Posted October 24, 2017

I have to admit it does bring satisfaction watching all the little pieces falling together in place to make that huge target, but overall I didn't find the last level good. Its "difficulty" was in putting the inputs in jumbled-up places so it was basically all about having them move forwards, backwards, up and down avoiding the other ones, just so the right ones are next to each other and then combining them. Nothing clever.
Finished worse than average on all three histograms. No work of art there. I could probably optimise in many places, but it's just tiring.
Overall excellent game though. Some extremely clever levels. And some of my solutions were works of art, ending up nicely on the extreme left of the histogram.
And some extremely ingenious solutions there on youtube. Did you see this one?
(The Fire Control System (the defense one) done without any switches. Fully automated.)
So yeah, highly recommend this game. Did you manage to get it working?
Post edited December 17, 2017 by ZFR