or game issue... but so many times the things they do and - more - so how they communicate it leaves me wondering "WTF are you thinking?!"

The analogy of a friend who doesn't understand why you don't laugh because he painted your car bright pink or why you got mad because he had a huge party in your living room while you were away (he'd be totally cool if you did that to him, after all) is very apt, IMO. It's when they accidentally run over the cat that you decide, no this isn't acceptable behavior anymore.
RainbowDragon: [...] Reading further above about the legal e-mail address I checked their privacy settings at
and found something interesting: they have published a new privacy police that will be valid on 25.5.2018. Please read again: MAY 25th, 2018... here

There's also a draft of a new User Agreement, going into effect on the same date.

Odd, has anyone gotten an email about these? According to the User Agreement [emphasis added]:
22.1 We may change this Agreement if it's necessary e.g. for legal reasons or to reflect changes in GOG services or GOG content. If so, we will make the changed Agreement available online at here and (if you have a GOG account) email you to let you know about the changes