far2real: so i get this error, games start downloading but then during download at random point i get :"Installation failed: disk access problem" i have search internet for a fix but nothing has worked.
Does anyone have any info about this error ? or any knowledge how to fix it ?
Thiev: Which game gives you that problem?
with all games i have tried installing Witcher 3, Long Live The Queen, S.T.A.LK.E.R games but all give same error
far2real: With all games and i dont know if this is related but Galaxy takes long time to launch (using SSD or HDD) i have tried adding download folder and Galaxy installation folder to exception but it had no effect.
I am using Windows 10, that might be causing the issue ?
omega64: I shouldn't.
I would advise responding to Thiev as he is a GOG employee.
An alternative would be contacting support.
Sorry I couldn't help. :(
Yeah no problem, asking forums was kind of long shot for me because i did find that few people had have this same issue but nobody was able to give fix. But thanks for responding :)