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Connect your Steam account and grow or jumpstart your library.

UPDATE: Last chance to grab your games from the original list! Make sure to get them until June 8, 12:59 PM UTC.

Want more games? We've got more games! Three new titles are now available through GOG Connect:

- Kona
- Defender's Quest
- Door Kickers

You can get them until June 13, 1:59 PM UTC.

Today, we're launching a new program called <span class="bold">GOG Connect</span>. The premise is simple: connect your Steam account and add your eligible games to your library.

Whether you're checking us out for the first time or have been with us for a while, <span class="bold">GOG Connect</span> gets you DRM-free versions of your games, digital extras, and a whole lot of freedom of choice (like whether you go with the GOG Galaxy client or not). It gets you our take on game ownership, and we say: why buy the games more than once?

Thanks to our awesome partners including Deep Silver, Harebrained Schemes, Jonathan Blow's Number None, TaleWorlds and more, you can now add more than 20 games to your library if you previously purchased them on Steam.

The full list of games will always be available on, starting with these and more:

- The Witness
- FTL: Faster Than Light
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
- Galactic Civilizations 3
- Trine Enchanted Edition
- Saints Row 2
- Shadowrun Returns
- The Witcher: Enhanced Edition

While <span class="bold">GOG Connect</span> will stick around, the available games will come and go. These are limited-time offers made possible by participating developers and publishers, so stay tuned as we bring new titles onboard in the future (and grab your copies before they go away)!

For a bit more library-building, a bunch of our favorite titles will also be discounted up to -85% all week long, including The Witness, Saints Row: The Third, System Shock 2 and more. You can check out all the deals here. The sale will last until June 6, 12:59 PM UTC.
Have The Witcher games ever been on Connect? I have Witcher 3 on Steam and would love to have it on GOG instead. Seems odd that series isn't just a permanent fixture of GOGConnect.
starkent: Have The Witcher games ever been on Connect? I have Witcher 3 on Steam and would love to have it on GOG instead. Seems odd that series isn't just a permanent fixture of GOGConnect.
No. You can redeem your WItcher 1 and Witcher 2 Steam keys here for a GOG copy, but there's no mechanism for Witcher 3 as of yet, and none have ever been on Connect.
My GOG Connect has been in queue for 10 days now. I've had a support ticket open for 2½ days without a response. I've been using GOG Connect since they released the feature and I've never had any problems like this. I'm really at a loss as to what to do.
My connect page has been dead for almost a year. I'm not sure anymore but as I remember it I'm supposed to at least see the games available, even if I can't connect them. Can anyone confirm this?

If that's the case; what steps can I take to remedy this situation? The refresh link seems to do nothing and I checked that all my privacy settings on steam are set to public. Is there anything else I can do?

EDIT: rechecked everything and eventually sent a support ticket to GOG. Less than two hours later the problem was solved. And on a saturday, I might add. Kudos to GOG, but it makes me wonder how many games I've missed by not bothering to do something about this earlier... :p

Anyway, happy to finally have both Grimrock games on GOG. :)
Post edited June 16, 2018 by Retroguiden
ArtistWolf: My GOG Connect has been in queue for 10 days now. I've had a support ticket open for 2½ days without a response. I've been using GOG Connect since they released the feature and I've never had any problems like this. I'm really at a loss as to what to do.
Something I noticed this time around with GOG Connect is that Steam changed up the visibility of some information on the profile page - previously, it was enough just to make "My profile" public, but now it's also necessary to make the "Game details" public (without checking off the total playtime checkbox) in order for games to be detected.

Some of this is detailed in GOG's instructions on how to make your profile public, but it could be something you missed if GOG Connect was working fine for you before this update.
I remember that I still got a Steam key for Prison Architect.
On June 7th, I try to activate it on GOG Connect but to no avail.
Before that day, just as there's an announcement that GOG Connect is available I have other games activated without any problem at all.
Trying to set privacy settings on Profile page to public doesn't help.

But then I stumble upon this simple solution below and today it works like charm!
I just logged out and logged back in. Go to the GOG Connect page and press that Refresh button.
That's it.

philipp_chris: Hey people, I found a solution having also the same problem with Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs.
You have to sign out of GOG and then to re-login. After that the game became available
It worked for me anyway, best of luck.
low rated
Post edited August 17, 2018 by Fairfox
ericpwn: this garbage doesnt work, over 900 games none are eligable, stuck with steam trash forever
Just read what you've quoted.
avatar While <span class="bold">GOG Connect</span> will stick around, the available games will come and go. These are limited-time offers made possible by participating developers and publishers, so stay tuned as we bring new titles onboard in the future (and grab your copies before they go away)!
ericpwn: this garbage doesnt work, over 900 games none are eligable, stuck with steam trash forever
Why don't you read what you're quoting before you fly off the handle and make a total ass out of yourself?
Randalator: Why don't you read what you're quoting before you fly off the handle and make a total ass out of yourself?
ericpwn: trollololol
shut up meg
You misspelled "I'm sorry, my mistake."...
low rated
ericpwn: trollololol
shut up meg
Randalator: You misspelled "I'm sorry, my mistake."...
oh sorry, let me try it in English,
shut up meg
low rated
what is a "meg"?

I mean, other than a prehistoric shark.
tinyE: what is a "meg"?

I mean, other than a prehistoric shark.
I don't know who "Ed 101" is, but this thread could use some "Ed 209".
Randalator: You misspelled "I'm sorry, my mistake."...
ericpwn: oh sorry, let me try it in English,
shut up meg
Again with the misspelling...
tinyE: what is a "meg"?

I mean, other than a prehistoric shark.
A massively erotic guy. Dude is crushing hard on me, the poor thing...
Post edited August 16, 2018 by Randalator
tinyE: what is a "meg"?

I mean, other than a prehistoric shark.
yogsloth: I don't know who "Ed 101" is, but this thread could use some "Ed 209".
Ed 101 is a driver in Carmageddon.

Now again, what is a meg? :P