Desmight: OT: does anyone know of a way to better manage GOGmixes? It's a pain to try to order the games alphabetically
Someone with javascript knowledge could surely come up with a userscript to make GOGmixes manageable, but lacking that I've found a sort of "hack" for quickly sorting elements up the list. All you need is an Android device. The trick lies in getting the game you want to "boost upwards" nearly at the top of the screen, but not quite: you still need to see the bottom-half part of the previous game thumbnail. Then, if you tap the "Up" button, the two games will switch places as expected, but the game you want to move upwards will remain in the same place relative to the window. So you can keep on tapping the "Up" button in rapid succession until you get that game to the desired position.
In case my explanation was too confusing, please check the attached screenshot. In that case, imagine you want to move
The Swindle upwards. If you tap its "Up" button,
The Swindle will not move, but now the previous game (
Subject 13) will appear right below
The Swindle, right at the spot previously occupied by
The Witcher Adventure Game. Rinse and repeat. :)